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  • in reply to: Windstone Visit #513181

    You’re so lucky to be living so close… us poor east coasters.. You definitely sound like you had a blast.

    If I ever make it over that way, I’ll definitely HAVE to show up at the Windstone cavern to visit! XD

    in reply to: Web hosting #511645

    I have Yahoo! ( and they’ve been great. Never had any problems and their templates/file managers are easy to navigate. πŸ™‚

    in reply to: Re: Stolen Windstone Annoucement by Chessie #510315

    SPark wrote:

    ruffian wrote:

    I would imagine that the master was melody’s original, that the mold would have been made from, where as the lion kirin was a cast one from the looks of the pic.

    Well, yes, that’s what “master” means in the world of sculpture. I guess I wasn’t too clear with my question.

    What I was asking was if it’s possible to recreate the master by casting another one from the molds they have, going backwards, so to speak. Since from all I’ve read about the process that Melody uses, the master IS actually cast. (Melody works on several versions of the sculpture, which are re-cast after each set of refinements to them, until one final master is made from her last version of the sculpture.)

    Because if recreating the master possible then the loss is a setback, but not a disaster. But if it’s NOT possible, then the wolves we all just ordered are the only copies of that sculpt that there will ever be. (Admittedly that would do marvelous things to their value for us, but it would truly suck for Windstone and Melody, so I’m hoping not!)

    Reading back a page, Melody mentioned it was the “large winged wolf” that was taken. I’m guessing that’s the one which had it’s nose eaten off in sculpey form.
    So it’s not the little PYO wolves everyone just purchased. πŸ™‚

    But it’s still a big loss..

    in reply to: Copper PYO Dragon #510725

    Quill wrote:

    Thank you so much!! My airbrush was actually a high school graduation gift- it’s an Iwata Eclipse BCS.

    I’ve never airbrushed a sculpture before, but I’ve done airbrush tattoos for several years, so I have some experience with them.[/url]

    Lucky! I have the Aztek starter, and I plan to get an Complete kit Iwata system from DickBlick. $400 isn’t bad for everything you need.

    Keep up the beautiful work, I want to see more!

    in reply to: Copper PYO Dragon #510717

    Beautiful! I would love to have him! πŸ˜₯ But I haven’t been paid yet..

    Awesome job with the airbrush too! I’m currently airbrushing my gryphons. πŸ˜€

    in reply to: Wow..the warrior! #510102

    whippetluv wrote:


    Which store???? Please??
    I MUST add it to a list I have that sells windstones so I can call and find out if they have more when I have some spending money!
    Williamsburg isn’t too far from VA Beach. πŸ˜€

    Um it was at the Pottery Factory. I can’t recall the name of it really..but it was in one of the first buildings there.
    They had all the current releases. Mermaids, rubies, rainbow mother and emp, grand unicorn, rabbies, bookends, gargoiles and more.
    I may end up going to get the old warrior though…so don’t buy it! ha!

    The Pottery Factory? Ohh, Neptune Treasures. Good gah, I haven’t been there in years. I’d have to get the grand unicorn! If he’s still there, I won’t touch the OW. πŸ™‚

    Maybe I’ll find the dish set my mum is looking for too.

    Tyrrlin wrote:

    Algy wrote:

    Which store???? Please??
    I MUST add it to a list I have that sells windstones so I can call and find out if they have more when I have some spending money!

    Williamsburg isn’t too far from VA Beach. πŸ˜€

    Or Hampton! Please let me know!

    I was in Hampton 2 weeks ago at Nekocon! If Neptune Treasures has a lot of windstones, I’m definitely hopping in my car to travel that far for them. Poor ol’ Bit of England doesn’t have all that many to choose from and I haven’t checked Ocean Mystique here in the Beach on the boardwalk.

    whippetluv wrote:

    Wow…there are so many of us Windstone collectors in Virginia! We should sooo get togeather!

    Um it was the store at the Williamsburg Pottery Factory. Neptunes Treasures is the name of the place. I am getting that old warrior tomarrow…I can try to write down all the other stuff they have for yall.

    That sounds like an idea! And how many of us do you think would be so shy and barely talk? XD

    in reply to: Re: Stolen Windstone Annoucement by Chessie #510285

    That’s so sad people can be so incredibley cruel all for money or items they just can’t afford with money…so they steal..

    One day, karma will hit them over the head and they won’t recover~

    in reply to: Wow..the warrior! #510092

    Which store???? Please??
    I MUST add it to a list I have that sells windstones so I can call and find out if they have more when I have some spending money!

    Williamsburg isn’t too far from VA Beach. πŸ˜€

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