I thought I’d give everyone a sneak peek at my newest griffin. Okay, not so much of a sneak peek as just ‘these aren’t official photos’. But still!
These photos aren’t real good and he’s not quite done (I’m waiting for his gems to arrive in the mail) but to give you a glimpse…
I’m not sure what I’ll call him yet, just “grey griffin” or ‘labradorite griffin’ or what. He will have a labradorite as his main stone and two genuine sapphire accents. His necklace and silver sparkly spots are aluminum leaf (I’d use silver but it would tarnish under the finish, ack!). He’s way detailed, more so than the Sun and Moon griffins, and is really cool.
Here’s the neat part. If I don’t go too insane from painting tiny details for 10 hours a day, these will be a limited edition! I hope to make four of these, one of which Melody wants and the other three will go on eBay. He’s the only one I’ve done so far though so nothing is set in stone. Took forever to do…
Anyhow, here he is! Sorry the photo is so big.
He was inspired by the colors and markings of mallard ducks and harpy eagles!
Also wish me luck at the eye doctor’s tomorrow! I’ve been having a little trouble focusing lately. I wear glasses already so I hope it’s just minor eye strain from staring at tiny details!
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