
PYO swap? Closed and UPDATED AGAIN!

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      I need to get some different colors for my person πŸ˜†


      I’m willing to take on two at once, so just send me another name.


      Watergazer wrote:

      I’m willing to take on two at once, so just send me another name.

      Got ya Watergazer! Have fun! I also think a christmas/summer one sounds fun! Lets see how this goes… πŸ˜‰


        skigod377 wrote:

        Im glad im not the only one feeling a little trepidation! Im ready to leave the clearcoat off so they can fix it when it gets there and seal it themselves after they have un-fubared it!

        Oh come now! that’s no way to think about your work! πŸ˜€

        And really… if anyone thinks that when they get their PYO… phooey on them! πŸ˜€

        There is no such thing as an ugly PYO. πŸ˜€ Seriously we all have talents! πŸ˜€ I just can’t wait to have more PAINTED PYOs in my collection! πŸ˜€


          LOL! Its ok… I have actually started and I think it will come out fine. Nothing to be embarrased about since its among friends! πŸ˜† I really wonder who got me???


          skigod377 wrote:

          LOL! Its ok… I have actually started and I think it will come out fine. Nothing to be embarrased about since its among friends! πŸ˜† I really wonder who got me???

          I’m Not telling! πŸ˜‰


            whippetluv wrote:

            skigod377 wrote:

            LOL! Its ok… I have actually started and I think it will come out fine. Nothing to be embarrased about since its among friends! πŸ˜† I really wonder who got me???

            I’m Not telling! πŸ˜‰

            Stingy… πŸ˜›


              πŸ˜† πŸ˜† πŸ˜†

              The suspense is killing me! and there’s still 2 months to go!

              AND I haven’t started mine either! πŸ˜†


                So, when we mail these off, are we supposed to say who it’s from?
                Mine will be done next week, do I have to wait the 2 months to mail it?
                When we get one, do we get to post pictures of it or will the painter post pics?

                I’m sooooo confused. Not because of this thread, just in general πŸ˜€


                  Phoenix wrote:

                  So, when we mail these off, are we supposed to say who it’s from?
                  Mine will be done next week, do I have to wait the 2 months to mail it?
                  When we get one, do we get to post pictures of it or will the painter post pics?

                  I’m sooooo confused. Not because of this thread, just in general πŸ˜€

                  No no… mail it off whenever it’s done. I think the two months is just a deadline for those of us… ::coughs:: procrastinators…. that NEED a deadline to get something done by. ^.^

                  I’m going to try so hard to get it done soon. 😯 But I’m going to be moving soon… I don’t want to pack! ::cries:: but it will disrupt things…


                  I’m gonna start mine after 2/1 since I still need to buy some (more) paint from Dickblick- also gotta order the PYO.


                  So, when we mail these off, are we supposed to say who it’s from?

                  Yes…and sign it!

                  Mine will be done next week, do I have to wait the 2 months to mail it?

                  No mail as soon as you wish too!

                  When we get one, do we get to post pictures of it or will the painter post pics?

                  Post pics after you KNOW they have it. But make sure you take pics incase the person doesn’t have a working camera!

                  A good point really. If you get your PYO please let the person who made it know you got it! PM them and say Thanks!


                    I can’t start right away: I need to order! Then it takes around 1 to 2 weeks to get it… Man, I’m not gonna get any sleep!

                    I need more valium.

                    Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                    I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                    dragonmedley wrote:

                    I can’t start right away: I need to order! Then it takes around 1 to 2 weeks to get it… Man, I’m not gonna get any sleep!

                    I need more valium.

                    I feel ya! I had to order too…and sooo many ideas swimming in my head!


                      Awww, I missed all the fun.

                      You guys are going to have to do another swap when this one is finished!

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