Do you collect anything besides Windstones?

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      If so, tell us about your other collections…



        I kinda focus on the Windstones, because I don’t have the money to put to more then one collection.. 😳

        But I do collect blades and daggers. And at one time I collected rocks, but I lost them. And I had rocks from everywhere too. Stuff from the mountains (shh don’t tell anyone, lol), stuff from Germany… haha. And I lost all of them 🙄 They’re probably at my home in Valleyview actually.

        Blades and daggers? Well, I have a nice fascination with sharp shiny objects. I think my favorite one is one that my fiancee got me for Christmas one year – it’s kinda oriental in design, obviously completely ornamental. Has two daggers on the ends with dragons on the end. And I lost my camera cord so I can’t take a picture of it, lol.


          I love decorative knives, too… but I’m such a klutz, I would hurt myself. No sharp pointy things for me! 😆

          Besides Windstones… I also collect gemstones and crystals. It started with the pretty polished ones, and now I’m getting into clusters and specimens. my poor bank account I also have rocks from the mountain tops, but it’s not my fault!! My mom gave them to me. I have one from Pike’s Peak and one from the Great Continental Divide.

          My rock collection also includes fossils. I have an ammonite, trilobites, a belemnite, orthoceras, shark’s tooth, and a piece of dino bone (with marrow).

          And no fossil collection is complete without coprolites (yes, dino doo doo)! Makes a great paperweight. 😈


          Got any pictures of your rock collection, bayou?


            I have a few, but I don’t have an image hosting site… 😳


              bayoudragon wrote:

              I have a few, but I don’t have an image hosting site… 😳

              There are lots of good free ones out there.

              Find Image Host lists 116 free image hosting site options.


                OK, let’s see if I can get this to work…

                a whole mess of polished and rough stones

                fossils (the red flash on the ammonite doesn’t show up well)

                labradorite pieces

                iridescent pyrite sun… This baby is stunning in the sunlight. I wouldn’t even a trade it for a specially painted SK! 😛

                quartz with phantoms, enhydro quartz, and black kyanite fan

                I also have aura crystal points, an amethyst encrusted stalactite cross-section, and a quartz cluster with tantric twins that rate high on my favorites of shinies! 😀


                  Lots of pretties, bodine! I love the pyrite sun, too.


                  Oh wow! Thank you for sharing the pics, bayou – great collection! I love the pyrite and the fossils.



                    You need to get a new camera… I’m dying to see a pic of that blade! 🙂


                    bayoudragon wrote:


                    You need to get a new camera… I’m dying to see a pic of that blade! 🙂

                    It’s not that I need a new camera, it’s that I need to find the cord that connects it to the computer. I can’t use the card, because my computer isn’t compatible with the Olympus xD cards, and I’m too cheap to buy an adapter. I did look on my computer for pics though and nuttin. 😕 Soon, I promise. That cord has got to be somewhere….


                    My other passions, although I have not done as much with them lately, are sports cards (I am just a wee bit obsessed with Joe Montana! 😉 ), and Broadway shows, with the memorabialia thereof. I have not been to NYC ever, but we do get “Best of Broadway” shows here every season, I loved “The Lion King” (It’s coming back this Fall), and “Phantom of the Opera” and “Les Miserables”. squeek* squeek*


                    I collect too many things… Figures about manga, movies, Disney, comics, dolls, Mc Farlane Dragons and Gloomy Bears.


                      Along with all my Windstones I collect Procelain Cabbage Patch Dolls that were made in 1984 – 1986. Thanks to eBay I now have all of them.

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