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  • in reply to: Next PYO swap #900543

      I vote we just push forward with the swap having a set theme & see how it goes. Then reconvene after on if participants enjoyed or had different issues, more or less than the usual swap set up.

      I just want to start the next swap! Loving these so far & can’t wait for the next one! ….so excited, bouncing in place. Sure my cats think I’m bonkers & up the kitty tree with a bucket o catnip…

      in reply to: Poad eggs #900251

        Love this thread! Can’t wait to see those new baby poads on the facebook page in colors…all the pretty colors…

        can practically “taste the rainbow!”

        in reply to: Is the Tattoo scheme too complicated for production? #900148

          I totally agree! Besides the one ball python oriental Melody did (that DragOn has in her signature box the fink :P…so envious you won that one), the Tattoo scheme across the board has to be one of my absolute favorites and I would definetly buy a Kirin or Oriental set in it!

          in reply to: July 2013 GBY Unicorn Picture Thread #900147

            I was more of a safari fan until all the photos started getting posted, now…who knows but they are all so gorgeous. Melody really outdid herself on these!

            So sad…didn’t realize until folks responded that I hadn’t seen Hannah post in awhile, I hope she comes back soon. 🙁

            Meanwhile Setsunawolf has been super awesome!!…and offered to post some photos for me, so eventually you will actually get to see Lalique. 🙂

            in reply to: July 2013 GBY Unicorn Picture Thread #900126

              Lalique came today. She is a candy corn. In the class photos she is in the bottom group, 4th one in from the very bottom left. All you can see is the top which looks teal body w copper mane & tail.

              In person she reminds me of the carousel horses that have the mermaid tails. She has red eyes & jewels, body is mostly teal with turquoise & blue iridescent blended here & there, mane & tail are rose & copper and she has this triangular pattern on her body that has rose w rose dots shading into more green w a few gold pieces.

              She blends really well with my 2 gbb poads, but not my other unicorns. I really wanted a safari, but have been smiling non-stop ever since I saw her, so not sure she will be up for trade.

              Will be begging Hannah for help posting the photos so you can see her. 🙂

              in reply to: Next PYO swap #899884

                Oh, and for those that like crazy colors…70s disco era suits anyone? 😀

                in reply to: Next PYO swap #899883

                  I’m up to try anything once to see how it goes. I agree getting a theme set in advance doesn’t limit what I would come up with to paint anymore than when a swapee chooses the theme.

                  I could see why people wouldn’t enter if a theme didn’t appeal as the recipient, but our forum members are so unique & talented that I think people will be surprised at how unique all the pieces still turn out to be.

                  Already folks have provided interpretations of tuxedo that never would have occured to me. I think if a swapee can maybe still be allowed to provide input on their preferred color scheme & sculpt if they have one to help guide the painter to doing the theme in a way that is more to their taste, that would be more than adequate dont you think?

                  Can’t you just see someone painting like mmloda say, who always asks for an orange tiger pattern/color, say a foo mom as a glammed up tiger or the tiger coloring but combined w cat tux pattern? 😉 so many possibilities…

                  in reply to: 5/2/13 Grab Bag Poad™ picture thread #897256

                    I heartily agree with Grayfire & Hannah! Would love more poads!

                    On a side note, aren’t the last 2 poads that were just posted both in the class photo?


                      I was diagnosed with ibs 2 yrs ago. Everyone does have different triggers, so start with an elimination diet as jenn described and slowly reintroduce foods to figure yours out. It much like the diet toddlers just learning to eat solid foods go on and for the same reasons. Note; food allergies and intolerances are almost always triggers even if its an item not on the standing list of common triggers/hard to digest foods. I think klimk and the others pretty much gave you the complete list of what common food triggers are, though I will add that marbled meats high in fat like most beef products tend to be, are worse than lean meats and those without marbling.

                      Also, the pure peppermint pills, teas, and extract you can buy at most health food and some general stores really do work! They help to err, flush the system and keep the constipation down. Make sure to drink a matching amount of water though to avoid dehydration from the diarrhea, and help the colon function properly.

                      On big note, if your mother is having issues with foods she commonly consumed in the past with no real matching change in lifestyle, she needs to talk to her doctor about getting her gallbladder checked. Gallbladder issues, especially stones, is extremely common in women. Gallbladder surgery is in fact one of the most common in women period. Symptoms of gallstones or poor gb function are very similar to ibs and can often be misdiagnosed. If your mothers symptoms aren’t the classic constipation followed by essentially explosive diarrhea, then constipation, repeated, then it may not actually be ibs. It could be the gallbladder instead.

                      My ibs ended up being severe gall stones and gb inflammation that required emergency surgery about 2 months ago. I had actually been having gb attacks, some quite severe, for the last several years but the dr didn’t suspect and order the ultrasound to confirm until the pain was in multiple areas, including directly over the gb, and the pain was constant all day, every day for a month. Few dr test gb if you aren’t having pain directly in that area, but the symptoms aren’t that straight forward, back pain and general abdominal pain and symptoms akin to ibs are also pretty common. Since gb attacks can also be controlled or avoided by diet changes, she won’t know its truly ibs until they rule out uti, ultrasound gb, kidneys, bladder, my allergy dr did a blood test to rule out some enzyme deficiencies and do an upper gi scope w biopsy to rule out chrones & other possibilities. If all else is negative, then prob ibs.

                      If it is ibs and she is unable to control the symptoms with diet changes, there are some prescription meds like dyclomine they can put her on which help.

                      Wish your mom good luck! I hope she is successful in identifying her triggers and its nothing too unpleasant. 🙂

                      in reply to: 5/2/13 Grab Bag Poad™ picture thread #897221

                        The photos look great! Thanks again Hannah for posting these for me.

                        So far I’m seriously loving all the poads in this batch. They are all so gorgeous & each so very different looking. It seems like we have quite a bit more diversity of patterns & colors in this batch than most. 🙂


                          Thank you for posting the photo Hannah! I’m so sorry to hear about your friend. :((

                          I believe your right anime gal, the spots on my little guy do line up with the one in the outer ring better than the other one. So I guess there should be one other gbb uni out there from the 6 o’ clock position still that is akin to mine except for potentially the gem or eye colors…

                          *fingers crossed that we will still get some more photos posted to see 🙂 *


                            Thank you for the offer Hannah! Please, if you don’t mind, go ahead and post one of the photos I sent you. 🙂 he is pretty different than most of the rest of this batch…

                            Thanks so much!


                              Such pretties…

                              I got mine awhile ago actually but haven’t had time to figure out how to post a photo yet, sorry. 🙁 But I’ll email a few to hannah for the directory so you can see him there.

                              I got a creamy white with black spots appaloosa (classic appy pattern basically) that has light metallic blue eyes & blue gem. His coloring reminds me of a dalmatian actually. 🙂 I love him, he’s very cute!

                              In the class photo I believe he is the fourth one down from the middle at the bottom, 6 o’ clock position. He looks like the only one of his type in this batch based on the class photo & what has been posted so far.

                              in reply to: HELLOOOOO GBB Natural Unis In the Store!! #895670

                                Yay! Got one right as they came out by sheer luck.

                                saw the email for baby aqua dragons & popped on right away to check them out. They weren’t released yet but when I randomly decided to check the list of in stock items, imagine my shock when gbb uni came up instead! 🙂 I thought it was a server fluke teasing me at first. LOL

                                So wasn’t expecting that, but over the moon thrilled to FINALLY have something good happen this week. I REALLY wanted a natural one, so now I can barely stop myself from dancing around my office now like a freak. :party:

                                in reply to: Happy Birthday, mmloda! #895307

                                  Hope you have a wonderful birthday mmloda! :party:

                                Viewing 15 posts - 121 through 135 (of 185 total)