
Unexpected kitten

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      He’s adorable! Good for you for taking him in. πŸ™‚


        Been busy lately! But I do have an update. He’s still with us, and we’ve named him Ron. (There’s a long story behind that.) He’s growing like a weed and doing very well. He’s had his first round of shots, and will have a second one in a few weeks.

        He needs to be a month or two older before he can safely be sedated for surgery, so he still has his head tilt, though he’s getting better at getting around with it, and it’s a little less severe now. We’ll be getting that taken care of (and getting him fixed, of course!) as soon as we can.

        Here’s some photos of him with my other cats! They don’t really like him much, but it’s hard to tell sometimes if Kali (the calico there) is playing with him, or fighting with him! They chase each other around the house a lot.


          “Ron” as in “Ron Weasley, Harry Potter’s best friend?” We had a little orange tabby and a black kitty with green eyes that the boys named Ron and Harry for the Harry Potter characters πŸ˜€ Your young man is very handsome!

          twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



            Ron would fit, with all his orange fur!! πŸ˜† He is soo cute, rascally looking too!


            What beautiful cats. We used to have a Siamese and a Calico named Kali too πŸ˜†


              He;s so pretty! And you are so wonderful for taking care of him!

              Keeper of the Fledgings


                They are all beautiful! πŸ˜€ Please let us know how his surgery turns out.


                  He’s adorable. And he looks very smart all cleaned up.


                    Thank you for giving him a future. The other cats will come around


                      twindragonsmum wrote:

                      “Ron” as in “Ron Weasley, Harry Potter’s best friend?” We had a little orange tabby and a black kitty with green eyes that the boys named Ron and Harry for the Harry Potter characters πŸ˜€ Your young man is very handsome!

                      twindragonsmum πŸ˜€

                      Well, he’s not named for Ron from Harry Potter, though I’ll admit with him being so gangly, and red-furred it does fit!

                      He’s actually named for Foul Ol’ Ron from Terry Pratchett’s Discworld. Which Ron is known, in the books, for having a smell that’s so strong it has a personality of its own. Ron is by FAR the smelliest cat I have EVER known! And it’s not as though he doesn’t groom himself, because he does. It’s just that he FARTS! OMG! So often, and it smells SO BAD! And his litter box reeks to high heaven! We thought at first it was the medication he was on that was doing it, but he’s long since off it, and he still stinks. He’s just a stinker! πŸ˜€ And after having been trapped for an entire week in a small bedroom with him, unable to go out because there’s no space for me to work out there, and unable to let him out because he was in quarantine from the other cats, I was definitely convinced that he was a Foul Ron, and named him appropriately.


                        πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜† Our cat Cosmo is like that, you can actually hear him break wind! EEeeew!!! πŸ˜†


                          BWWWWAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!! That’s too hysterical!!!!! (Love Discworld…)

                          twindragonsmum πŸ˜€



                            Sorry he stinks, but at least he is cute. πŸ˜†


                              Kitten update!

                              We just got back from the vet. Ron will never be a man now. And he’s also had a disturbingly large polyp removed from his inner ear. Which they gave to us in a little baggie. I’m not sure why. I took a photo though! I should share the gross little flesh blob. Click the photo link at your own risk.


                              I also made a fascinating discovery the other day, which I tried to get a photo of. He has two fangs on one side. It’s hard to get a picture when peeling back his lip with one hand and holding the camera in the other, but you can kind of see them here.

                              At the moment he also has one inner eyelid half closed, which is a side effect of the polyp removal, and should go away in a week or two. Looks weird though.


                                Aww he’s such a cutie and looks like my sister-in-law’s cat Boom Boom did when he was that age. He’s an old cranky monster now. πŸ˜†

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