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- This topic has 105 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years, 11 months ago by WindstoneCollector.
January 17, 2008 at 7:05 am #493978January 17, 2008 at 7:05 am #656818
There is a kitten in my bathroom. He is not really happy to be cooped up when he could be out exploring, and he is very loud! Loud is good though, because he is also one sick kitty, and so long as he still has energy to want to act like a kitten, I’m happy.
I don’t know yet if I’ll be keeping him or not. I’m starting to kind of hope I will. I have a sneaking suspicion that his previous owner dumped him.
But I should start at the beginning. This afternoon while on our way out the door to run some errands, my boyfriend and I saw a kitten running around in front of our apartment complex. It looked pretty sleek and energetic, but it was sort of listing to the side oddly, and carrying its head cocked sideways. Well, we’re cat people, and we couldn’t resist trying to pet the kitty, it was so cute! So we coaxed it over and petted it, and that’s when we noticed that it had a very light, thin coat, like a summer coat, not a winter coat. So this was an indoor kitty that had escaped. It also was wheezing very loudly.
So we had found a sick, possibly crippled indoor cat, loose in the winter. We couldn’t possibly let it just run off, so we picked it up and carried it home. The wheezing was so bad I figured I’d better make a vet appointment right away.
He’s mostly in good health, (though he had fleas) but wasn’t microchipped, nor fixed (he’s a bit young for fixing, but not impossibly so) and the wheezing and the head tilt and listing to the side were probably from the same source, a polyp growing in the middle ear and through the eustacian tube into the back of the throat, partially blocking it. The bad news is fixing that requires surgery, but the good news is that it’s quite simple surgery, with little chance of complications, and it’s not too expensive, so we can afford to have it done.
We’ve printed up a found cat flyer, which we’ll be putting around the neighborhood, but honestly, I don’t expect anybody to turn up and claim him. It’s far more likely that he was some kind of impulse buy, maybe a Christmas gift, and when he developed the unsightly crippling and disturbing wheeze he was just dumped.
Here’s a few photos of the cute little guy:
He wasn’t very good at holding still for the camera, and he’s very vocal, as you can see! You can also see the way he holds his head funny. Poor guy. Hopefully he’ll either be claimed quickly by a responsible owner who will take care of him (and you can bet I’m not giving him back to somebody who won’t!) or else we’ll be able to keep him and get him all fixed up soon.January 17, 2008 at 7:14 am #656819I find that kitten with that head tilt very endearing. 😆 How precious! I would love to keep it!! Makes me wish I found him here. You are probably right about the poor thing getting dumped when the complications developed. And fleas? Yuk. He is lucky you found him.
January 17, 2008 at 8:14 am #656820Bless his little heart. He’s very lucky he found someone caring enough to get him to the vet. And that you’re willing to keep him and have the surgery if no one steps up is just awesome. He’s a cutie pie. With a disabed husband, I have a very soft spot for animals with physical problems.
January 17, 2008 at 10:39 am #656821Oh, he’s just beautiful! How wonderful of you to want to get him fixed up and keep him! 😀 I wish I found him here, too. Talky cats are cool! 😆 Yay! for nice people like you: -)
January 17, 2008 at 1:15 pm #656822skigod377 wrote:I find that kitten with that head tilt very endearing. 😆
That’s so true! It looks like he was goofing off for the camera. It’s really good you found him, Spark. He looks like he’s going to give you tons of ebullient fun!
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http://www.sarahjestin.com/feedbacklists.htmJanuary 17, 2008 at 2:06 pm #656823He’s absolutely darling! I so hope you get to keep him and I agree, the head tilt is way cute! (Of course he’ll probably be happier once the polyp is removed….) I’m glad he found good people like you!
twindragonsmum 😀
January 17, 2008 at 2:25 pm #656824I am so glad that you found him, otherwise he could have frozen to death. He is very adorable!
January 17, 2008 at 3:10 pm #656825Awww he’s Cute! And very lucky that someone wonderful like you found him! He looks like a marble tabby at that. Very pretty!
I wouldn’t let who ever had him to begin with have him back if they are that irresponcible! Kitties are GREAT!
January 17, 2008 at 3:16 pm #656826He’s very cute. And very lucky. You’re a good person, SPark.
January 17, 2008 at 7:02 pm #656827Good for you. I would not post anything if I was you. Wait and see if the owner posts about a lost kitten. If not he is yours. Too many kids got a hold of cats and kittnes and torture them. When I found my last one the only person I told was my apartment manager so if anyone came to them about a lost kitten they would know I had her. I have now had her 4 years. She completed the family
January 17, 2008 at 8:06 pm #656828Oh, he’s adorable. I hope you end up keeping him. 😆
January 17, 2008 at 9:51 pm #656829We’ve just finished posting posters around. But I really don’t expect a call. If nobody’s called in the next day or two, I’ll consider him mine.
He is the sweetest guy, he loves being held and petted.
January 17, 2008 at 9:54 pm #656830Very cute with such a wonderful coat color. Thank you for being a good person and helping out.
January 18, 2008 at 12:31 am #656831Oh good for you for taking care of him. Boo to people who just dump a poor defenseless pet!!! 👿 He really looks cute in those pics!! Hope you get to keep him!
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