
Windstone Christmas card

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      Thank you!


      I just got home today and THANK YOU MELODY for the wonderful card! I love it and that bird is so cute!!! I love the chattering on the inside! πŸ˜†


        So CUTE! Thank you, Melody!


          This is the second year I’ve not received a card… Can I get on the list for next year? 😳


            Christmas card? πŸ™ I didn’t get one…congrats to those who did. πŸ™‚
            Hope you didn’t send one to my old addy… :scratch: no wait you couldn’t have since it would have been forwarded to the new one.
            Then again I live in Canada….might take longer to get.LOL!

            Phoenix wrote:

            This is the second year I’ve not received a card… Can I get on the list for next year? 😳

            There is a list πŸ˜• ok I’m confused.


            Blackdesertwind wrote:

            Christmas card? πŸ™ I didn’t get one…congrats to those who did. πŸ™‚
            Hope you didn’t send one to my old addy… :scratch: no wait you couldn’t have since it would have been forwarded to the new one.
            Then again I live in Canada….might take longer to get.LOL!

            Phoenix wrote:

            This is the second year I’ve not received a card… Can I get on the list for next year? 😳

            There is a list πŸ˜• ok I’m confused.

            I think it might have been from the raffle entries? At least that’s what Nam hinted at.

            I have received mine, and I too am in Canada. But I don’t know when I got mine… sometime between the 21st and last night….

            But I am also closer to Oregon then you are, I think. My American geography knowledge is shaky at best.


              Melody said she sent mine a while ago, but I still haven’t seen it yet. Still, I was happy to know I had one sent to me πŸ˜‰ .


                Dragon87 wrote:

                I think it might have been from the raffle entries? At least that’s what Nam hinted at.

                That was just a guess… it seemed the most logical to me. Melody has all of those addresses in one neat place after all, and it seems like it’d be cumbersome to try and dig through their ‘sales’ databases, especially given that they aren’t tied in with our forum names! And they make sales to folks that aren’t forum members, all the time. …. Then again I have no idea how they organize these things so I could well be 100% wrong! XD

                Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                My art: featherdust.com


                  I know that I’m a day late and a dollar short 😳 , but I was wondering if someone could send me a pic of what the inside of the card looked like. Mine either got lost in the mail or it was accidentally tossed out with the recycling πŸ™„ . I’m just curious to what all the hub-bub was about πŸ˜€ . Thankies πŸ˜€ !


                    I have a Christmas card list.
                    If I missed anyone who would like to be included , I would still be delighted to send you one of these and add you to the list.
                    (now it’s a Groundhog’s day card )
                    I ran out of the first batch of cards, but I should get more in a day or two.
                    I don’t send one to everybody on the raffle list because that list is too huge!
                    If I missed anyone, I’m sorry!! Send me an email. reptangle-at-gmail-dot-com (leave off the β„’)
                    (Jennifer, did I send you one?? I don’t remember, ack…)


                      Ooo! A card for Groundhog day or just a belated Christmas card? i’m just being goofy… blizzards do that to you, you know… 😈

                      twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



                      Melody wrote:

                      I have a Christmas card list.
                      If I missed anyone who would like to be included , I would still be delighted to send you one of these and add you to the list.
                      (now it’s a Groundhog’s day card )
                      I ran out of the first batch of cards, but I should get more in a day or two.
                      I don’t send one to everybody on the raffle list because that list is too huge!
                      If I missed anyone, I’m sorry!! Send me an email. Reptangleβ„’-at-gmail-dot-com (leave off the β„’)
                      (Jennifer, did I send you one?? I don’t remember, ack…)

                      Then it must be from last year…. :scratch: Since I didn’t ask for one this year!


                        Thank you Melody! The card is adorable. πŸ˜€


                          See! I was wrong! πŸ˜†

                          Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
                          My art: featherdust.com


                            Yay! I finally got my card πŸ˜€ ! Thank you Melody – I love it πŸ˜€ !

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