Dragon Cave Egg Exchange 2

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      It took me three years (almost to the day) to even summon my first GoN. Then it has taken me almost 15 months to get my second. I dread getting my third. It is an act of patience to be sure.


      I”m not going to summon my third. I like having neat, even numbers of dragons and a extra GoN would bother me lol!


        I’m not sure this is the right thread but I couldn’t find a more recent one… :S Anywho, I need an icicle dragon. I have had absolutely no luck in snagging one from the caves. Is that a dragon someone could breed for me? I really want to summon a GoN. Thank you !!! 🙂


        Sure. Do you have a preferred mate you’d like?


          I don’t have a specific mate in mind so whatever you think would work. 🙂 Thanks!


            I don’t have a specific mate in mind so whatever you think would work. 🙂 Thanks!


            I could breed you some. I have all 3 too so if ya need let me know

            Tried all of my trio dragons and well…. Either no egg or wrong darn egg. Sorry


              Thanks to all who offered to help me get an icicle dragon egg. I really appreciate all the wonderful people here. 🙂


                I have a holly egg (for free) if anyone is interested. I got it from the AP, and it’s messy. I would prefer it goes to someone that doesn’t have any hollies yet.


                  Are anyone else’s eggs taking an inordinate amount of time to hatch. Mine have close to 2000 views and around 500-800 unique views. I don’t remember them needing that many to hatch. :S


                    I hope everyone got their 2 eggs from the holiday drop. Did anyone win the raffle this year? I actually won a silver Eastern style egg. WOOT! Of course, I don’t actually have the egg, yet, so I’m not going to count my dragons before they hatch. If anyone is interested, I will consider trades with forum member here once I can breed it (I guess I am counting my dragons before they hatch), but I probably won’t entertain requests from people not on this forum.


                      Congratulations. No prize egg here, but I don’t expect anything good on dragon cave any more. Not since he stopped monthly releases. I didnt get my GoNs until after he made adjustments. It should not have taken as long as it did for someone whose been on dragon cave as I have. I haven’t left yet….put too much time into what I do have, but I don’t go on as often anymore. I’ve been more active this week than I have in a long timg though. Gathering up new cave born mates for my holidays. Manages to score a new cheese dragon in the process.


                      Congrats on the prize

                      I didn’t win anything

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