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  • in reply to: Purplecat sculpts.. new moonshells pg 51 #609985

      How are you going to make a mold of him and what do you want to cast him in? He’s(she’s) dang cute!



      in reply to: Strong and Stronger Bugs #627645

        Glad to hear you’re feeling better! Nothing worse than a bad case of the creepin’ crud 😉 Bleech!



        in reply to: automotive paint? #628594

          I could SOOOOOO see an honest Black Cherry dragon! Ohhhh yeah!

          Exactly! ‘Course Candy Apple Red has always been a favorite. How many auto paints are named after some sort of food? Could there be an ice cream sundae dragon using food named paint? Yummy! 😈



          in reply to: automotive paint? #628590

            Dumb question *ducks* Out of curiosity, has anyone used automotive paint on the pyos and can you use it with a brush or do you have to use an airbrush. There are so many yummy colors out there…



            in reply to: Fantasy Books for Young Readers #519324

              When I was young (a million and a half years ago 😯 ) some of my favorites were as follows:

              “No Flying in the House” – Betty Brock
              “Octagon Magic” – Andre Norton
              “Lavender Green Magic” – Andre Norton
              “Court of the Stone Children” – Eleanor Cameron
              “The Wonderful Flight to the Mushroom Planet” – Eleanor Cameron
              “Narnia” Series – C.S. Lewis
              “Gulliver’s Travel” – Jonathan Swift

              Basically I read anything I could get my hands on and kept our local librarian busy with interlibrary loans. Once I latched onto a subject or author I read everything I could find. Lots of good stuff out there, then and now 😀



              in reply to: Favorite Quotes #600747

                One of my favorites…

                “P.M.S. The one time of the month women act the way men do all the time.” Robert Heinlein

                I’ve got lots of others all written in one of my many notebooks. Once I’ve dug ’em out from the move, I’ll share more. 😀



                in reply to: Lackey Readers? #559970

                  Me! Me! *excitedly bites on the end of braided hair* Loved Bedlam’s Bard, the Valdemar stuff, etc. Nobody has mentioned “The Elvenbane”, “Elvenblood” & “Elvenborn” (The Half-blood Chronicles) written in conjunction with Andre Norton, another of my favorite authors! All good stuff 😀



                  in reply to: French Hot Chocolate from the Grand Hotel, Paris #628583

                    I was lucky enough to get to take a trip to Paris with my folks back in the early 1990’s and got to stay at the Grand Hotel where we ordered hot chocolate for breakfast. Each person was brought a cup and saucer, a carafe of hot milk and a small pitcher of melted hot chocolate. In our broken french, was asked how the chocolate was prepared. The chef very kindly gave us the following verbal recipe:

                    Grand Hotel Hot Chocolate

                    1 cup heavy cream
                    8 ounces semi-sweet chocolate, finely chopped

                    Heat the cream. Off the heat, blend in the chocolate. Use warm. This mix can be kept in the refrigerator for up to 10 days. Reheat to serve.

                    To serve: Pour some hot milk into to a cup, pour in chocolate to taste, stir to blend, add sugar to taste, if needed and enjoy. Optionally top with shipped cream. Yum! 😀


                    p.s. the better the quality chocolate you use, the better it tastes! (the better the quality…? does that make sense?!? 😯 )


                    in reply to: Barrdwings restoration of green mama dragon #628141

                      Thanks! 😀 😀



                      in reply to: Barrdwings restoration of green mama dragon #628138

                        Is Apoxie Sculpt like Gapoxio? Gapoxio is a clay type epoxy. Air dries hard or can be heat cured; is strong yet lightweight and takes paint readily. Some of my more ambitious costuming group have used Gapoxio to re-create the Elvish Armor from Lord of the Rings.



                        in reply to: limited edition bronzes? #628347

                          Ever considered doing some of your pieces in bronze? I know you are not set up as a foundry, but there are some good ones in Utah, and I’ve been salivating over the idea of the male dragon, old warrior and male griffin in bronze (the metal; though a paint scheme in bronze would be cool too 😀 !)



                          in reply to: Need barn names for the new ponies #628170

                            Of course, a lot depends on temperament and personality 😀 but based on coloring and the fact that they are sisters what about Genevieve and Guinevere. Both names are Welsh in origin and have similar meanings; white, fair and fair one. Or for short you could call them “jen and gwen” 😀



                            in reply to: Barrdwings restoration of green mama dragon #628137

                              I look forward to seeing your progress! Thanks for answering. I’ll keep looking in archives for other people’s work as well, just cause I like success stories! I’m sure you’ll do fine with the repairs. Good Luck!


                              p.s. do you know how the damage occured? (or did I miss that part 😆 )


                              in reply to: Good Morning Windstone Community! #628117

                                Do you remember Kiss Me, Kate? How about Kismet? Carousel? Flower Drum Song? The Music Man?

                                Yes, yes, yes, yes and yes! Right before we left Richland, I got to costume the whole show for Richland Light Opera’s production of Gilbert and Sullivan’s ‘H.M.S. Pinafore’. There was enough money in the budget that we were able to send my sketches to a professional costume house in Seattle and all the men’s costumes came back complete and ready to go *sighs with relief and wonder* Can you imagine having to do all the braid work and trim on British Naval Uniforms not to mention period hats for said military men? The thought is horrifying! As it was we produced all the womens’ gowns, shoes, millinery, parasoles, gloves etc. plus props. But boy was it a grand sight on opening night! It was fun to do; lots of work but lots of fun 😀 ! Haven’t done anything that big since, and sadly my portfolio was lost in one of our last 2 or three moves. I don’t even have photos or a program, but I do have some rather wonderful memories!



                                in reply to: Good Morning Windstone Community! #628110

                                  laphon1 wrote:

                                  Another musical lover! Hurray!! I remember listening to all those shows over and over. And don’t forget L & L’s Gigi! (I know it started as a movie and then went to the stage.) I can still sing most of those songs though my voice is not what it used to be!

                                  That sounds like a wonderful way to spend a cold and miserable day. Though I usually go for tea and curl up with the four-footed babies beside me and read a book. I’ll have to try the cocoa and cinnamon rolls next time.

                                  I’m next door in western WA and right now all we are getting is wind and rain. At least I did not lose power like some people did.

                                  How could I forget Gigi? Also really like Funny Face with Audrey Hepburn (who really sang her part) and Fred Astaire. Of course with the snow, it’s got me thinking Whit Christmas 😯

                                  I did get some good book time and snuggles with the kitty-babies under the down comforter! Where in Washington are you? We used to live in Richland about an hour outside Yakima and have family in Benton City and Newport. And yes, I’m a theatre geek! 😈



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