SPark's 2014-2015 PYOs

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  • #938901


      Love baby kirins, safari poads, mini keepers, and anything BLUE, BLUE, and, oh yes, BLUE.


        Wow! That Keeper is very cool!


        Nice work on that keeper! 🙂


          Very nice Keeper. I always enjoy the contrast between metallics and black. The gloss and matte varnish helps accent that.


          Can’t sleep, so I shall post PYO photos. I ADORE this guy. I have had a bunch of really good PYOs in a row now, I think. 😀 The interference blue on his feathers came out beautifully, and the subdued colors under it turned out even better than I’d planned. (Although I almost named him the bone gittygriff instead of the stone kittygriff, because “aged bone” is the name of the main paint color I used on him. But I didn’t want people to think he was meant to be creepy.)

          Just going through people’s PYO threads. Saw this kittygriff and HAD to tell you that it’s really really nice! I think it’s my favorite PYO kittygriff I’ve seen. Well done!


            Just going through people’s PYO threads. Saw this kittygriff and HAD to tell you that it’s really really nice! I think it’s my favorite PYO kittygriff I’ve seen. Well done!

            Aww, thank you!

            I’m actually half way through a wolf in almost the same color scheme. (No time to paint lately, though, so who knows when it’ll get done.)

          Viewing 6 posts - 151 through 156 (of 156 total)
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