What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!!

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  • #495091

      Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
      My art: featherdust.com


        Melody suggested that she’d like to make some sort of tally of squeaks! A squeak is essentially a plea from a collector for an item to be made.

        To make things much easier, everyone can only reply to this thread once. List all of the things you want to squeak for in one post!! If you think of something you want to add, simply come back and edit your post to add it (the edit button will be in the upper right corner of your post).

        EDIT, SEPTEMBER 2016: I know our new forum no longer allows editing of old posts, so its okay to squeak with new posts! When I made the rule about “only posting once”, our forum was very active and it was hard to keep up with new posts. That’s not a problem now, so squeak away!

        Remember, things that are retired will not be made ever again, so please don’t squeak for them.

        For example, the things I’d want that are not made yet:

        – PYO winged bookends!
        – PYO phoenix!
        – Silver Old Warriors!
        – Autumn Leaf Old Warriors!
        – The Garden Dragon with stone finish (in Melody’s gallery)!
        – ((etc…))

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at gmail.com
        My art: featherdust.com


          ok, I’ll be #2

          Blackfire Kirin (sorry Melody, i had to do it. 😉 )
          Flioness and cubs (good one wolflodge)
          Baby Poads


            PYO Oriental Dragons
            PYO Flapcats
            Autumn Leaf ANYTHING!
            Peacock Curlies
            Rainbow Curlies (missed them, need more)
            Silver Griffins, LP or RP
            Wizard House
            Production Coileds and Coiled Mothers in Gold, Emerald Peacock, and Amethyst
            Green Forest Dragons
            Orange Tabby Flapcat (open eyed) – missed them, need more


              My list is long 😯
              Lion Kirin
              Lge winged wolf
              Garden wolf
              PYO Phoenix
              Siver OW
              Blackgold OW
              Production secret keeper
              Pebble cats
              Wizards house
              Unicorns in new color
              Kirins in new color
              Baby Poadstm
              Grand pegasus
              Production black emerald peacock
              Production closed eyed flap cats
              Opposing flap cat
              Flap cats in new colors
              Flioness & cubs
              Vampire bat
              Had to add cinnamon pearl dragons production

              Hatching llama
              Coiled male and mother in all production colors not done before
              New color orientals
              Any NEW dragon sculpt

              Can’t forget the logo griffin!!


                Blue Spot Griffins
                BVP/BEP on other pieces

                Silver Griffins with other colors added. (Like silver and violet, or silver and blue…)

                Silver dragons with other colors added.


                Thank you!


                  All Hoofers (unicorns, pegasus, kirin, gothic) in new colors :squeak:
                  New hoofer poses
                  PYO Pegasus (something other than the Grand Pegasus -on the same scale as the PYO unicorn maybe)
                  Twilight Lap Dragons
                  Sunrise fledgling Dragons
                  Twilight Fledgling Dragons
                  RP Flap Cats (all three) in new colors
                  PYO oriental dragon
                  Windstone “Coffee table” artbook featuring lots of photos


                    PYO Mermaid
                    PYO Phoenix
                    Garden Dragon
                    Lion KiRin
                    PYO Oriental
                    PYO Pegasus

                    all all kinds of other stuff I can’t think of right now..


                    My list is empty for the time being!

                    Thank you! 😀


                    Great idea! 😀

                    My List
                    More Poad colors
                    PYO Winged bookends
                    PYO Oriental dragon
                    Blackfire Kirins
                    Lion Kirin
                    Black Emerald Peacock/Black Violet Peacock dragons
                    Baby Poads
                    Silver Griffins
                    Grand Pegasus
                    Production or PYO Winged Wolf (do some in black, and my life is complete!! 😀 )
                    “Black Ice”-style limited production Flapcats for the store
                    Hatching Llama (LP)
                    Garden Wolf
                    The ‘truce angel’ on her Elfwood page, or something similar
                    More GLACIER PEARL dragons, pleeeeeeease!!! And not just on eBay so I can afford one! 😆

                    Squeaks fulfilled:
                    LE Bengal Tiger/Puffin kittens, in brown and silver! — Got them, thanks so much! 😀
                    A Poad with Grey eyes — got one, THANKS! 😀


                    production secret keepers
                    silver OWs
                    black gold OWs
                    autumn leaf OWs
                    shasta blue OWs
                    dark purple OWs
                    old green OWs
                    rainbow curls
                    peacock curls
                    ruby curls
                    more white curls
                    ruby royal hatchers
                    anything pink
                    more leaf cat sconces
                    flapcats of any color


                      Pink Mother Coiled Dragons and blue merle dragons and griffins.

                      Pink SECRET KEEPER!!! 😀 😀 GOT IT!!! YAY!!!

                      MORE BEAGLE GRIFFINS AND BABIES!

                      Small Calico Flap Cats (Bat and Bird)
                      Large Bat Wing Flap Cats
                      Small Grey Tabby Bat Wing Flap Cats (like the LE Bird Wing ones)

                      Gothic Goat in new color

                      New Color Kirin… Pink would be nice… 😛

                      I would buy any new dragon sculpt.


                        Blackfire kirin
                        Blue Spot griffins
                        Shasta Blue anything
                        PYO oriental dragon
                        baby Poads

                        Looking for Blue Fawn Baby Kirin
                        Sanguine Oriental Test Paints, kinglet
                        Sun Dragon Koi #3


                          Baby Poad
                          Baby Ki-Rin in a new pose
                          PYO Phoenix
                          PYO large Flapcat
                          PYO Young or Baby Oriental Dragon


                            Here is my List….

                            1.Autumn Leaf Emperor :squeak:
                            2.Autumn Leaf Fledgie
                            3.Autumn Leaf Poad
                            4.Production Secret Keepers
                            5.Flioness and cubs
                            6.Peacock Curlie
                            7.Autumn Leaf Curlie
                            8.Unicorns in a new color
                            9.Ki Rin’s in a new color (Maybe an Autumn Color or a Natural Color)
                            10.Baby Poads
                            11.More Poads in different colors
                            12.Old Green Old Warrior
                            13.Old Green Fledgie
                            14. New Dragon Color with Green eyes
                            15. Rainforest Emperor
                            16.Rainforest Fledgie
                            17.Winged Tiger or a whole Winged tiger family.


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