Behind the Screen- Real Photos of Windstone Collectors!

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    Is that green or blue in your eyes?


      well, its called gray… with them mainly being an aqua like shade of blue, with gold in the center. i guess they’re my best feature πŸ˜† i don’t know who i got them from as my mom has brown eyes and my dad ice blue, my grandpa has black and grandma ice blue again. genetics in general are so cool with how they manifest (long as i don’t inherit any more health problems) lol!


      Genetics are cool when they pass along good traits. My genetics could have been kind enough to pass me by when it came to inherently weak eyes, though… πŸ˜• Your eye coloring is neat. Windstone oughta make some eyes like that for their dragons and griffins.


        awwwwww squee! windstone eyeballs! πŸ˜€ ya know i’ve been hoping for periwinkle eyes to be made someday personally for windstones. that and seafoam green.woo!
        i agree with the poor eyesight over here too! awwwww i’m sorry you can see well! i hate not being able to see much of anything without help. man, i am blind as a bat without contacts, and if i wear glasses they are real literal coke bottle thick ones! wearing contacts has kept them from getting worse too quickly though, they REALLY helped, so i and just thrilled about that. its just a drag waking up each morning and not being to see much until you get up n put your eyes in. but i could have plenty more to complain about, so i won’t ask for trouble.
        i imagine you have contacts too. didn’t you post a pic waaay back when with you wearing glasses looking all pretty, studious and intellectual?


        Er, I doubt it. I look horrible in glasses. πŸ˜†
        But hey, in tha case you can sympathize. I have a correction of -9 in both eyes, and they can’t make contacts ay stronger than the ones I’m wearing, which means I still don’t see as well as I should. One of these days I’ll get around to having laser correction done. Two aunts and several people I know have had it done and it’s worked wonders.


        Me, about a month ago, after I dyed my hair… I’m finding the red is hard to hold πŸ˜›

        (hey anyone know how to get slightly larger signature pictures?? – and yes the copyright is on there, it’s the blur on the bottom). The pic was originally about 1.5 – 2x the size but that’s the size that came out.


          tfsculptures wrote:

          i have some *kinda* recent pics of me again… my dad took these at xmas when i was home in NY. my nose is pink cuz i was in a t shirt in a 59 degree room for forever for him to get an acceptable shot of me.- brrr! chilly mcwilly! miso is posing with me; you can so tell she is holding her breath as i had to hold her forward to look best for the pic. she’s the dog thats needs knee surgery ( i’ll update my old post this weekend on that as we finally just now got some news)


          tries to show cool eye color:


          Dang woman. your eyes are breathtaking 😯 before you explaned the colouring I thought they were like mine πŸ˜€ (I love my eyes to, brownish greenish yellowish, depends on weather or temper, mama got aqua green and father grey, no idea where mine came from too)


            Yay!! I LOVE pictures… though mine are rather late compared to everyone else’s

            This is Jeff and I after a long day riding around in his Gigantic Ford Ranger…. fondly known as Mini Bertha πŸ™‚ (sadly, not pictured… maybe somewhere else I will)

            Eating lunch at Bubba Gump Shrimp in Hawaii

            A couple friends and I getting ready to go out for the night… I’m on the far left πŸ™‚

            A quick one snapped with my phone of me and Jeff


              πŸ˜€ Pretty girl joshmo4evr.


                Blackdesertwind wrote:

                πŸ˜€ Pretty girl joshmo4evr.

                Why thank you, miss! You’re not so bad yourself πŸ™‚


                  Cute pics! you got a little dirt on your belly in the first one. πŸ˜› πŸ˜†


                    skigod377 wrote:

                    Cute pics! you got a little dirt on your belly in the first one. πŸ˜› πŸ˜†

                    Dang.. and all that time I thought I had gotten really tan!


                      joshmo4evr wrote:

                      Blackdesertwind wrote:

                      πŸ˜€ Pretty girl joshmo4evr.

                      Why thank you, miss! You’re not so bad yourself πŸ™‚
                      I don’t look much like that anymore πŸ™


                      Riding a Ranger around and being all muddy at the end of the day? Awesome, joshmo. πŸ˜€


                        Here’s one of my pics. Not the best, but it was fun to take and play with. πŸ™‚

                        I love the comic book-style app. πŸ˜›

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