Brindle GB Pebble Wolves Thread May 2015

Home Forums Windstone Editions Grab Bags Brindle GB Pebble Wolves Thread May 2015

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      Here’s my wolf with his new little buddy. I almost didn’t get one of these, in fact I didn’t order from the first batch. But when the stragglers came out, I broke down and got one. I’m very happy I did. I absolutely love this wolf. He’s in his forever home. I did have a photo of his back side, but the camera focused on something else, and he’s all blurry. He’s got a little darker streak down his back. Oddly enough, I got another package today. A cat carved out of tiger eye. I couldn’t believe how well they go together. I named the wolf Tiger Eye. 🙂

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        Well, well. Found this on the doorstep. Looks about the size of a GB wolf box — but my oldest and I got our wolves. Puzzlement, puzzlement, until I see my YOUNGER daughter’s name on the box. Looks like she wants to play, too. 😉 (But she won’t be home from school until next week. :() Can mom resist the temptation to peek?


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        Well, well. Found this on the doorstep. Looks about the size of a GB wolf box — but my oldest and I got our wolves. Puzzlement, puzzlement, until I see my YOUNGER daughter’s name on the box. Looks like she wants to play, too. 😉 (But she won’t be home from school until next week. :() Can mom resist the temptation to peek?

        Oh! Exciting! If you plan to open it, you should ask her first.

        [i]Keeping an eye out for fantasy gryphons and test paint dragons.[/i]


        My wolf came yesterday.
        I originally was hoping for one without white, but he’s a keeper. His colour is very rich.

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          Got some pics of mine now 🙂
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            Got this little one today, even if he did take a slight delay. Although I love how the post office just changes the expected delivery so they can still say it’s on time.

            So this little guy is just so handsome. As I was waiting for him, I was kind of thinking that I might trade or sell this piece. Now, not so sure about that. They really are just so striking in person.

            He is a bit darker in person. As many others have said, it’s very hard to get good pics of these guys. I would say the first one is closer in color than than the second.

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            I was out for the Memorial Holiday and got back today, and my Wolfie was waiting for me!
            He’s a Greyish brindle in the front that goes to a nice brownish toffee colored brindle in back, with nice tigery striping and a darker face – no white at all. And he’s Odd-Eyed! Yea! 🙂 He’s got one gold eye and one blue.

            I’ve taken some photos but been so busy at work and home that I’ve gotten behind on posting. Hopefully I’ll be able to post them tomorrow. Yeah, I’m happy! I got a nice GB this time. 🙂

            Here’s MY Brindle Wolfie! Couldn’t be happier! 🙂

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            LOVE the Odd-Eyes! Gold and Blue! 🙂

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            Very nice! I ADORE The eyes. Any other odd-eyed wolves surface yet?


              Slightly better photos of mine… I needed to photograph him on an overcast day lol


                I know the feeling Kim… mine arrived so early, I was in disbelief (not complaining of course!) Here’s the girl I got, in all her brindle glory! She will be going to her new home this week 🙂

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                Wanted: "Dragon Fruit" Male Dragon ~ "Fire Berry", "Paradise", "Dragon Fruit", "Tie Dye" ~ The brighter, the better!


                  I finally got mine! 🙂 He’s a vivid orange brindle (brighter than the pictures show) with white husky markings. I love the dark patches around his eyes; they really make the gold eyes stand out. I’m 95% sure that this guy has found his forever home.


                    Picked up my wolf today, and he’s a stunner. I’ve named him Brushfire… don’t ask me why.
                    It’s just what immediately came to mind when I saw him. I wouldn’t be sorry to see him stay.
                    He compliments my other two Wolves from the previous GB batch very well.

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                    ↞↞≪∙ FOREVER SEEKING •↟•

                    • ► By Patricia Smith ◄ •
                    ☙ "SKY BRONZE" Emperor Dragon
                    ✾ "RAINBOW ASAGI" Moon Oriental Dragon
                    ✾ "RAINBOW TIGER" Sun Oriental Dragon

                    • ► By Melody ◄ •
                    ☙ "Test Paint #5" GB '15 PUMA
                    ☙ #170 FANTASY GB '22 Young Qi'Lin
                    ☙ #224 KOI GB '22 Young Qi'Lin


                      I would have been ecstatic to receive quite a few of the Brindle wolves that have been posted. I didn’t get one from the initial batches, but was fortunate enough to be able to trade for one. I hope to eventually add a few more to my collection!

                      This is the lovely wolf I received in the trade. It’s been posted before, but I thought I’d share my photo. 🙂
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                        So daughter #2 is now home from school and opened her wolfie, so I can post both hers and the lovely little wolf pack made up of mine and my girls’ wolves.

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                          I got my wolf today at last. It is a gorgeous one! Although I was hoping for a lighter one, the rich red colour on this one is very pretty. I love the light blue eyes especially! If anyone would trade a lighter one like grey or tan with blue eyes for mine, let me know! I like your blue eyed one Aggie83 if you might like mine! I would also look at trading for a blonde/tan one with blue eyes from a previous batch.

                          Looking for rainbow or pink & teal grab bags!


                          Here’s my wolf Heartwood! I was really hoping to get a solid one that had big wide bands. In the pictures they reminded me of stripes in sandstone formations, but with his colors he looks more like a rich piece of polished wood. Striking copper eyes too! He’s perfect and will be staying here with me 🙂
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                          Melody, another round of thanks for these beauties! The colors on these are so rich and the edges of the brindle markings are soft and realistic, even at so small a scale. I feel lucky to have this little guy!

                          Forever seeking: Blackwatch the raffle Old Warrior, Jennifer Miller's pieces, and GB Baby unis!

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