How old are Windstone Collectors

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    I don’t feel like a “senior citizen” even though I will be 67 in March. I saw my first Windstone in about 1986 in a gift shop in Old Sacramento. He was a peacock male and I thought “That one!! I want THAT ONE!!!” I took my best friend down there to see it just to admire it. Well, he bought it for me for Christmas!! I bought a Ki-rin family-male, female, and baby soon after that and then stopped for about 20 years, then came back about 3 years ago. Due to ebay, shops, even yard sales, and this forum, I now have at least 370 Windstones in 10 display cases in my office (I haven’t counted lately). I am so proud of the collection and to be a Windstone collector! I carry some pictures around with me to show off to anyone who will stand still long enough to listen and look!! It is so much fun!! I think it is also wonderful to have a group/forum to talk to about Windstones that understands and shares the distinctive language that collectors develop among themselves and teach others about. Hurrah for us!!!


      I’m 23 now (Turn 24 in May) and have been collecting Windstones since maybe 2006? If not 06 then 07 for sure. I first saw a peacock male at Ashley Avery’s at my local mall. I fell in love with him and the ruby scratcher. Every year I asked for the Ruby Scratcher for Christmas but never got him (I’m still missing that crazy guy!) I figured I’d never get a Windstone, so I asked my (then) friend the artist ( to draw me one. Actually the picture she drew is in her elfwood gallery. Its called “I’m not a Windstone” lol

      But anyway, yea. For a while I didn’t have but 1 small bill a month, so I bought LOTS of Windstones….and then my car went crunch and I had to get another one, and well, car payments put a damper on dragons! Im going back to school and going into the medical tech program, so in 2.5 years, WATCH OUT! heheh


      22 here! I bought my first windstone when I was somewhere around 15-6. Hopefully some day I’ll finally be out of various educational systems (heading into grad school soon) and actually have a job and the money to get a decent collection! XD


      Hello. I’m 38, but I started collecting Windstones when I was about 21, in the brief space between college and vet school. By the time I graduated, Wicks N’ Sticks had all gone out of business, and those are the only stores I ever saw Windstones in. Now, in the 2 weeks since researching wolf colors and accidently finding that my black griffin Navarre had a (wolf-colored) family, I’ve literally doubled my collection! I now have 7 old, 7 new (to me, at least; one is the brown dragon that was sold by the time I’d saved enough for him), and 1 in transit. I think I’m temporarily done, 4 pieces every week is a bit beyond my budget.

      And I think there’s a typo in the poll, I’m in two of the categories.


      Hey wait….When I posted my vote, I was in the 25-35 range…Now I am going to be 2 years past that soon! 😮 🙄 😈


        WindstoneCollector wrote:

        Hey wait….When I posted my vote, I was in the 25-35 range…Now I am going to be 2 years past that soon! 😮 🙄 😈

        XD XD

        Every act matters.No matter how small💞
        (Wanted......Toaster Dragon)
        Male day🤞Dream on.


        My first windstone was a pyo fledgie (fledgeling) or whatevar those small pyo dragons are called. Mom painted it for me for my twelfth birthday. Now i just bought myself a blacksunset croucher. hes just a beauty. 😉 8) 8) 😀 🙂 🙂 😮 hes the best. Now im 14.


        I don’t know how I missed this thread all this time……

        I got my first Windstone back in the mid 80’s–a Peacock young. Then my husband bought me the Peacock male, and I believe they both came from Wicks N Sticks; I *loved* store! I remember seeing the Browns and Greens. I was really into the Anne McCaffery books at the time.
        That was all I had……until I found this forum! Talk about “aiding and abetting”? 😆 Now I’m up to 23, (not counting my PYO’s) with my last one being the Blue Ribbon Curlie. Most are either Peacock or EmPea’s. I do have a couple eBay pieces, but by far the culprit to blame for the empty bank account and full shelves would be the online store here and the forum. 😉
        And as for age, I’m old enough to know better, and young enough to still not care. 😀


        I`m turning 22 this year…


        I’m 42…..but I don’t feel 42. 😀

        -- Angie


          In November I will be celebrating the first anniversary of my 29th Birthday!! (turning 30 😆 )
          Ten years ago I bought a small spirit wolf in a Nature’s Habitat (now closed 🙁 ). It came with an advertisement for the Grimalkin. I loved it and had to get one! The Grimalkin came with an advertisement for something else that I loved and just had to get……10 years later I have a room full of pretties!!


            I’m 20 years old, myself. Got my first Windstone, a peacock Scratcher, when I was 15. He was something like $200 when I got him, so needless to say my parents weren’t thrilled.

            I love my “Scratch” and have taken very good care of him. It’s always funny to see a friend’s expression when they walk into my room and I am petting him, praising him for his beautiful, colorful scales.

            “Who’s a pretty boy? You’re a pretty boy! Yes!


              LOL Kayami you’re too funny! 😆 😆

              Diana L

                Well, I looked at the poll and tried to pick something…do I go real date time, how I feel today time, or pick something with my eyes closed? Real time won out and do I have the whole category to myself? Yes, I’m in the 60+ XD group and will be more so next year on my birthday. You youngsters. 😀 have a way to go but you all are doing well despite challenges with jobs and boyfriends.


                  I’m 24, and I have loved Windstone (the dragons especially!) since I was 10. At that age, one doesn’t really have $200-$400 just laying around, so I waited … and waited … a decade and a half later, and I finally have my first one! A PYO Secret Keeper!
                  More to come as the money (and stock) flows!

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