PYOs – gem & eye info sizes, sources, etc.

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      Awesome, Yeral!! Thanks for the info and the pics! I added them to the list. 🙂


        DreamingTree, your website looks lovely! I still like to visit now and then, though I havent ordered in forever….I still think my favorite color of your eyes in person is the Amazon color, though the Ocean semi metallic that i still have is a close second. 🙂


        “I Know, Purplecat!!…It has been such a long time! I have many new colors, since the last time you ordered!”

        That one is Peppermint Swirl
        And this is Stellar Bronze Dragon from my new stellar series
        I just sold this pair of Semi-Metallics today! They are Moss colored Reptile Mods from the nature series.
        They are Abyss Dragon mods in SM, and are 11mms and are still available! What is so great about host two pics, is that the sun is really reflecting off of the SM Layer really well! When light does not reflect off of them, they look regular. SM layer is transparent.

        I wish I had some more regular Irises to show, but I am currently sold out on my two e-stores! I have to upload more images for them.


          bayoudragon wrote:

          Pretty Snazzy (click here for a quick link to the Swavorski chaton page)

          Erm, could that perhaps be “Swarovski”? 😀 I dunno who Swavorski is, but he’s pinging my Misspelling Radar something awful. (If you have a moment, could you change that? Thanks; sorry for the spelling nag, but it’s apparently an inbuilt part of my skull…)

          Thanks so much for posting that eye info, though! I’ve been wondering about that a long time, and it will be hugely helpful when I start work on my current batch of PYOs again! ::high-fives::

          Interested in buying or trading for: GB Pebble Sitting Red Fox in dark grey, Lap Dragon Test Paints (Water Sprite, Glacial Pearl, Opulence, Pastel Rainbow, and many others - see my Classifieds ad), Blue Morpho OW, GB Pebble Loaf dragons in blue/aqua/teal, and Griffin Test Paints (Black Rainbow or Frosted Jade).


          A *New* Note about my hand cast eyes/irises
          My casts for these following sizes have been undergoing some tweaking. Some of my sizes are available in BOTH Profiles:
          6mm—> Are now available in both low, and higher profiles

          8mm—> The same goes for these, But due to some discrepancies, I am waiting for my digital calipers to come in. ***PLEASE NOTE*** I have been seeing that the existing 8’s that I cast are finishing out smaller by half, to nearly 1 millimeter smaller, but I will not know for sure until I can reliably measure them, (hence calipers)If necessary, I will exchange any 8mms for 9mms instead, if when you all set them, they are too small.

          The 11mms are pretty close, and also have a higher profile, but they seem to look better in the keepers than the Van Dykes do.

          The sizes 7mm, and 9mm have a slightly lower profile but can still be used without changing sizes. If the 7mms tend to run smaller, I will exchange them for the older 8mms that are semmingly too small to fit.
          I have had a few clients order in 9mm, (now I know Why).
          I really want to stress to my clients that if the eyes you order from me do not fit, ***LET ME KNOW!*** I will exchange them free of charge! I plan to fix these issues as soon as I get those dern calipers! And I do know, that Windstone is working out the variations on their end too with the PYO’s.
          It is a learning curve…I do my best.

          I recommend using E6000 for setting both the jewels, and the eyes. The glue has a workable time of up to 30 minutes, so you can place your settings without rushing. Afterwards, the excess glue rubs off easily without damage to paints, sealer, or other various surfaces.

          If anyone has an issue with tight fitting castings from me, you can easily, but carefully sand the edges to make them small enough to fit the sockets without using excess pressure. If you use too much pressure, it is very possible to separate the casting layers of the irises; That is their weakest point. I will exchange any damaged casts with new ones for free, if someone has the layers separate. The only thing I ask, is for you to pay the shipping cost.
          If anyone wants to see my color charts, I can post them, down sized in order to be viewed within a thread, but it would be better to contact me directly, or go to my website: That is the direct link to iris color charts starting with the classic series. Then…Just click the Next> button to turn the page.


            DreamingTree, your second and third links appear to be the same.


              Does anyone know what size gems go in the production unicorn’s collars?


                Does anyone know what size gems go in the production unicorn’s collars?

                I bet it varies slightly between sculpts, but I can’t be sure of that since the only unis I own are the youngs. What ones were you looking for?

                Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                  Edited because the link I had put here is no longer working 🙁

                  Commission spots are currently closed! Please message me for details.
                  Please visit My Webpage to see my art and PYO's that I've done in the past!


                  :~ I have made a slideshow with all the charts and info from Photobucket. Lets see if this works…


                  WOW!!!!! It worked! Kewl!


                    Edit: See first post!



                      I added the slide show’s post number to the first page (I think it’s awesome). And if you would like a different link on the first page, just let me know. 🙂


                      Great! I am not that proficient in Computer skills…Thanks! 🙂

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