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Viewing 15 posts - 451 through 465 (of 783 total)
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  • in reply to: TF's stormy sea dragon on ebay, plus other stuff! #570015

      oh wow i’ve missed a bit on here i was at work! lol! thanks guys, i ‘m glad you can appreciate “different” colors, ones that are muted/natural ( i knew y’all would) i can’t say enough how much better he looks in person- it makes me nuts how the photos so choppy, especially the ebay ones, but rest assured whoever gets him, hes wicked cool- not to toot my own horn, but he just looks better in person, plain n simple. again we all know how that works. 🙂 i thought rubies were gross til i saw one in person, now i loooove em!! this fella is my dads favorite too. in actuality, i do have another gray eyed, clear stoned dragon, so for the runner up its not out of the question if you wanted to have something similar or inspired by him.. if the original winner doesn’t mind………i don’t want to dissappoint anyone or devalue anyones’ win…. but it can be an option. 🙂 awwwwww you guys are making me feel all frilly! 😳 lol! you made my day and brought a great end to my crazy work week! thanks!!

      in reply to: TF's stormy sea dragon on ebay, plus other stuff! #570002

        hey there! well, i finally put up another pyo dragon on ebay, this one inspired by this past winters’ choppy ocean on stormy days. i like to post the pics here as ebay muckys them up so!
        the shading on him is really smooth, but the pics make it look a little choppy/mealy…hmm. my dad was really griping about trying to accurately capture colors on him, he found them very hard to photograph, like those troublemaking purples! he looks slammin’ in person though. really.

        i put up an empress in emerald as well, really pretty with teeny touch ups i did on her horn tips, otherwise in super shape.. i think i’m making a mistake selling her, but i’ll get killed if i keep too much!
        tomorrow night i will put up a peacock hatching emp, and young uni and maybe the gargoyle uni.. i’ll post links here as soon as they are up. i’m undecided on posting him as there is one up now.. 😕 anyway, enjoy!

        in reply to: Bumper Sticker Ideas (was griffins on stuff) #561725

          well, if we are fixing to stay tidy sloganed, and keep familyness in mind, how about…
          ” windstone editions: a family company” with a pic of the original dragon family, or the new griffin family?! huh huh huh?

          in reply to: Bumper Sticker Ideas (was griffins on stuff) #561724

            i still like “my dragon can/could eat your honor student”…… but other than that “i’m broke for windstones” is my p.c. vote!
            by the way, is that the TRUE scale of the SK to the scratcher?!holy cannolis if so! 😯 “thats a huge…..”

            edit: oh duh i just looked at the link and you already made the honor student one, thanks! lol!

            in reply to: Show your Windstone Collection-Continued #540849

              ooh and one of mine too, my first one i put on ebay, the silver blue dragon! good to see him again! he looks good! squeeeeee! nice collection, and of course, welcome to the forum- i haven’t welcomed ya yet! hi! 😀 boy, you make that black gold emp look good- you’re not allowed to do that! 😛 no tempty!

              in reply to: PYO painters custom commission rates and info! #535537

                well its about time i do this! here goes..
                Artist Name: Tiffany Fredericks

                Artist Contact Info: email:

                PYO Painting Rates: price is dependent on the complexity of the design, the color scheme, etc. but this is a general guide, though rates may vary in either direction depending. rates INCLUDE sculpture:
                (deposit of $30 -$35 may be required to fund my ordering of your pyo initially, and to show your commitment. I happily take payments, you choose the frequency based on your financial availability, but the piece will not be shipped until the piece is totally paid for.
                Griffin : $120-$170
                Dragon: (small) $100-$150

                Type(s) of paint/materials used: acrylic paints
                Brand(s) of paint used: golden, liquitex, windsor+newton, daler-rowney, grumbacher and others
                Are pet portraits offered: yes, provided that good clear photos are given
                Shipping method: double boxed, USPS
                Shipping rates/insurance: exact, delivery confirmation always included, shipping recommended (shipping in some cases may be included in the rate-at my discretion and dependent on the challenge of the piece)
                Ships to: US, canada, UK
                Artist location: Bristol, Rhode Island 02809

                Other comments: i love detail. you can trust i won’t let anything out of my hands that i haven’t mulled over agonizingly for many hours over a couple weeks, making sure everything is as great as it can be and nice n clean. pieces of course are signed by me on the felt bottom with my signature insignia.

                *** Links to samples of work ***



                Rates For Other Services -i am sure i can do repairs as i am a sculptor by nature, not a painter, but i haven’t figured prices yet..
                – Minor restoration (e.g., chips):
                – Major restoration (e.g., missing pieces):

                hmmmmmmmm, more to come i’m sure…

                in reply to: Gold OWs are Available to Purchase! #568877

                  thank goodness for your layaway emerald, that is going to make one of those possible for me, and i’m sure many other people! 😀 yippee!

                  in reply to: Gold OWs are Available to Purchase! #568874

                    whoa, now THAT is the jump. bummer. wow. no having both here now, man. 🙁 i was waiting for that though, now that the scratcher and lap are almost 200 on their own… aw poop..

                    in reply to: griffin candlelamp ending really soon! #569061

                      awesome! it is a really nice piece i had no interest til i saw in person and i was really impressed, but i still wanted others more- ruby ow-. i so totally came across them by chance …i had asked the store on the phone if they had such a thing of course they said no, they we went down there by chance and there they were! duh!
                      on another note i will be putting up an emerald empress, hatching peacock emperor and a unicorn gargoyle and a young unicorn tomorrow night! i am ready to cut off my head as some folks put up the uni and the emp themselves! ack! anyhoo, the uni gargoyle is near mint in box, just a little wear to the felt and tag, but the tag is still there, just a little rubbed. he has really neat color too in having lots of warm brown shading on him! it is awesome to have him with the box and all the inserts for safe shipping! so just in case someone is fixing for one of those, especially the ‘goyle -take a peek at mine before you lay down the BIG bid on the others as more are coming! 🙂

                      in reply to: griffin candlelamp ending really soon! #569053

                        oh wow, thats you?! lol! ok, cool beans! i wasn’t sure what your screen name was! ha ha! i’ve battled against you before and i didn’t even know who you were! i’m sorry! lol! i’ve always like…. that person is very determined on winning stuff i want darnit, ha ha! i think i bid against you for some unis before! lol! well now i know! i only bid hard on stuff i really want, but if i can get a deal, great! sorry if i drove your prices up in the past!
                        anyhoo, i just emailed you, i’ll mail him either tomorrow morning or at the latest wednesday morning. 🙂 glee!

                        in reply to: griffin candlelamp ending really soon! #569051

                          oh squeeeee! cool! thats good, he’s really really nice and he’ll make somebody mighty happy, so i didn’t want anyone to miss out!!

                          in reply to: griffin candlelamp ending really soon! #569049

                            just thought i’d plug my auction as its ending in an hour and a half and hes only at 51 bucks! he’s mint with everything and i paid 70 for him, and shipping is much more than what i am asking (i’m absorbing the rest), so check him out and maybe get yourself a deal!! 😀


                            in reply to: Violet wolf griffin on ebay #568995

                              oh my GOD that is hilarious! look at that toosh! lol! power to you who put that up as the intro pic! it will certainly get attention!

                              in reply to: OW colours #568440

                                i am very curious to see the color pattern that is chosen for him….. all the production em.peas have violet noses, but the auction OW has a green nose. i assume he will match the production pieces, but he is pretty cute with his green snout! (tries to imagine him with the violet- squint!)

                                in reply to: PYO Red Gold Dragon #568423

                                  like you said, when you see it tiny, it looks similar, but once you see it up close, you see there are other colors and real differences. its just that the overall concept of it makes you think at first of a black gold as you glance at it, but like you said, there are some significant detail color differences going on, the royal blue, etc..i don’t remember there being a problem with the other one you did like this, so you’re probably all good.. 🙂 he is very pretty!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 451 through 465 (of 783 total)