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  • in reply to: New User – Rummage Sale (Over) #562173

      oh squee! what a pretty setting for your wedding- look at that view behind you!!! i’m trying to get planning my wedding and its a fist fight to find a place that is pretty and not through the roof expensive! i wanted an outdoor wedding, ideally careted at the location so we don’t have to drive anywhere, but rates for just the hosting location looks to be running 4 – 6.5 k with nothing else provided other than location, and at one place, chairs. not sure if that sounds right, or way high, my parents said way high. they were historic type places, small/med. mansions /estates that had garden settings for a service. hmm i should start a section in the community area on this….

      in reply to: New User – Rummage Sale (Over) #562166

        zorse, there was no post to see. i got the coiled from her- or will- and i asked about the kirin initially, then asked where it went. she told me in a pm, so thats how i know. you didn’t miss anything and you’re not losing your mind! lol!

        in reply to: New User – Rummage Sale (Over) #562162

          zorse, she removed them, one whole family of the male, mother and one baby, as they had perhaps the most sentmental value ( and an extra special hand me down for family).. she wanted to keep something and that was it, along with whatever else doesn’t sell. those were the pieces she couldn’t bear to part with. i feel for you, i was eye ballin’ the mom myself, lol, but i wouldn’t want to take a piece that was precious to someone.

          in reply to: I NEED PEACOCK KINGLET & MOTHER COILED #559435

            OMG!!!!!!! lol! 😆 😆 😆 😯 ow, pain in my side! ow help! lol! that awful! hee hee! awesome! dear god! wow!
            see, my pappies don’t mean to have accidents- the have long hair on their back legs called culottes that sometimes the poop gets tangled in ( i use pee pads in a homemade potty-pen, though they do go outside too), then that weighty sensation in their hair scares them, so they run, then it falls off somewhere surprising. always interesting around here! i thought for sure tonight i stepped on a crinkly toy, as i heard this weird crinkle/squish sound, then i realized what happened! snappin’ fresh poo! 😯

            in reply to: I NEED PEACOCK KINGLET & MOTHER COILED #559429

              ha ha! that was me a couple hours ago when i got home! i stepped in a fresh one one of my doggies left for me!! i cleaned it up off the floor, but not off my boot yet, so that must be what you smell! lol! you gotta break out the old toothbrush ( the special poop-in-the-boot-toothbrush only, not my toothbrush) to scrub it out of the boot treads- nasty job- so i’m procrastinating on that naturally! sorry folks! 😯 😆

              in reply to: WANTED Peacock Old Warrior #558217

                ha! thats me, as i want the ruby ow! its agony as i am paranoid about it retiring, but, i want to get the real retired pieces before they are too hard to find, or moreover afford!that was too that i could have hunted for, but only to save at best thirty bucks.its worth it to me to get a fresh one, especially with the variance in the ruby color! ack! i have an old ruby oriental baby and its a funky dirty raspberry! 😯 i wouldn’t want that on my ow! 😯

                in reply to: WANTED Peacock Old Warrior #558215

                  for that piece basilisk i would say get it from windstone direct. you know they are trustworthy -obviously -will pack it safely and it will be mint and fresh. i heard of a couple places that did have it can’t quite remember where, but you would have maybe only saved like ten- fifteen bucks over windstones direct price, and the shops piece would be floor stock and potentially no box, etc.. i say avoid drama and get a fresh one from windstone direct.

                  in reply to: Wanted – White Scratcher – He's Here! #562040

                    heres one on ebay from bt- very trustworthy:
                    how about that huh? thats instant gratification. i have called so many places and never have i gotten one that still had a white. an emerald here n there, but never a white.

                    in reply to: WANTED Peacock Old Warrior #558213

                      sorry there emerald- didn’t mean to be negative for a moment- i just woke up and got blown off by a shopkeeper i had a deal with on a piece.. anyhoo on underseagallery, i had called there about month and a half ago and they were really surprised to find they were out of so much stuff- they have two shops so they called the other one for me too. i asked for ow in any color, coiled, young and hatching empress, none of which they had in anything. they said they were going to update their website, but they’ve been busy, etc. but they will soon, knowing how much they are out of.

                      in reply to: WANTED Peacock Old Warrior #558210

                        bah! undersea has next to nothing. i called them a long time ago looking for a curl, etc. and the ow for folks on here and they were just about out of peacocks.

                        in reply to: OW in regular production yet? #557458

                          frozendragon wrote:

                          hmmm….let me go get my can of WD-40….it’ll fix that squeak….

                          i think in this case you would call it..WE-40!!! lol! fix all your squeakin’ Windstone Editions cravings with the new and improved WE-40!!

                          in reply to: Windstone dealer page #559694

                            i have some that don’t sell windstones anymore… i have a LOT more, but i have somewhat forgotten- i wish i kept better track of them. i say to the lot of us that whenever you call a place that doesn’t carry them or is disconnected ,post it here to help out the windstone folks. they then can remove them from the list or call to confirm/ask why not carry them, if they want to repropose selling the line again.
                            mine are: connecticut: megs 860 640 9941 (disconnected)
                            ny: freewheel pottery 845 679 7478 ( no longer carries)
                            ri: WNS 401 762 9223 (no longer carries) umbrella factory 401 364 6616 one mouse wizard left (no longer carrying after he sells)
                            vermont : truely unique gift shop: 802 773 0742 ( no longer carries)
                            mr. twitters 802 773 0795 ( no longer carries)
                            mass. : behind the window: 781 237 4447 i got a….. drunk jamaician man here?wow! what a trip! (my guess disconnected!)
                            well, thats a small start to my list.. i’ll add more as i remember..alot carry just the feminine figures too, but thats another subject..

                            in reply to: OW Question. #559833

                              ha! i did reread that just now and it did read funny! lol! i can see how that would have been confusing! purple eyes on the gold dragon might look kind of funny… maybe…purple eyes with a silver dragon- very cool! squee! come on now, if you release gold you have to release silver; the royal precious metals collection! theres even a song for it , remember..” silver and gold, sillllllver and gollllld!” squee!

                              in reply to: OW Question. #559830

                                they have not yet mastered purple eyes. purple is a very tricky color to produce in general let alone consistently, so the closest they have right now is the pale liver /gray colored eyes you can see on the poad, which they lavender. i would say NEVER expect CUSTOM eye colors, as that will lead to the confusing situation of which one is real for collectors, leaves the door wide open for fake makers, not to mention if they marketed them it would be one more very irritating thing to keep track of. they have enough to worry about! lol!

                                in reply to: Realistic sculptures #558981

                                  OMG!!!!! thats AWESOME!! thankyouthankyouthankyou for posting that! i miss good art! i’ll watch the video next! what incredible detail! i am a detail freak so that is just the hottest honking stuff to me! imagine if he did anthro figures! 😯 squee! it would be like a living dream, holy freekin cow! glee! GLEE! i love it! the nice thing is thyat it looks like he really sculpted it, not just pulled a mold off of a live human, like alot/way too many people are doing these days! this made my cockadoodlin’ night! 😀

                                Viewing 15 posts - 496 through 510 (of 783 total)