Forum Replies Created
No Live Stream this time – but there is a wonderful video of them on Melody Pena’s Facebook page! (don’t know if this link will work but trying it!)
The Message system seems to have a glitch – I’ve notified Clay! I cannot send a private message either.
It doesn’t take a whole lot to entertain a Fuzzy! They love to meet your pets! They love to check out your chocolate supply! (they do eat other things too, if Chocolate isn’t your thing – and they eat such a tiny amount, you won’t know they’ve nibbled) They love to see your garden! They love to curl on a sofa to read a book or watch a movie with you. It doesn’t take much to make them happy! Love, Fuzzy!
Remember that no matter HOW MUCH HE BEGS, don’t pack chocolate in with him, it melts!
I was thinking the Fuzzies were ready for some fun!
Bodancia: Thank you! I’ve made sure Clay knows about the font color in the classifieds!
If anyone else seems something odd that needs a fix, please let us know! It should be easier now to search for items.
The 800 number has been fixed! If you dial it and it doesn’t work, use 541-752-0404 and please let us know there is a problem.
March 7, 2019 at 6:25 pm in reply to: Reminder for those using our Classified Ads (or doing any buying & selling!) #1559942Using an invoice for a trade: You would each invoice the other for the same amount. When the invoice you sent to the other person is paid, you ship to them, and they do the same for you. This would protect from anyone promising to send something in trade and then never sending it. If you pay a Paypal Invoice for something and you never receive the item – Paypal will protect you. If you send an item in trade with the idea of getting an item of the same value in return and it never comes, nothing protects you. I know it sounds kind of silly and inconvenient, especially if you are trading due to lack of funds, however it would protect both parties.
If you do the “send money to friends and family” Paypal will not protect you if you never receive the item and paypal does not want that feature to be used for goods or services.
Every once in a while we hear about someone who doesn’t ship an item that has been paid through “friends and family” or that was in trade. This doesn’t happen often, however transactions in our Classified Ads are at “your own risk” and once in a while something goes wrong. Take precautions to protect yourself. The person you are doing the transaction with should not mind that you wish to take precautions!
How embarrassing!
Thank you! You are all truly welcome! After all, I am just doing my job!You guys make it a pleasure!
I appreciate all of you.Love, Fuzzy!
February 9, 2019 at 11:09 am in reply to: Limit has been lifted from the "Wild" Sitting Young Ori #1556417When you press the “Join Waitlist” button you will be automatically emailed when we restock that item, and we can see how many people are waiting for something to be made again. Its very helpful to us in determining if there is a demand for an item or not. It doesn’t work like a Pre-Order – but it does help us know what is wanted and gives us a way to notify you.
The waitlist button hasn’t been working right on the Paint-Your-Own items however we are working to correct that problem.
February 6, 2019 at 9:34 pm in reply to: Sitting Young Ori Dragon Grab Bag is ONE dragon per customer #1555468I’m bumping this up because we just got another order that was for one of each color style of the Sitting Young Oriental Dragon. This Grab Bag is limited to one piece per customer – your choice of “Wild”, “Koi”, or “Cool” color styles – your order should consist of just one dragon. If you accidentally ordered more than one, you can email and let her know which one you want to keep should you need to let go of the extra so that someone else can have it. Thank you!
Melody has plans to make more Grab Bag Sitting Young Oriental Dragons in the future, as well as for painting these in some Limited Production colors for the store.
I’m into the Longmire Mysteries by Craig Johnson. For anyone who’s seen the show (I binge watched it! Its sort of a modern cowboys & Indians) the books are different stories than the Netflix shows and the characters are a little different – but its first person told by Walt Longmire and therefore you feel as if you are finding out what the quiet man on TV is thinking during his silent bits, and the differences are not bothering me. The books go pretty fast and I feel like they could have been all one giant book but he broke the story up.
I haven’t read much Stephen King but I did take an entire year to read the Dark Tower series and I really liked it – its a “stew” – you’ll see why when you get half way through! Its not real scary (like The Pet Semetary… …shiver!… )
August 10, 2018 at 2:42 pm in reply to: Show off your Kickstarter Poads! (WARNING: Picture heavy!) #1541866Just so you know what I’m up to in regards to filling Kickstarter Road Rewards:
I have been contacting our Kickstarter Backers beginning with the highest backers and moving down the list. I am comparing the Kickstarter Pledge with the Survey and with the Poads that each backer has already selected or purchased from the Kickstarter Rewards page and I am sending an email to the Backer. I am confirming the already selected Poads and helping with the selection of additional Poads (Melody will need to paint more of some styles). Once a Backers Poad order is confirmed, it moves to the Grooming department where they get signed, inspected, and packed up. Then they are ready to ship out. This is a slow process!
If you contact me to request your Poad Rewards be sent early, I’ll put you in line and process your order, no matter how large your pledge was. To make that request, please email and include your real name (as shown on the Kickstarter Pledge). We have all of the pledges and boxes of poads filed alphabetically by real name. I know a lot of emails are forum names – if you could sign your message with your real name that helps me keep everything in order! Its o.k. to “bug” me if you feel like maybe I should have responded to you and have not – I could forget to reply. There are a lot of emails and photos flying back and forth.
Thank you! -Susie
July 27, 2018 at 3:50 pm in reply to: Please email Susie Kickstarter Questions (REVISED 7/27/18) #1541505Bumping this up because I’ve revised it a bit!
Remember: If you’ve any communication to make with us about your Kickstarter Rewards: email to
If you put a question or a request somewhere else I may not see it. Thank you!
Please be sure to read your Kickstarter Update emails (and the comments attached to them). The one we sent out today, July 20th is important (as are all the comments I’ve attached!).
Please email me with any questions or requests regarding your Kickstarter pledge – I will be the one handling the sending of the rewards when the time comes. or (please not not p.m. or send me messages in comments or on this forum thread – I may never see them – email gets to me!)
Thank you!