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toooooooooooo high! boooooooooooooooo! you can do better!
woo, i’d love the oriental sun dragon! i could probably produce for you a female kirin.. ( i found a regular emerald oriental that my dad is gonna get me next week if its still there, so i’d hold on him for now) certainly i can do you a couple custom pyos..i am going to order some monday…(winks and blows kisses)
definitely a fearsome beast, not a snuggly windstone family member! she’d make toast of the griffin chicks! awwwwwww! lol!
that is so funny, your photo of that persons’ chimera, so totally wierd with dragon wings and that skull like, horned face etc. where the heck did that person pull that from!? lol!they must have taken a very loose interpretation of the term chimera as just a combo of critters…lol.
hmm, a bunny ring would be cute.. throw a couple of little lops and dwarfs in there for variety… but would it sell? how popular were the bunny lamps in general as an indicator? there are always cat people, but there is a bit of cat stuff already. a circle of horses candlelamp would be cool, as peeps in general love horseys, plus horsepeeps have money to spend since they have horses! well, at least some of em! think of it , three pretty horseys circled round the fire..only problem would be casting those long faces, they couldn’t look down at all, lest you get air bubbles in their muzzles, if you could get the faces to cast at all! lol! anyhoo, the positioning of their faces could be tricky, but very pretty if you could pull it off!well, i gave these examples cuz these are real ancient ones, around from when they were first spoken of and they way they were intended. hesiod wrote in 700 b.c. of the chimera in the book “theogony, the precepts of chiron”… she was born of titans ceto and phorcys….
” she was the mother of chimera who breathed raging fire, a creature fearful, great , swift footed and strong, who had three heads, one of a grim eyed lion, another of a goat, and another of a snake, a fierce dragon; in her forepart she was a lion; in her hindpart, a dragon; and in her middle a goat, breathing forth a fearful blast of blazing fire.” thats what i had in my book here. they stated he referenced homers description of the chimera from the “iliad”.
.melody, here is one of the original renderings of a chimera.. this is a real ancient, famous one you can find better pics of in “art through the ages”, the classic art history book, you may have it….
hope the link works.. this piece is a beauty. the goat head is coming out of the back and facing the other way so you can’t see him.
heres another.
i always like to refer to the old renderings of critters so they are true to themselves, as close as they can be to when the were first recorded/created, not reinterpreted and distorted by more recent “artists”, especially modern slop sci-fi “artists” in chintzy resin sculpts, etc.
a great read is “the book of fabulous beasts” (a treasury of writings from ancient times to the present) …it does what it says- it has writings from the original mention of whatever given mythical creature and some real ones, along with who, where and how the descriptions changed over the years til present. it has pics too to back up what they are talking about. its a great reference point if you want something physical. 🙂cool beans! i’m glad you like! thank youuuu! it does have a kinda cool effect. i think you guys are getting me to like it now! lol. i think y’all have convinced me. it looks like the scales are lifting up and apart in the lighting i have him in on my desk now…like a ripe pine cone… 😀
you what, it is sort of for me as i have AWFUL tendonitis that makes my hands sweat and shake if i grip something and try to hold my hand steady. writing a letter is unbearable for me, my hand will just short of drip with sweat from the exertion, it stinks! anyhoo, i really give it to my paint, and the brush i was using. i tried a different brush and no way in holy heck was it going to happen! it was really rediculous! its a winsor n newton university series 233, 000 size. sku# 094376864908. synthetic hair. really nice brush. trust me, in no way shape or form can i draw (or paint) a straight line or draw a nice circle, its pathetic, but the brush and mixing the paint to just the right fluidity made it happen, as just running the brush along the edge of the scale was enough to steady it, and the brush size was already the perfect diameter.i got lucky!! really! hence i can’t do banded wings, cuz i can’t paint an even line normally!
i think hes great! i especially love the fur detail around his eyes, top of his head, very delicate and so clean yet over the fur texture! and that totally edible dark nose! i want to chew on it too! wierd! soooo cute! i must get some of those dark blue eyed pyos, they are soooo captivating, but i know when i get one, i won’t want to sell it!
wow! thanks guys! ha ha i am DYING over here cuz i HATED the scale underlining i did! omg i dropped my cereal this morning when i read the first post that someone actually liked it! i was actually going to repaint it but it didn’t want things to get gooey over overpainted. lol! i wanted the underlining to be tone gradating, but since the paints i use are very metallic, they can get a grit or mealiness to them after a couple coats, so it isn’t a good set up to do a patted tone gradation with the silver. i was like, i am going to make a mess if i do this, so lets just try underlining to accent the scales and see how it looks…. it looks to me like he almost has a purple fish net on, lol. all i did was use a slim brush and just striped on the paint in one line right under each scale, then used the violet to do the little ridgey thingys. easy easy, just one steady even thickness line. put on in one careful stroke. purple over the whole scale painted silver. i didn’t like how it looked, and i was sure you guys would have felt the same way! wow! this, to me, was like how i did the stripes on my silver wolf wings, how that looked silly, this looks kinda silly to me, but i think, after days of looking at it here i’ve gotten ok with the idea. it would have looked more natural if it gradated to silver, but it just wasn’t going to happen without the silver getting gritty looking.
the only “antiquing” i did was touching up the intensity of the black recessed areas on the body.. it was painted all black initally ( in the areas that have black), then i dry brushed on silver gently til i got the tone i wanted. i went back in at the end to punch up the black in certain areas that needed touch ups… brushed it on and wiped it off with my finger.
well, thanks all for liking it, i think that makes me feel better, i was worried/embarrassed initially actually.i guess i should just trust myself a little more. i’m working on it!ha ha! just secured a ruby lap dragon for 108! sweet! thanks for posting my link, i threw away mine that i had in my email inbox! i wish i had more money now, i would have gotten the emp in gold, but this will do nicely for now! hooray!
hee hee, thanks so much for catching me on that GB! i had a looooong day and my retarded self didn’t even notice! lol! i got a bad call from my dr. about some test results, so i have to talk to them in the morning, so that has my mind even more occupied as to what might be wrong! wah! i don’t need more to worry about at this point! life is crazy enough! 🙁 thanks so much for catching that! 🙂
hey there! here’s the new guy to compliment the silver blue first dragon, in violet and silver! i love purples, so had to put it with the silver. i put him up on ebay, but more than anything i was posting pics here because ebay distorts them soooo badly, making them all light and stretched. i know there has to be a secret around the distortion thing.. i thought i knew it at one point, but i have since forgotten. its just so upsetting to see him look so goofy on ebay and we work hard to get the photos nice! wah! any tips or secrets on bypassing the ebay distortion? we tried getting the pics are close to square as possible, but i think we need to do better in that regard. i see some of you “assemble” them ahead of time, pairing pics, etc. which seems to help… i thought i remembered the non-standard listing shape helped, like having all the pics listed down one side…hmmmm
anyhoo, here he is.
as far as i remember from me getting stuff from them through that sale the past couple years, they only offer it once a year.. i’m sure its not to upset the artists they carry with the whole “cheaper than everyone else” issue. last year, they had the sale before thanksgiving, like a pre holiday shopping sale. i don’t remember it being a whole 25 % either, i think it was 15 or 20 off, but its hard to remember. i was SO upset when this past thanksgiving came and went and they didn’t post that sale!
yes this will be hard to get used to and calls for some serious decision making on getting certain pieces or not. most of all i am concerned about some shops/sellers finally throwing the towel in on them, as shops i’ve called had stuff lying about for 6 years or more, not selling til i bought it. they piped “these d@mn things don’t freekin’ sell, what am i going to do with this stuff?! ” and their prices were fine too. but they are particular items that cost more than others, cuz they are made better than others, but still it can be an expensive collectible line (not NEARLY as much as some others though) for someone to think about starting to collect. both of my local shops are throwing in the towel, if they can ever sell their last pieces, lol. between the retiring of pieces that sold for them in their shop and the increase in prices, making them have to increase, they say thats it!
the other hand is that it takes TALENT to produce these pieces, its not just some do-do at mcdonalds flippin’ burgers, people with talent and education need to be paid accordingly. who was that,nam, that wanted to buy that broken fledgling for 20 bucks but didn’t have the money? that is wrong. a person with talent, and using it should be paid well and i’m sure these guys deserve it. i am sure windstone pays their peeps well, as much as they feasibly can, they are good GOOD people and i am sure theres no injustice there, and i wasn’t at all trying to go that direction. i think art is just one of those tricky fields where peeps dont get paid as much as they should for their skill. look at at the peeps who direct traffic when their is road construction.. the get paid good money to stand out there look grumpy and give you poor directions about how fast to go. they don’t need 20 + an hour to stagger around out there. thats just my two cents. when i worked at jonas studios they had some incredibly talented people working there, but boy i would double everyones pay and it would still be below what i think they deserved. and they loved their employees too. its tough.
anyhoo, i’m sure they would increase prices unless they HAD to , but i am saddened at the proposition of a $193 scratcher or moreover a $344 gold emp. ( i wish i knew this was coming as i would have gotten him at the grandio sale- that would have been 225 as opposed to the new 344, big difference! beyond big) the 299 was kind of the limit for me on something inanimate, when saving for lifes’ big picture calls, but i’ll probably break down and get him when the sting wears off, or another grandio sale, lol.well sounds like i missed out double today, geez. lost the mice.. my dad was actually going to outbid you folks for me ( i was at work), but he has dial up and he was too slow. i really didn’t need to hear another deal on the emerald sun either! i just lost one to someone at a shop last week… 150 it was there….i called back to buy it and someone bought it for their honey for valentines day, a day before i called! the store owner was going to hold it for me but she was like, theres no need to worry, noone has ever had ANY interest in that thing! i was actually going to call daystar- had em bookmarked next for hunting- this thursday when i had my paycheck to try them for the emerald sun, but too late again! gee freekin willikers! sigh! day late and a dollar short lately! well, maybe thats hope that there is still one out there for me somewhere, all i want is him in emerald, i’m not greedy for the peacock, just gimme an emerald! 🙁
yes here too, either bronze or gold sunburst for me. the wolf ones are a little dull/similar to the regular tan griffs to me with thoe lighter tones coming in. i love the rich moodiness of the gold sunburst, wow!
whatever the color, i think they will do great when released in the mainstream with all the harry potter hype still, etc. thats a great, more serious, special gift for, lets say, a parent to give a more mature, well behaved child/teen, as something they can keep and grow with. -