
What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!!

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  • #928635

    Test paints by PS:

    Rose Gold


    <img src = "http://windstoneeditions.com/sites/default/files/images/FlamingoSittingGriffChick1_pic1b.JPG&quot;

    Dusty Rose:

    Do you own those or are those on eBay? The griffin mother isn’t as I thought she would have been but the chicks look like they went swimming in pepto.


      Those griffins are pieces that have been sold on ebay. I don’t own them. If you haven’t found it yet, the gallery of ebay test paints is here: http://windstoneeditions.com/category/image-galleries/windstone-products-gallery/ebay-gallery

      The path is Community – Windstone Products Gallery – Ebay Gallery. These pieces were painted by Patricia Smith.

      If I had to guess, I would expect a Shell Pink griffin to be a pink version of Brandi’s “Winter” test paint color scheme for the griffins. Those were ebay pieces too.


      Those griffins are pieces that have been sold on ebay. I don’t own them. If you haven’t found it yet, the gallery of ebay test paints is here: http://windstoneeditions.com/category/image-galleries/windstone-products-gallery/ebay-gallery

      The path is Community – Windstone Products Gallery – Ebay Gallery. These pieces were painted by Patricia Smith.

      If I had to guess, I would expect a Shell Pink griffin to be a pink version of Brandi’s “Winter” test paint color scheme for the griffins. Those were ebay pieces too.

      Alright, I’ll check it out. I like that one, it looks like it could be in Robins Egg kind of blue!


        Pink griffie inspiration…

         photo download 2_zpsbbevkldg.jpg

         photo download 3_zpsh8vvl1me.jpg

         photo e04d6f9d0c047f38b6f861ecfceb0c41_zpscujnekzm.jpg

         photo download 1_zpsqpgpropy.jpg

         photo df9a9c30390a955d84f1616ad1564987_zpsjb8bo9bc.jpg

         photo b6c10aeb888cba7c1a520229436ff837_zps52sg548n.jpg
         photo 7316332a1e6392c0990e36905af19093_zpsufl2nrt1.jpg

         photo 63ec357f11866f74a8a4f88c91f276a8_zpsrgtwtkx4.jpg

         photo 4a6d8077f2a4d57ef399c08828318fbd_zpslfzliovi.jpg

         photo 002f79677bfeb0dab464db39b443af0b_zpsxhd3c9te.jpg

         photo 7cbc0b7bcb04a94d4df7cb5b1811ebc7_zpspwfiqhak.jpg

         photo 1a9e3af1b101be9f6b54c2ec86205c2f_zpsr5672gok.jpg

        and the Winter paint scheme would be the perfect background for this…

        Any chance that my beloved griffies will turn up in shell pink? This color is so breathtakingly like sunrise on snow capped Mt. Timpanogos; add some robin’s egg blue for back ground and you’d have a perfect representation of a glorious early spring morning – you know the sort, still a bit chilly in the morning and you can still see your breath on the air and your socks get soaked from the dew on the grass and the crocus and snowdrops are starting to bloom and the bobwhites and finches are hollering at each other as they start setting up spring housekeeping, there’s still a smidge of low lying fog hanging around but it’s starting to clear and the sun is gilding everything in its path… Griffies in shell pink would be awesome
        tdm 😀



          Not a squeak, but really didn’t know where else to put it. THANK YOU for the fan-rins. I know they gave you fits and after seeing them in better detail in posts, I can see why. There is a LOT of work in those little suckers – but love, love, love.


            @ twindragonsmum Those birds are absolutely beautiful.


              Not a squeak, but really didn’t know where else to put it. THANK YOU for the fan-rins. I know they gave you fits and after seeing them in better detail in posts, I can see why. There is a LOT of work in those little suckers – but love, love, love.

              I second this!!!!! Totally LOVE!

              Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


                Oh my goodness yes, please pink griffins and poads! Yes to anything in pink! Also those pink birds are all gorgeous!

                Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                Maybe a griffin in a cloud or snow leopard print would be kind of cool.


                  ^^^^^ as soon as I saw “snow leopard”, I thought of the cougar sculpt with a snow leopard pattern ****squeak, squeak, squeak******


                  Maybe even a dragon with the pattern of a hummingbird, a orchid, or maybe a some sea life like a lion fish!!


                    ^^^^^ as soon as I saw “snow leopard”, I thought of the cougar sculpt with a snow leopard pattern ****squeak, squeak, squeak******

                    Take a look at the newest ebay listing from Windstone. 🙂 All it takes is money …


                      ^^^^^ as soon as I saw “snow leopard”, I thought of the cougar sculpt with a snow leopard pattern ****squeak, squeak, squeak******

                      Take a look at the newest ebay listing from Windstone. 🙂 All it takes is money …

                      I just looked at it – oh, my goodness. Dadgummit – WHERE is that money tree??????


                      I was going to suggest doing maybe a Cloud Leopard, Ocelot, Serval, The Asian Golden Cat, Pampas Cat, Ashera and a Caracal also would really neat!


                        There is a very cool looking Tanuki up on Melody’s FB page. Are those going to be grab bags? Or is that a production color?

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