Pegasi's PYOs – *New* Update pg. 13

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    ‘Black Knight’ is gorgeous! 😀


      I like the dragons…I did one similar to the black and red…and gave him to a friend….

      and then I have one like the black one here…that I think I’ll keep cause I did purple antiquing…hehe


        frozendragon wrote:

        and then I have one like the black one here…that I think I’ll keep cause I did purple antiquing…hehe

        You’re black dragon with the purple antiquing is what gave me the idea to antique midnight blue over black paint. 😉


          pegasi1978 wrote:

          frozendragon wrote:

          and then I have one like the black one here…that I think I’ll keep cause I did purple antiquing…hehe

          You’re black dragon with the purple antiquing is what gave me the idea to antique midnight blue over black paint. 😉

          YAY…I have inspired someone…LOL

          did you ever get the purple you wanted….I’m doing purple again this weekend….. 😀


            I got very close to the purple I wanted. It ended up being a little dark, but it worked.


              pegasi1978 wrote:

              I got very close to the purple I wanted. It ended up being a little dark, but it worked.



                The father of my friend that I painted the black and red dragon for passed away early this morning. His father was a dragon lover as well. I don’t know if he knew about Windstone dragons or not, but I think he would have liked them. I’ve come up with an idea to do a memorial dragon for him. I placed the order earlier today.


                  What a nice idea, Peg.


                    I’m hoping it will cheer my friend up a little. His father’s death was very sudden. His aunt talked to him this weekend and he was fine. Then late last night/early this morning they had to rush him to the hospital. He died of a lung embolism on the way there.

                    The dragon will have blue eyes and a blue stone (aquamarine) and be mostly white. There may be some small touches of blue and I may try out the Blue PearlEx Interference Pigment that I have on it as well.


                      pegasi1978 wrote:

                      I’m hoping it will cheer my friend up a little. His father’s death was very sudden. His aunt talked to him this weekend and he was fine. Then late last night/early this morning they had to rush him to the hospital. He died of a lung embolism on the way there.

                      The dragon will have blue eyes and a blue stone (aquamarine) and be mostly white. There may be some small touches of blue and I may try out the Blue PearlEx Interference Pigment that I have on it as well.

                      that sounds really cool….

                      sucks about what happened….


                        pegasi1978 wrote:

                        I’ve come up with an idea to do a memorial dragon for him.

                        pegasi1978 wrote:

                        The dragon will have blue eyes and a blue stone (aquamarine) and be mostly white. There may be some small touches of blue and I may try out the Blue PearlEx Interference Pigment that I have on it as well.

                        Nice idea and it sounds like it will be a lovely color scheme 🙂


                          Well I have not one, but two new dragons finished. One is the memorial dragon and the other is a gift for a different friend. First up is the memorial dragon. He is not intended to look like the white dragons or the wedding cake dragons and I hope I succeded in that. He was painted with pearly white paint and then accented with two different shades of pale silver. It’s hard to see, but I did add PearlEx Interference Blue Pigment to the wings. I call him Lord Gwiber of Aquitaine.

                          The next dragon is an interesting one. I took a different approach to painting it and was pleased with the results. I just hope my friend likes it. She asked for a dragon done in dark purples, blues and black. I used thinned downed Dioxazine Purple and let it pool in the scales of the dragon. To bring in the blue I added PearlEx Interference Blue Pigment to various parts on the dragon. They may not look it, but the eyes are grey.


                            Wow! I like them both very much. 😀


                              Peg, they’re beautiful!! I especially love the purple one. 😀


                                Thank you! I forgot to mention (and it’s hard to tell) there are some very pale silver accents on the center belly scales. The purple ended up a little “splotchy” because of how thin I made the paint, but I like the effect it gives on the scales.

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