Forum Replies Created
XP Todays seems totally safe!
annnd.. I so started my search on that one backwards! lmao
I was just thinking S*!t I am going the wrong way today!!! I tried to outsmart and got outsmarted!!! Darnit!!! What the heck…just when ya think ya got this searching thing figured out………..She tricks us!!
Hey Kaytana did ya hear I’m the Secretary!!! 🙂 I feel so proud to be Secretary of the….ummmm…I won’t use dummy….hmmmm….CONFUSED CLUB!!!! LOL
I am only joking on the Dummy so everyone knows. Do not want to offend anyone.
Hey, we’re the NIC! THe No Idea Club! And proud of it! I even have the badge almost finished, should just need to slap some color on there and post it up to be printed by those that want one =P
welcome to the ‘no idea’ club! we have badges and magnets for your fridge =D j/k
What do you mena “j/k”? This is no joking matter! I demand my badge!!!
Okay, okay, let me whip up a design =P then you can print it out, cut it out, and tape it to your shirt! We’ll really have the No Idea Club then!
Oh Oh Pick me, I can be a good club secretary!!! I like Badges:)
Secretary you are heehee. I look forward to today’s hint =)
welcome to the ‘no idea’ club! we have badges and magnets for your fridge =D j/k
What do you mena “j/k”? This is no joking matter! I demand my badge!!!
Okay, okay, let me whip up a design =P then you can print it out, cut it out, and tape it to your shirt! We’ll really have the No Idea Club then!
It’s been so crazy at work this week (end of financial year and guess who does the budget?!), I’ve only now managed to catch up on this one!
And although I’ve managed to track down every clue, I’ll have to join the “no idea” group. 😉
Can’t wait to see where this leads… 🙂
welcome to the ‘no idea’ club! we have badges and magnets for your fridge =D j/k
Best of luck! I think I might have it figured out….maybe…not sure though
I can’t figure it out yet, so either it’s not that easy or I’m just blind XD I’ve always sucked at hang man, LOL
Oh I love him, but definitely can’t afford him
Squeeeeeeek….this may be my only way to get anything other than Production pieces so………..:) 🙂
hee hee I agree! this is my only way to get anything other than a PYO =P
I too would love to see a dragon though, I’m holding out for a dragon raffle! Preferably a male dragon, I love their design
OH YA…I got my first male about a week ago and I gotta say….HANDSOME DEVIL!! 🙂 I am loving the look of him and I also am so in love with the OW.
2 new men in my life and I am now spreading the attention between them and my hubby!!! LOLOL 🙂The males were my favorite sculpt forever–I saw my first one in ’88 or so. And my CP male is handsome, but boy, does he ever have some attitude! They definitely look like they’re doing some ego posturing from certain directions, and looking down their nose at you when you face them head on. Definitely a character.
But when I saw the Lap, I truly fell in love. Just the tiny hint of a smirk, the slight tilt of the head…she’s clearly an utterly shameless flirt!
I think Melody did a male in the December raffle, and of course Hot Dog was January’s. Looking at all the past raffles, it might be a bit before we see another male, I’m thinking. Then again, who knows what’s lying around the studio? 🙂
I tried for the December male, but with held my entry into the one for Hotdog since he wasn’t a dragon. I agree with you on all points about the male dragon ^^ I think once I get one, I’ll be happy, I’m not going to be able to amass a great collection, but just one is all I want haha
Squeeeeeeek….this may be my only way to get anything other than Production pieces so………..:) 🙂
hee hee I agree! this is my only way to get anything other than a PYO =P
I too would love to see a dragon though, I’m holding out for a dragon raffle! Preferably a male dragon, I love their design
OH YA…I got my first male about a week ago and I gotta say….HANDSOME DEVIL!! 🙂 I am loving the look of him and I also am so in love with the OW.
2 new men in my life and I am now spreading the attention between them and my hubby!!! LOLOL 🙂oh i love the OW design too, but the male just seems to have this smirky charm to his design =P something in the eyes and the arch of the head I think
Squeeeeeeek….this may be my only way to get anything other than Production pieces so………..:) 🙂
hee hee I agree! this is my only way to get anything other than a PYO =P
I too would love to see a dragon though, I’m holding out for a dragon raffle! Preferably a male dragon, I love their design
The “access denied” threads are threads in purgatory. It must have been a glitch when threads from the old forum were being moved to the new forum. You know how this thread is located in the “quests” area? Well the access denied threads are not assigned to any area. They are just floating around, lost.. abandoned… Since the threads are not specifically assigned to the forum, normal users get an access denied message when trying to look at them. If someone with administrative powers tries to look at one of these threads, they don’t get an error message but the thread looks SUPER weird.
That made sense, thank you for explaining =)
well i’m still looking, I think i’ve either passed over it or have had terrible luck, but I too am getting a lot of ‘access denied’ threads
I like the dragon =P
tis mine! *pets her OW*
*grabby hands*
Haha congrats on the fuzzy =)
Ok. I have a cool lineaged bronze tinsel egg for someone. I’ll hold it for someone with something interesting (I’m not picky) or someone who’s already given me something interesting (you guys know who you are).
That is a really fun lineage XD I like the pink tinsel too
I picked up a egg and a hatchling with neat lineages too: and