Forum/Website troubles

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      WindstoneCollector wrote:

      Is there something going on with the PYO Gallery/Galeries? I uploaded a couple pics, and they are still not there, yet others have had some new ones go up. Did I just not do it right? Its not like I haven’t done it before. 🙄 😳 Should I just try again? It says the files uploaded successfuly.

      Don’t they have to be approved by Jennifer first before they show up?


        WindstoneCollector wrote:

        Is there something going on with the PYO Gallery/Galeries? I uploaded a couple pics, and they are still not there, yet others have had some new ones go up. Did I just not do it right? Its not like I haven’t done it before. 🙄 😳 Should I just try again? It says the files uploaded successfuly.

        Sorry– I have to approve them. I was away from the internet for over a week, I apologize.

        Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
        My art:


        It’s ok…I was just wondering what I was doing wrong. lol


          I didnt see this mentioned… the poll colors for the questions are kinda unreadable. if there was a color option, I missed it.


            Store security certificate expired as of april 12.

            When I access the store it says it has a problem with the security certificate.
            “It has expired or is not yet valid”
            I verified and it has expired as of yesterday April12.

            I’ve already sent Melody and Chessie a message yesterday about it.


              skigod377 wrote:

              I didnt see this mentioned… the poll colors for the questions are kinda unreadable. if there was a color option, I missed it.

              Hmm, I’ll mention that to the Web Guy.

              Volunteer mod- I'm here to help! Email me for the best response: nambroth at
              My art:


                Is there a reason you can no longer edit a PM that you have sent to someone? I recently sent one and then about an hour later (before they had gotten it) I wanted to add a little more information. I looked and looked for the edit button, but couldn’t see it. I ended up having to delete the PM and start all over again.


                  I couldn’t get the main page to open. I had to add /forums to get in. And even then, the forum has been slow to load today. I haven’t had any problems with other sites.


                    For the last 3 days I have not been receiving notification in my email that I have a PM from a Forum member is anyone else having this problem?



                    I seem to be having trouble sending Private Messages (PM)s.

                    Step 1) I log in and find the PM button beneath the name and click it.

                    It brings me to the red ‘Compose Message’ screen.

                    Step 2) I type the persons Screen Name (SN) in the ‘To:’ screen.

                    Step 3) I type my message.

                    Step 4) I preview my message!

                    I notice that the typed in SN name is now gone from the ‘To:’ field.

                    Step 5) I hit submit.

                    It appears to go, but there is nothing in my Outbox or Sent Messages.

                    What did I miss?

                    I did go through my preferences and didn’t see anything blocking me from PMing someone or vice a versa.

                    Thanks for any input!




                    Private Message went through and I now have internal communication capabilities again.

                    I think all the extra code was lagging it/taking so long to load, that I was submitting before it was finished.

                    Who knows ….

                    Neigh? 🙂



                      darjeb wrote:

                      For the last 3 days I have not been receiving notification in my email that I have a PM from a Forum member is anyone else having this problem?

                      The Internet was full. I just went after it with a plunger and some Drano, you’ll probably get a pile of notifications all at once now. Someone just yelled at me that they got 300 of them.


                        Snapdragon wrote:

                        darjeb wrote:

                        For the last 3 days I have not been receiving notification in my email that I have a PM from a Forum member is anyone else having this problem?

                        The Internet was full. I just went after it with a plunger and some Drano, you’ll probably get a pile of notifications all at once now. Someone just yelled at me that they got 300 of them.

                        Is that the cousin to the Internets?! (Sorry, couldn’t help it. 😆 )


                        I got a message from Snapdragon saying I need to update my email address in my profile, but I could not do it–Admin set up my account in the beginning, and I could not find my email address to fix it, it was close to being correct, so if Snapdragon or Jennifer could Please go into my profile to fix it, my email address is

                        Thank you… 😀


                          Snapdragon wrote:

                          The Internet was full. I just went after it with a plunger and some Drano, you’ll probably get a pile of notifications all at once now. Someone just yelled at me that they got 300 of them.

                          Drano *snork* 😀

                          twindragonsmum 8)


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