color shift GB baby kirin show off thread – 02/10/2016

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags color shift GB baby kirin show off thread – 02/10/2016

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      I checked the website around 3 pm Mountain time and didn’t see anything about the kirins and then forgot about them until about 6 pm and then saw the email notifications. (I just got two notifications.) When I went on the website it was already down though. Maybe that was lucky or I might have missed them. I checked back every half hour and finally was able to get on the site at 7:30 before they sold out so that worked out. Then I had to head to a meeting so thankfully I didn’t have to keep checking all night. *I see a few kirins came back in stock now for anyone who missed one.

      I like the solid coloured kirins with purple/blue/teal colours and also gold/copper/pink. If I get a white one it will be up for trade or sale. These are my favourites:

      Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


        Can anyone that has ordered to Canada tell me if you end up paying extra charges from these coming across the border?

        It was explained to me that parcels over $80 (Canadian Dollars – they convert the currency) are likely to incur customs/duty..First Class parcels are selected at random. Kim is right, in that larger boxes (shipped Priority) are more likely to get held up. This applies when you ship with USPS/Canada Post. If you ship with any other postal service (UPS for example) you are WAY MORE likely to pay duty/customs fees, even if the parcel is valued at $50. I was charged $25 in duty, for a parcel that was a $50 gift. When I picked up my GB Young hoppy poad ($115 USD), shipped First Class, I was charged $20 to pick it up.. For a 400 USD purchase, $77 dollars! These kirins, their sale price of $150 USD will be converted to Canadian currency (which at the moment is CRAP) and taxed on that amount (less shipping) If you had it shipped First Class from the store, cross your fingers, and hope for the best. I Dont know if it is different in other Provinces, because Kim’s fees seem very low to me; I am in Ontario. Hope that helped a bit. I guess the short answer is, you MIGHT pay tax when it crosses 😉

        Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


          ….and all gone. For all the trouble they caused they didn’t stick around very long, Cant wait to see pictures.

          Btw I have noticed the white background in the last couple of restock and new pieces for the store. I think it looks really nice, fresh and bright.


            i am rather surprised at how much i like the white ones with color shift patterns. i thought i might be buying one for trade or reselling options, but now….i may have just increased my personal debt hahaha.


              These are so beautiful! I couldn’t afford one but I have a trade ad in the classifieds if anyone is interested after they get theirs! 🙂


                I Don’t know if it is different in other Provinces, because Kim’s fees seem very low to me; I am in Ontario. Hope that helped a bit. I guess the short answer is, you MIGHT pay tax when it crosses 😉

                I am in Alberta so maybe it has something to do with taxes? Our provincial tax is 5% here but customs is federal right? I don’t know if maybe each province is charged differently though? Most of my packages come through customs in Richmond, B.C. so maybe they charge differently at the border in the east? I don’t think I have paid more than 10%. The post office told me that if something is under $100 value and marked a gift, it shouldn’t get charged customs but if it is over $100, even if it’s marked a gift it can be charged. I would say maybe 80% of the small boxes I have gotten in the last couple years haven’t been charged customs but most of the big ones have been charged.

                Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                  Thanks Kim that really does help a lot. Much luck for getting an awesome grab. I’m very excited for you all who purchased. I came really close but decided to wait.



                    My work week has been pretty stressful, so I didn’t even know this was all happening until I started seeing notifications pop up on Facebook that the website was down. I managed to snag one without an issue, and in fact, my brother was able to get one too. I’m not even sure what I want at this point, I’m just so excited, it’s been months and months since I had a new kirin!!


                      I Don’t know if it is different in other Provinces, because Kim’s fees seem very low to me; I am in Ontario. Hope that helped a bit. I guess the short answer is, you MIGHT pay tax when it crosses 😉

                      I am in Alberta so maybe it has something to do with taxes? Our provincial tax is 5% here but customs is federal right? I don’t know if maybe each province is charged differently though? Most of my packages come through customs in Richmond, B.C. so maybe they charge differently at the border in the east? I don’t think I have paid more than 10%. The post office told me that if something is under $100 value and marked a gift, it shouldn’t get charged customs but if it is over $100, even if it’s marked a gift it can be charged. I would say maybe 80% of the small boxes I have gotten in the last couple years haven’t been charged customs but most of the big ones have been charged.

                      My understanding is that any package valued at $20 Canadian or more can be hit with fees ($40 or more if it’s marked as a gift), but they rarely apply it to low value packages (it happened to me once on a $24 package). Whether or not Customs actually decides to charge you seems to be fairly random. If you do get charged, the formula is this:

                      item value (converted to $ Canadian) x your provincial tax + $10 Customs fee

                      For example, a $150 USD package shipped to Ontario would be $210 CAD x 13% HST + $10 = $37.30

                      But hopefully everyone’s ki-rins sneak past Customs altogether. 🙂


                        I really shouldn’t have bought one, but I did and I’m excited to see him! I rationalized that I could get one because I didn’t make a run on the Mintaloosa family. I really wanted them, but I’m pretending to be a responsible adult this month!

                        I’m hoping for a blue/green or red/purple, but there aren’t any I’m absolutely gunning for based on the class pics. Lots and lots I like. Looks like a really lovely batch. I’m thinking maybe Tuesday, since Monday is a holiday.

                        Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                        ANY Red Eyed Unis
                        ANY Test Paint Bat
                        The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                        Male- Snow Leopard TP
                        White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                        Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                        Mother: Okapi
                        Gothic - Mahogany
                        PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                        DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                          I agree that there are many likeable ones. There are two I yearn for and about a dozen I wouldn’t mind being a buddy for my poor lonely albino baby kirin, then the ‘likeability’ tapers away into cute enough to keep, cute but not interested, not really my thing, so on and so forth.

                          One that caught my eye early on was the brown one nearest the camera in the teaser pic before they had eyes–he was a ‘rootbeer’ brown color with mask marks on his muzzle; another I love is the top right corner of one of the class photos…he’s a white-base one with green and brown vining/leaves on him. There’s some similar ‘leafy’ pattern ones in blues and purples that are absolutely fantastic too!

                          I’m itching and twitching to start seeing people’s photos. 🙂


                          First there was the message last week “maybe today or tomorrow or next week”. I kept hanging around the computer. Not hoping, of course (I will not build my life around Windstones). Thursday, Friday, Saturday (I will not build my life around Windstones). Monday, TUESDAY (I will not build my life around Windstones). WEDNESDAY. Site’s down. Must have tried to put them in the store and the flood of buyers crashed it. Will it be fixed today? Will they still go in the store even if it’s late? Hang around the computer (I will not build my life around Windstones). Went to eat. Came back. Checked again (I will NOT…) The site’s up! They’re there! Of course I will. We all know Melody’s our dealer! 😀 :love:

                          It's not hoarding if it's books!
                          Cat hair -- condiment and fashion accessory!


                            I really shouldn’t have bought one, but I did and I’m excited to see him! I rationalized that I could get one because I didn’t make a run on the Mintaloosa family. I really wanted them, but I’m pretending to be a responsible adult this month!

                            I’m hoping for a blue/green or red/purple, but there aren’t any I’m absolutely gunning for based on the class pics. Lots and lots I like. Looks like a really lovely batch. I’m thinking maybe Tuesday, since Monday is a holiday.

                            I thought for sure!! you would bid on the Mintaloosa unis! I tried the “responsible” thing, and didnt like it 😉

                            Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                              I really shouldn’t have bought one, but I did and I’m excited to see him! I rationalized that I could get one because I didn’t make a run on the Mintaloosa family. I really wanted them, but I’m pretending to be a responsible adult this month!

                              I’m hoping for a blue/green or red/purple, but there aren’t any I’m absolutely gunning for based on the class pics. Lots and lots I like. Looks like a really lovely batch. I’m thinking maybe Tuesday, since Monday is a holiday.

                              I thought for sure!! you would bid on the Mintaloosa unis! I tried the “responsible” thing, and didnt like it 😉

                              I realllly wanted to. Really really really!!

                              Seeking Test Paints & GBs ! Please get in touch if you'd trade/sell. I'll remove pieces from list by owner request
                              ANY Red Eyed Unis
                              ANY Test Paint Bat
                              The Purple/Yellow Baby Uni of Awesome
                              Male- Snow Leopard TP
                              White Lighting Male, Pony, Colt and Grand - I have Mom, Baby, & Young
                              Ponycorns: Golden Zebra and/or Spotted Skunk
                              Mother: Okapi
                              Gothic - Mahogany
                              PEGS: Male Midnight Calico, Male Bloodstone, Mother Starlight Rain
                              DRAGONS: Male Coyote


                              Yay, mine is due to arrive tomorrow /wiggles with excitement!

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