Behind the Screen- Real Photos of Windstone Collectors!

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    Pegasi, Your son is so cute! Both of your outfits look great! 🙂

    a few weeks ago I went fishing with my Dad and I got into a newspaper! here’s the pic they took of me! 🙂


      Nice pic. You’re younger than I expected. I feel like an old fart compared to some of you. 🙄


      Jasmine wrote:

      Nice pic. You’re younger than I expected. I feel like an old fart compared to some of you. 🙄

      Thanks! 😆 I’m 15! A lot of people think I’m older! I was shopping for new bed sheets last summer and somebody asked me what college i was going to! 😯 I was like “uuh…I’m going into highschool”


      Great photo, Pegasi. It looks like you’re having fun. 😀


      My visit to my Grand Moff of the Galatic Empire , just before some jerk in a rust bucket X-Wing went and blew the death star to pieces


        I haven’t posted a pic of myself in awhile so here I am with Alyssa (a future windstone collector).


          Oh, she’s so cute!! Not that you aren’t Purple. But she’s got ya beat on the cuteness scale. 😆


            Necron99 wrote:

            My visit to my Grand Moff of the Galatic Empire , just before some jerk in a rust bucket X-Wing went and blew the death star to pieces

            Sounds like a tough day at the office.

            I would help but I am just to tired to get out of bed today~
            Engaged to a Weasel


            KMD4me wrote:

            Jasmine wrote:

            Nice pic. You’re younger than I expected. I feel like an old fart compared to some of you. 🙄

            Thanks! 😆 I’m 15! A lot of people think I’m older! I was shopping for new bed sheets last summer and somebody asked me what college i was going to! 😯 I was like “uuh…I’m going into highschool”

            My daughter used to get that all the time too. Now she’s 18 and is leaving for college 🙁
            I used to go trout fishing with my Dad too 😀
            I love Rainbow trout. Yummy


              I got that too when I was a Freshman I was asked what college I was going ot when I was getting my hair cut, well that was back when I still had hair on top!!!


                This is my most recent photo ^

                Hmmm… you’re really red. Did you get a sunburn? 😀

                Read my books! Volume 1 and 2 of A Dragon Medley are available now.
                I host the feedback lists, which are maintained by drag0nfeathers.


                This is my most recent photo ^

                Haha.. you’re cute!


                This is my most recent photo ^

                Hmmm… you’re really red. Did you get a sunburn? 😀

                Nah X3


                This is me last year (I’m wearing a short wig, my hair is much lighter and longer than this)


                Cool, another Windstoner on DA!

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