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  • in reply to: Grab Bag Lady Cat thread – 8/22/14 #918072

      I was hoping for a Lynx Point that looks like our beloved family pet, and I got two that could be her parents! A grey tabby and a blue point Siamese. I told my 6-year-old son that we need to give them names so he gave them names! Here’s “Julie” and “Alex Trebek”:

      Haha! Alex Trebek! That’s the best name EVER.

      I giggle every time I look at it now!! XD

      in reply to: Grab Bag Lady Cat thread – 8/22/14 #918069

        I was hoping for a Lynx Point that looks like our beloved family pet, and I got two that could be her parents! A grey tabby and a blue point Siamese. I told my 6-year-old son that we need to give them names so he gave them names! Here’s “Julie” and “Alex Trebek”:
         photo gbkitties_zpsafdf7991.jpg
        A better picture of Julie:
         photo juliegbkitty_zps1d17f11e.jpg

        in reply to: I'm on a Ninja Turtle Kick #918046

          That new Nickelodeon Cartoon series is freakin’ addictive!! I yell at the screen when a favorite character gets mutated, it’s like a soap opera to me! I grew up on Ninja Turtles and My little Pony, too, and I absolutely love both of the shows that are on now, too! I also have my hubby and 6-year-old sons addicted to My Little Pony too! 🙂

          in reply to: Am I the only weirdo who names my car? #918045

            I DO!
            My first car was a Mustang I called Sally (original, I know!). I later got a silver Cavelier I named Gob-lynne. My hubby wrecked that car, so I got another silver Cavelier my kids named Grem-lynne in memorial to Gob-lynne. XD They still ask him, “Daddy, why did you smash Gob-lynne? We miss Gob-lynne.” 🙁 They liked that one because I had super hero decals on the back windows, LOL.

            in reply to: July 2014 GB Fennec Fox picture thread! #916811

              Mine came today! I got a grab bag and a sand. Kind of disappointed, since they’re extremely similar. The main difference is the grab bag has a pinkish color. Would not turn down a trade for a grey one! Crappy indoor photos:
               photo 100_5171-Copy_zps3a8061cc.jpg

              Comparison photo of original Sand color and current Sand color:
               photo 100_5173-Copy_zps138727fd.jpg

              From left to right: Black Rainbow, original Sand, current Sand, Grab Bag, and original Tan.
               photo 100_5168-Copy_zpsa8275c5a.jpg


                 photo 100_5037-Copy_zps12e26800.jpg
                 photo 100_5040-Copy_zpsddb41ed8.jpg

                in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #916796

                  My dream come true would be for a batch of unicorns for Halloween! Spooky colors with zombie or Hades eyes and horns painted BONE color! (since there are no more gold horns, could some pewter ones be painted a boney color??) Squeaker squeak squeaken!!

                  in reply to: July 2014 GB Fennec Fox picture thread! #916649

                    According to tracking, both mine and Rodney’s GB Foxes were delivered in OR yesterday. Obviously, someone hit the wrong button, but now I have no clue when they will get here…

                    My foxes shipped yesterday and I got this too: Your item was delivered at 4:10 pm on July 28, 2014 in CORVALLIS, OR. They should still be here tomorrow or Thursday. Looks like someone scanned them as “delivered” instead of “accepted”, LOL. This has happened to me before, they’re still on their way but now I don’t know which day to stare at my mailbox! 😀


                      Branzy, I love yours!!

                      in reply to: July 2014 GB Fennec Fox picture thread! #916585

                        I picked up a sand fox from this batch too. They look like they have a lot more grey than the original batch. I’m excited to put them side by side. I don’t think my original has any grey at all on him.

                        in reply to: Quest 15 winners! #916539

                          :party: Congrats on your new foxes!! :party:

                          This seemed to be a popular quest! How many entries did you get, Kiya? I really enjoyed doing a crossword puzzle!

                          in reply to: The dark side of Hoofers and stuffs #916503

                            Grab Bag Zombicorn!! There was also at least one other GB zombicorn that was black with silver leaves on its back.
                             photo GBzombi2-resize.jpg

                            in reply to: The dark side of Hoofers and stuffs #916499

                              WOW. That Hades collection is just gorgeous. Were they ebay specials or limited productions? I really, really like them…

                              All of the Hades were eBay specials (except the ruby eyed vampire bats that you can get through the store).

                              The majority of my collection are creepy Windstones, but Hades was one I was never able to nab. I would LOVE for Melody to do a GB batch of zombie unicorns to celebrate Halloween! How cool would that be!?

                              in reply to: ebay import charges #916377

                                I just had to use this service to ship the mother foo dog I sold on ebay. I was not given a choice however.

                                Ebay sneaks this in on you!!!! Every item you list, they automatically check the Global Shipping box. For EVERY SINGLE item you list, you have to uncheck this box!! (unless you click “sell similar” on one of your own listings). They’re sneaky b******s with that Global Shipping!

                                As an American seller, I HATE this new Global Shipping. I sent something to the UK via Global and the customer didn’t like it and wanted to return it. No problem, I accept returns for FULL refunds…except Global Shipping. Ebay charges the buyer for the international postage, the seller doesn’t even know how much they charge (which I looked it up and it is an unreasonable amount!), if the buyer returns the item they will NEVER see that money back…no matter what…even if it is the seller’s fault. It’s a bunch of B.S. and I refuse to use it too.


                                  I just died of SQUEEEEEE!! My hubby is totally in love with that little Siamese, there’s a special place in his heart for Lynx Points. <3

                                Viewing 15 posts - 76 through 90 (of 1,501 total)