Dragon Cave Egg Exchange 2

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  • #905927

      One last Black Friday egg up for adoption:

      Claim my eggs/hatchlings!

      Also, since Holiday dragons are going to become breedable in a few weeks, I’d just like to put it out there that I’d LOVE a Holly egg! I’ll breed multiple of anything on my scroll for one! :bigsmile:

      I have a 7th-gen Shimmer from Jewel and two 4-gen Tinsels from Penk as well as multiple other Shimmer and Tinsel lineages. I also have CB metallics (silver and gold).


        Nabbed the egg, thanks! I missed this one too.


          I managed to get a Holly last year, so if someone reminds me I’ll try to breed up some eggs this year.


          Awesome! Maybe I can nab one from you =P


            I just picked up my first egg ever XD


              I just picked up my first egg ever XD

              Congrats, wolfsgrin! And welcome to the forum!!


              I just picked up my first egg ever XD

              if you want any pretty things of mine, just let me know! You can click on my fellow below to get to my scroll =D


                I picked up one of your eggs. Thanks so much!! 😉


                  My pleasure! There are a couple of nice ones still available! 🙂


                    I just picked up my first egg ever XD

                    Congrats, wolfsgrin! And welcome to the forum!!

                    Omg this thing is soooooo addicting XD thank you very much siri! I already have a hatchling!


                      I just picked up my first egg ever XD

                      if you want any pretty things of mine, just let me know! You can click on my fellow below to get to my scroll =D

                      Omg there are sooooo many pretties!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                      Would it be really greedy to ask for a yulebuck or snow angel when Christmas comes around? I can wait. I dunno they are just sooooooo pretty XD if not it is a-ok! I don’t really know how the breeding part works yet. I need to fix my broken Sig code XD I’m so partial to the holiday ones and I feel awful asking for any I’m sure you worked soooo hard to get those! I’ll be honest I accidentally killed one (a normie) cause I didn’t know how to play. I do now though! I feel so stupid poor little guy.


                      I can breed Yulebucks or Snow angels too =)

                      I caught my first CB Silver!! now I need to try and trade it for my first CB GOld [not a fan of the silvers, so i’d rather have a CB gold over a silver]


                        I just picked up my first egg ever XD

                        if you want any pretty things of mine, just let me know! You can click on my fellow below to get to my scroll =D

                        Omg there are sooooo many pretties!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                        Would it be really greedy to ask for a yulebuck or snow angel when Christmas comes around? I can wait. I dunno they are just sooooooo pretty XD if not it is a-ok! I don’t really know how the breeding part works yet. I need to fix my broken Sig code XD I’m so partial to the holiday ones and I feel awful asking for any I’m sure you worked soooo hard to get those! I’ll be honest I accidentally killed one (a normie) cause I didn’t know how to play. I do now though! I feel so stupid poor little guy.

                        When breeding time comes around there’s gonna be a whole bunch of the previous years’ Holiday eggs available, you’ll have your pick of each (except for the Holly, those are really rare). You can get a max of 2 of each. But make sure that you have 2 egg spots open for this year’s Christmas eggs, those are going to drop in the Cave on the 25th.


                          All gone!


                            I just picked up my first egg ever XD

                            Check you PMs wolfsgrin, I sent you some goodies! 😉

                          Viewing 15 posts - 391 through 405 (of 508 total)
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