New website concerns (fixes, suggestions, etc)

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  • #1512747

      I’d like to see the gallery of Windstone products, ebay, etc. reappear.

      I’d also like to see a return of the PYO galleries.


      You can still see the individual PYO galleries if you go to someone’s account page, it’s right beneath the header, in the link called ‘Gallery’.

      I know that, thanks. I just miss being able to see everyone’s work. It’s helpful when I am thinking about a commission and wondering what style, etc. that a person does.

      I also really, really miss the Windstone products and ebay galleries.

      Life is beautiful.


        As you probably have seen, an abbreviated “work in progress” gallery of Windstone pieces is available in the “Community” drop-down menu. Who knows whether anyone will have time to work more on it!


          We mean to have the galleries back again – Clay is working on that project now.


            Good day!!! I just tried to post a new for sale classified and it is asking to verify my e-mail address. Said it sent an e-mail but it’s been about 30 minutes and I have not gotten anything. How do I get the e-mail resent? Thanks!!!


              The items on my “Recent Orders” page are now all scrunched together. Has the formatting changed?

              Also, the name/Forum ID of the person placing a classified ad no longer appears when I am viewing the ad. I believe it used to be at the top of the ad?


                The items on my “Recent Orders” page are now all scrunched together. Has the formatting changed?

                Also, the name/Forum ID of the person placing a classified ad no longer appears when I am viewing the ad. I believe it used to be at the top of the ad?

                I think editing is (or was) in progress right now. When I was on a couple hours ago, some page changes took a really l-o-o-ng time to load, and I noticed things changing between page changes. I’m going to wait till tomorrow to complain about the dis-improvements, because Clay may be working on them right now.

                My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


                  I will look into this. I found a patch that fixes the forum search (which had not been working), but evidently it messed with some stuff on the user profile pages.


                    The items on my “Recent Orders” page are now all scrunched together. Has the formatting changed?

                    Also, the name/Forum ID of the person placing a classified ad no longer appears when I am viewing the ad. I believe it used to be at the top of the ad?

                    I think editing is (or was) in progress right now. When I was on a couple hours ago, some page changes took a really l-o-o-ng time to load, and I noticed things changing between page changes. I’m going to wait till tomorrow to complain about the dis-improvements, because Clay may be working on them right now.

                    Two steps forward and one step back. Many thanks to Clay for continuing to work on the website!

                    I saw the scrunched together orders last night, but didn’t notice the missing names until this morning so I’m not sure when that happened.


                      When composing a PM, I would like to see the return of the drop down window, that offers suggestions on usernames as you start typing. Often times, I get the spelling wrong, and this allows you to adjust your spelling of the name until you find them.

                      Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                        When composing a PM, I would like to see the return of the drop down window, that offers suggestions on usernames as you start typing. Often times, I get the spelling wrong, and this allows you to adjust your spelling of the name until you find them.


                        My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.


                          I love the new drop down menu for the store as well as the search function for the forum.


                          Life is beautiful.


                            I assume the store is a work in progress. At the moment I can’t choose how many items are displayed on the page (or if I can, I can’t see how). This is not an improvement.


                              We added a new product filtering feature to the store, which lets people choose sort order, price range, product category, and/or color, as well as view only items that are in stock. But in the interest of keeping the page clutter to a minimum, I removed the “products per page” selector and set the number of products to a constant 32, which seems like a good all-purpose number. If that doesn’t work well for everyone we will revisit the issue and perhaps bring that feature back.


                                OK – 32 should work fairly well. The limit was set at 12 when I was looking at the store earlier this evening.


                                  I use Firefox 51.0.1 on Windows 7, and the filtering drop-downs are white text on white background. Only the pale gray check boxes are visible. The forum search is white text on light gray, and very hard to read.

                                  My keyboard is broken. I keep pressing "Escape", but I'm still here.

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