Windstone Identification Thread

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  • #1680220

      Welcome Vexxa! You’re in the right place. 🙂

      Your dragon looks real to me and I agree the pad seems to have been removed. I don’t know anything about the V but maybe somebody else does.


        Splendid! I figured he was real, but I’m not in the know and had no idea if fakes have gotten sophisticated. Yeah, the pad’s removal was really weird to me? It’s stained where the adhesive was, but there’s no stickiness left at all, which makes me think it was a long time ago rather than through the shop’s donation/sales process.


          No need to respond (maybe TMI) but the time matches up… wasn’t the Flea World flea market in Sanford FL was it? Just because way back when one of the vendors there was a dealer in authentic Windstones. You may have been seeing the real deal if so. But I also have a resin/acrylic knockoff from a different vendor there.


            Oh, nah. I’m in the midwest! I asked my mom about it and she confirmed that they were some kind of acrylic/resin/plastic because she was going to buy one for my birthday. She wasn’t aware of Windstones at the time, but they wanted $65 for their knock-off hatchings and that was way too much to her for plastic dragons. Something seemed off to her, and I guess that was it? They had heaps of them, though. Multiple glass cases full! A shame they slipped off at some point. Would you mind sending me pictures of your resin guy? I’d love to keep the pics on hand for comparisons out in the wild.

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