Safari | Simple | Hoppy – GB Young Poad Show Off Thread!

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  • #938873

      This was my #2 pick – she is stunning in person! I couldn’t believe it when I opened the box!

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      Wow! Congrats on that beauty! That was one of my absolute favorites as well! SO pretty! :love:


        Natasha, that #2 pick of yours is gorgeous! She was one of my favs also. Congrats on that nice grab!


          Natasha, that #2 pick of yours is gorgeous! She was one of my favs also. Congrats on that nice grab!

          Thank you ladies! I squealed when I opened her. I didn’t think she’d just show up!


            YAY!! my ss came today. She’s on the right under the orange sloshed one. She’s really cute and has coral shading on the lower sides. I like her bunches, but if someone likes her more pm or email me. 😉


            I don’t know why I keep trying for grab bags, I never seem to get something I like. My poad is zebra-striped on the front and plain dun (? I think) on the back. I think it is the one in the outer ring at the bottom in the class picture. Once I get some pictures, I will put it up for trade. (I wouldn’t go that far, but my Mom’s opinion is she’s ugly. I hope that didn’t hurt her feelings! 😀 )


              I don’t know why I keep trying for grab bags, I never seem to get something I like. My poad is zebra-striped on the front and plain dun (? I think) on the back. I think it is the one in the outer ring at the bottom in the class picture. Once I get some pictures, I will put it up for trade. (I wouldn’t go that far, but my Mom’s opinion is she’s ugly. I hope that didn’t hurt her feelings! 😀 )

              She sounds like another quagga.


              This little cutie was waiting for me after coming home from holiday travels 🙂 He looks like a chipmunk at first glance, but has black bands coming down from the eyes, neck, and flanks. Anybody got a better guess as to what animal the pattern is from? He’s got a champagne pearly beak, sparkly dark gray eyes – and a goatee! 😀
               photo P2420570 640x480_zpsaqoshje6.jpg
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              He’s cute but he’ll be up for trade – my #1s are the giraffes but I’m also looking for a thylacine or AWD to match my baby poads, or maybe a strawberry tiger. I’ll have an ad up soon, and some better pictures too. Thank you Melody, I’ve enjoyed seeing all of the pictures thus far!


                This little cutie was waiting for me after coming home from holiday travels 🙂 He looks like a chipmunk at first glance, but has black bands coming down from the eyes, neck, and flanks. Anybody got a better guess as to what animal the pattern is from? He’s got a champagne pearly beak, sparkly dark gray eyes – and a goatee! 😀
                 photo P2420570 640x480_zpsaqoshje6.jpg
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                 photo P2420565 640x480_zpsbpgjgn98.jpg
                He’s cute but he’ll be up for trade – my #1s are the giraffes but I’m also looking for a thylacine or AWD to match my baby poads, or maybe a strawberry tiger. I’ll have an ad up soon, and some better pictures too. Thank you Melody, I’ve enjoyed seeing all of the pictures thus far!

                She’s gorgeous! Mine haven’t arrived yet 🙁


                  Got my poad today! Got a badger and I really like her. Though, I was hoping for a more complex one so, feel free to ask for a trade 🙂
                   photo DSC_0087_zps1ijezs0l.jpg
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                   photo DSC_0089_zpsfdih7xhz.jpg

                  Very nice!


                    A ruffed lemur, maybe, Zelda? It looks a lot like that to me, but full disclosure, I have a cold and am pretty woozy on the NyQuil 😉


                      Here are mine.

                      I’m super happy with each and every one. 🙂

                       photo 27E471B1-440C-4974-94EB-D8809171BE3E.jpg

                       photo B02E1335-1186-4A26-9F87-C5E7FDB3E2FE.jpg

                      I REALLY wanted a white one. 🙂 Chickadee, okapi and cow were high on the list, too. The hoppies blow me away! Even the two on the right that look similar are really quite different.




                        Here are mine.

                        I’m super happy with each and every one. 🙂

                         photo 27E471B1-440C-4974-94EB-D8809171BE3E.jpg

                        I REALLY wanted a white one. 🙂 Chickadee, okapi and cow were high on the list, too. The hoppies blow me away! Even the two on the right that look similar are really quite different.



                        What a gorgeous clutter! Congrats on getting ones you love!


                          Love love love them Scathach! Congrats on such gorgeous grabs! 🙂


                            Here are mine.

                            I’m super happy with each and every one. 🙂

                             photo 27E471B1-440C-4974-94EB-D8809171BE3E.jpg

                            I REALLY wanted a white one. 🙂 Chickadee, okapi and cow were high on the list, too. The hoppies blow me away! Even the two on the right that look similar are really quite different.



                            What a gorgeous clutter! Congrats on getting ones you love!

                            Thank you 🙂


                              Finally got around to posting pics. I was waiting on my hoppy, who decided to show up after bouncing around in Chicago for a few days.

                              The hoppy was a bit of a gamble as most of the colors in the class photo are ones of which I’m not fond; however, I was content to unwrap this cute blue/white/black poison dart. The only disparaging note about her are her dark eyes…for the most part (and by most I mean 99%) I really do not like the dark/black eyes (with the dark metallic grey eyes being the exception). I love the clean lines of her back, though, and she matches my tadpoad rather well (me nitpicking would say the tad’s blue is a bit mintier of a shade…but tomayto, tomahto).

                              And a gorgeous okapi safari.

                              I’m definitely looking to trade the okapi (my #1 still hasn’t shown up) so I’m open to offers on her. I would also consider trades on the hoppy, but only for a similar one with light eyes.

                            Viewing 15 posts - 106 through 120 (of 207 total)
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