What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!!

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  • #690771

    Here’s my wish list!!

    Pebble Cats :squeak: :squeak:
    Garden Dragon
    Kirins in any new color
    PYO Phoenix
    PYO Cats (flap or not) for memorials
    Vampire Bat (love that little guy)
    Baby Poad β„’
    Any new dragon pose
    Crouching Fledge (I can dream can’t I?)
    And for the love of peanut butter….PLEASE something small that I can afford!! πŸ˜€ :mrgreen:
    :squeak: :squeak: :squeak: :squeak: :squeak: Thank You Miss Melody!!


    :squeak: My squeeks…. I feel guilty about squeeking which is why I don’t. But, my list…
    Pebble Cats
    Beagle Griffen :squeak:
    More poads TM
    Reindeer Canlelamps
    Garden Dragon
    Kirin’s in new colours
    Autumn Leaf Lap Dragons

    Um, I think that’s it……


    Megani-chan wrote:

    I feel like I’m sending Santa a Christmas list πŸ˜† πŸ˜€

    1. production secret keeper
    2. new color of flion
    3. flioness & cubs
    4. new flap cats (new colors, large bat-wing, production eyes closed, etc.)
    5. lion kirin
    6. PYO phoenix, mermaid, frog, flap cat–you make it, I will paint it!!
    7. production winged wolf (and family?)
    8. male and female coiled dragons in red fire
    9. vampire bat
    10. wizard’s house

    Okay… refine request #1 to “production secret keeper in the violet flame with lots of yellow” and we’re set 8) Oh, and…

    11. new color Gothic unicorn
    12. hatching llama!!! :squeak:


      This is going to open a huge can of worms… πŸ˜‰

      Production Prime Warrior (all traditional colors, black violet peacock, autumn leaf)
      Production SK’s (need peacock/ruby; want BVP!)
      Bay/bald eagle hippogriff family
      Wolf family
      Peacock curlies (light and dark shades)
      Ruby ‘leftovers’ and curlies (by ‘leftovers’, I mean all pieces not yet in ruby)
      Garden dragon
      Juvenile or fledgling griffin–scratching/pouncing/stretching (new pose; smaller than parents, but bigger than chicks)
      How about a hatching owlet?!?
      Factory Raffles offered quarterly 8)

      Thanks!! πŸ˜€


        I’d like to see Melody take a vacation.


          LOL at Snapdragon! I think he has the right idea.

          (points to siggie)
          First for me to win the Lotto so I can buy a truckload of old green paints for the factory, and they can do plentiful LPs of all the dragons not released in old green, and all the dragon sculpts not yet created in old green also.

          More secret keepers as LPs like was just done (I think the price was reasonable to pay, and just in case they don’t get the hollowing issue worked out)

          Any new dragon sculpts i.e. empress or garden dragon (I especially liked the black head one)

          Another ‘naturalistic’ lizardy color for the dragons, since my old green dream isn’t to be

          Laundry kirin prints

          More PYO keepers

          Production winged wolves (or wolf) while wolves are ‘hot’

          Thank you for taking the time to listen to our ideas!


          Oohh! *SQUEAK!* …. Dammit my cat just got interested..

          PYO hippogrifs, winged bookends, orientals, flap cats, Pegasus…. just more PYO’s. I would really like some more Keepers to be made but I have to wait *pouts*.

          I can’t afford the rest of your stuff so I won’t ask for any of it.

          … *SQUEAK* …. and the cat looks at me again. Must want mice…


            Boy that is like opening up a can of worms

            I would like

            Copper Gold Fledgling
            Copper Gold Emperor
            Silver Fledgling both blue and lavander eyes
            Old Green OW
            Pink Coiled
            Gold Coiled
            Silver Coiled
            Lavender Pearl Coiled
            Blue Pearl Coiled
            Red Fire Coiled
            Autumn Leaf OW
            Autumn Leaf Fledgling
            Autumn Leaf Emperor
            Autumn Leaf Royals
            Lavender Pearl Royals
            Blue Pearl Royals
            Rainbow Curlie
            Black and Silver OW
            Lavender Pearl Fledgling
            Blue Pearl Fledging
            Anything Pink
            Anything Purple
            All Colors of Fledglings
            Empress to go with the Emperor Dragon in all colors

            I wonder???????????Did I miss anything!!!!!!!


            1.PYO Cats or Flap Cats (in long and shorthair 😳 )
            2.Baby Poad
            3.Maybe sleeping flap cats curled like a curlie dragon?
            4.Any dragons in pinks and purples
            5. PLEASE more pink lap dragons!!! I must have one, they are SO pretty!!!


              Since you asked….

              1. Grand Pegasus
              2. Lion Kirin
              3. Wizard’s House
              4. Hatching Llama
              5. Grand Griffin the real old one I saw at the factory.
              6. Baby Kirin in a new pose
              7. Flioness and Cubs
              8. Winged Wolf and Family
              9. Garden dragon both upright and laying down
              10. Garden Wolf
              11. Hippogriff
              12. Foo Dog to go with the Oriental Dragons
              13. Phoenix

              Anything else you care to make.


                Snapdragon wrote:

                I’d like to see Melody take a vacation.

                Fortunately, if I could have a wish it would be time to work on this stuff! I have no desire for a vacation! Hopefully, when this move is done I can actually get back to sculpting!


                  Boo. OK.
                  Well then I wish you’d get your butt in gear! πŸ˜†


                    πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

                    twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



                      :squeak: butt… move it. … :squeak: :squeak: where’s the black gold OW.. :squeak: πŸ˜†


                        Snapdragon wrote:

                        :squeak: butt… move it. … :squeak: :squeak: where’s the black gold OW.. :squeak: πŸ˜†

                        Right here! πŸ˜†

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