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  • in reply to: ZOMG #509386

      I’ve never liked Pocket Dragons all that much.

      They’re kinda… the Windstones of cute dragons, I guess. You see a lot of awful dragons trying to look cute and cuddly and adorable, and Pocket Dragons are the only ones that aren’t more ugly than cute. But they’re a little too cute for me. I’d die of sugar shock if I had one around, I think.

      in reply to: Resin horse question #509075

        It’s not so much that I really want a fantasy piece, that I really love dynamic, highly active poses. And honestly most resins I see just stand there, or walk, or they’re trying to be dynamic but look off balance, or awkward. It’s a very personal thing with me, as I know a lot of the poses I find awkward others totally love. But I look at that pony, and it’s just… plodding along, you know? It looks like they wanted to make it look like it was runing, but didn’t quite dare to, the mane is sorta, kinda streaming, but not really, and the feet aren’t posed like it’s really running, but like they wanted to, but didn’t go far enough. Like…

        Okay, this horse is running, and look at how the mane and tail are all over the place! Then you look at the painted pony and the legs are in that same position, but not nearly far out enough! It’s just not right. And the tail is so… lumpy. And the mane just seems to lack detail.

        The pegasus is so active! And the wings just add to that, I think. Though I don’t love the clouds at all, I’d probably minimize them when painting it… And though it’s hard to tell from just one photo, it seems to have plenty of detail, even if the cast isn’t perfect. Not perfect can be cleaned up with a file, usually. But detail that isn’t there to begin with can’t be added.

        And of course when I find a really good, dynamic resin that I like, it’s $300 at least… I can’t scrape up the $30 for that thing right now, and even when finances are better, I’ll never be able to get enough to get a resin I actually like (Well, except Arlla’s! Draft horses are my exception to the active thing. They look awesome just standing there. A running draft horse would be too much, somehow.)

        in reply to: ZOMG #509384


          And I seem to recall a lot of people asking her rather loudy to post pictures so we could see the collection.

          Honestly, if you can’t keep from resenting people with bigger collections and/or more money to spend on them than you, maybe you shouldn’t hang around the forum?

          in reply to: Im curious what was your best and worst Windstone buy? #509125

            Nambroth wrote:

            SPark wrote:

            *laughs* How come you didn’t bid then? I was expecting somebody to. Even if you don’t collect Windstones, you can tell those are worth more than $10!

            Well, I was gonna snipe ’em (I know, I’m bad) but I saw your name pop up when I went back to the auction, and I hate going against other forum members unless it’s something I -REALLY- want. XD Plus, honestly, I don’t have the $20 (auction + $10 shipping) to spend on myself right now. I was just happy to see a collector get them. 🙂

            I’m glad I bid early then! For a while I was considering just leaving it and sniping at the very last second, but then I decided not to.

            I actually paid $30, because I asked if she could ship the two separately. After the recent spate of fratricidal Windstones, I figured this was a good idea. The mother came today! I don’t know what’s keeping the male. I’m sure he’ll turn up. She got her toe broken in shipping, though she was pretty well packed. Just one of those things, I think. I’ve already glued it back on and will patch and paint it eventually. Other than that she’s in perfect shape, and the COLOR! She is way prettier than some of the other browns I’ve seen, I think I lucked out! I never liked the mother dragon much, and was thinking of reselling her, but I might keep her after all.

            in reply to: Gryphon and Ki-Rin… FINISHED! Pics! 11/23 #509020

              Explain this “pastels” thing. You use chalk pastels? Or oil pastels? Or something else entirely.

              in reply to: Infringement? #509418
                in reply to: Infringement? #509416

                  That’s the same manufacturer as some other dragons that have already been brought up, though I don’t know if they actually got reported to John, come to think of it. Definitely a rip off, especially if you go look at the matching standing dragon.

                  in reply to: ZOMG #509373

                    *laughs* No, Nirvana isn’t needy. She doesn’t beg for stuff, she just gets stuff!

                    in reply to: ZOMG #509367


                      in reply to: Im curious what was your best and worst Windstone buy? #509117

                        *laughs* How come you didn’t bid then? I was expecting somebody to. Even if you don’t collect Windstones, you can tell those are worth more than $10!

                        in reply to: Gypsym Stone and Glue? #509323

                          White glue is great for holding on chips, but I wouldn’t trust it with something structural. I’ve been using elmer’s craft glue, very thiny, which is a lot like white glue, but has a stronger bond. Just put a male pegasus’s legs together with it yesterday, and so far it’s holding his weight up just fine!

                          in reply to: Im curious what was your best and worst Windstone buy? #509115

                            It’s hard to say what’s my worst. I haven’t had any huge disasters, except for the poor pegasus that got shatterd into bits, but I traded for him rather than paying money, so somehow that doesn’t feel quite as bad.

                            My best…. I’m not 100% sure on it, because they are still in the mail, but I think the best was going through a few thousand ugly non-windstone dragons in hopes of finding a mis-label, and turning up a mint pair of brown dragons, male and female, for TEN BUCKS for the pair! I about died when that auction ended and nobody else had found them!

                            Of course they’ll probably turn out to not actually be mint, but still…. *grins evily* That was my best.

                            in reply to: Resin horse question #509071

                              I’ve been eying this pegasus for a while now, and I really rather like it. But it’s so very much less than any other resin horses I’ve seen, that I’m just wondering what’s wrong with it. Is it just that this is a mass-produced horse rather than a small edition, or is there something else up here?

                              in reply to: Name of new color #508807

                                But acid green is already the name of a shade of green that is really neon and attacks the eyes….

                                in reply to: Name of new color #508805

                                  I knew what she meant!

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