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  • in reply to: Air Ki-Rin #529759

    That’s gorgeous. What a nice use for a blue-eyed ki-rin. Very soft-looking too…

    in reply to: Grand Unicorn #529266

    Yeah, I need a ‘grand’ too ($$$)

    Oh wait, you meant the unicorn! Yeah I need one of those also. 😉

    in reply to: Updated art portfolio… (insert shameless plug here) #529830

    For GB (and anyone else who may have been curious): I have finally made a major update to my website.

    The portfolio is much easier to use now, AND there are a few new digital art samples that weren’t present earlier. Just want to say, Lightbox kicks some serious arse if you’re into using Javascript. I highly recommend it to anyone who needs to display their art samples on the web.

    Hmm. Upon review, I think I might have a few too many dragons in my portfolio…….. nahhh. 😉 Can never have too many.

    Maybe soon I’ll have some PYOs to share in a gallery here, as well. I want to set up a good ‘studio’ space for painting in first, though. I have ideas in mind already for my naked gryphon and ki-rin, and am eager to do something other than web coding now. My brain feels scrambled after all that CSS/HTML/JSS… @_@

    in reply to: Pan's Labyrinth–POSSIBLE SPOILERS #529013

    Well, I don’t think it would scar many adults (except maybe those who’ve lived a completely sheltered life) but you sure won’t forget some scenes for awhile.

    As of today though, the memory and unease has faded considerably for me. So plan on a day or two of squirming and disgust whenever you recall a scene, especially as you sound to have a high tolerance as well. 😉

    in reply to: Leopard Frog Dragon #529519

    You definitely have a way with loud colours, making them work together so well. I don’t think I’d be that brave.

    in reply to: PYO families… #529400

    I couldn’t say anything… I was lost in its eyes! 0_o

    That is very disturbing… and I watch a lot of anime. *LOL*

    in reply to: Pan's Labyrinth–POSSIBLE SPOILERS #529010

    There’s an official site if you’d like to know more:

    in reply to: PYO families… #529394

    Dragon Master wrote:

    DigitalDragon wrote:

    I for one would be willing to lay an egg for a PYO gryphon chick…

    … I’ll get right on that…
    How are you going to lay an egg?? Just wondering??
    I also just wanted to make sure I read taht correctly

    You heard me right… *grin* And, I have NO idea… but I’m gonna find out! ^_^

    in reply to: PYO families… #529391

    I for one would be willing to lay an egg for a PYO gryphon chick…

    … I’ll get right on that…

    in reply to: Pan's Labyrinth–POSSIBLE SPOILERS #529008

    Hmm, can’t say as I watch many of the ‘classic’ horror films. The degree of violence and gore is similar though to some of the more modern films like Saw perhaps (I don’t watch those either, but I’ve seen enough from trailers).

    I found it wasn’t so much the blood itself that got me, but the sensitivity to another’s pain as well. The violence and damage is extremely realistic, and you know you’re watching a drama, not a cheesy and clichéd gross-out terror flick. You feel more able to relate to these people because they’re more real, rather than mere stock (disposable) characters. It’s the thought of doing these things to other human beings that assaults your psyche more than anything.

    I’m trying to think of a better comparison to another movie. Like I said, it’s not quite the worst I’ve ever seen (I tell myself), but the way it usually comes out of nowhere comes as a shock. Perhaps knowing about it beforehand would give you some immunity however…

    in reply to: Muhahaha!! My VERY FIRST PYO- Wolf #529141

    She does look very gentle and pleasant. DisGUSTingly cute even, and ever so girly pink! Definitely appeals to the little-girl mindset still inside after all these years. 😉

    in reply to: Crochet? #528593

    I like the air dragon with all the different imagery in the quilting.

    Quilting is something I don’t think I have the patience for. I’m too picky; having to trim and fold and stitch to fit EXACTLY would drive me nuts…

    in reply to: Brown and Bronze PYO wolf… finished! ^.^ #529166

    I also like the natural colour scheme in this wolf. Very nice.

    in reply to: Happy Birthday List. #527211

    Heh, welcome to the Quarter Century Club. 😉 Been there, done that. *G*

    in reply to: Okami Okami Okami #523592


    God I love that game! Must buy myself a copy. I love the immersiveness and artistry. It’s a simple game (which is a nice change I suppose), but so much fun and so many things to discover. I’ve only gotten just past the battle with Orochi, before the story apparently really begins and you travel further abroad. Can’t wait to play more of it… rented it twice, but want to save money by buying a copy. 😉

    Ohhh, Shadow of the Colossus too! Played and finished that one, loved the story and again, the immersive feel.

    Nice when really innovative, artistic games come out. I love pretty graphics and all, but gameplay and fun factor are more important to me (and story, if it’s an RPG or such). I will definitely be trying to get my hands on the Okami artbook and soundtrack. *drool*

    By the way, beautiful Amaterasu artwork Vantid. I love your work. 🙂

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