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  • in reply to: THANK YOU KAREN AND SUSIE #550058

      Definitely! Many thanks for all of your hard work, and to everyone else at Windstone! 😀

      in reply to: Ruby Lap Retired? #550102

        SilverArrow wrote:

        Thank you. I didn’t think they were, but I wasn’t sure either. If I’m not mistaken, I believe the Oriental Sun Dragon (in Ruby) is though.

        Nope…. I’m at work (just checked UPS and confirmed with a phone call home) and apparently the one I just bought from Wolflodge is waiting for me to unpack him in the morning (since I’ll be too tired to open him up when I get home). 😀

        *can’t wait can’t wait can’t wait*

        in reply to: Birman Flap Cats #548914

          I want one, but if the poads come out first…

          in reply to: Melody asks you about Poads(tm) #548954


            I like the shiny ones and the metallic ones. I really like the green eye on that one metallic one though. Either way, I want a pack! They look so good in circles of 5. It’s like they’re plotting 😈

            We have to choose? 😯 They are like a certain brand of potato chip. You can’t have just one!

            in reply to: PYO SWAP FINISHED PIECES!!! Photos inside! #538514

              Mine will finally be going out first thing Monday morning.

              Thank you some very slow nights at work!

              in reply to: Windstone store #548184

                tfsculptures wrote:

                wow who did you talk to? who did i talk to?! i just called there and the guy i got told me everything sold last week! i said even the dragon gargoyle…even the uni gargoyle?! yes, he said all gone! what gives?! i did i get a lying worm?!

                I tried to put the order in online, but had my computer complain (not sure if it was the pop-up blocker or the help desk ticket software, so I called to ask about it (it said the order was submitted, but I never got to pay for it). The guy I spoke with said they were out of the windstones and asked what it was I had tried to order. He then looked at my order since he was the guy who apparently operates that aspect of the site (and had just been there for a few minutes, which seems to be a rarity for him to be in house). I called it a unicorn statue that was brown stone looking, since they didn’t seem to realize it was a windstone. I got him after a person passed the phone to him since it was an issue with a web order. He seemed to have a better idea than the other guy.

                From the sounds of things from you and SilverArrow, I guess I’ll know for sure if I got it when it arrives and my money isn’t returned to my paypal account. 😕 *crosses fingers*

                in reply to: Windstone store #548180

                  YESSSS! Thanks Ski! I snagged the unicorn gargoyle! 😈 I’ve been looking for one to go with my roaring sentinal gargoyle for some time and they don’t come up very often on ebay (and I usually miss them when they do). I’m kinda surprised they had one, and for that price too! *does a little happy dance*

                  in reply to: ARRGH! Customs… #546809

                    He looks gorgeous! I’m glad he arrived safe, despite being held ransom 😯

                    GB, when I get to go to Europe next year, maybe I can take a request or two and ship it from within the EU to you? Something I can fit in my carry-on! I’ll probably end up with lighter luggage going home! I’m either doing Britain (chunnel!), Romania (not EU, but I know I’ll have a layover), a cross continental train ride (Benelux, Germany, France, etc.) and I’m definitely looking at Austria for around the holidays (I miss it so much!).

                    I’m contemplating this later this summer, when I drive up to Montreal for a weekend (considering I’m only a little over 3 hours from the city :P) for people hard pressed up in Canada. Take a request or two and drive up with it (it’s a gift!) when I head up. I could probably do it if it wasn’t a hoard of pieces and I’ve been meaning to get up to Montreal at some point again. Guess that means I should refresh my French. I only remember how to say “I am a pineapple.” and a few random words. 😯

                    in reply to: PYO Trades/Commissions Etc. Info. #547970

                      No worries Water! Your health is always more important than windstones! I’ve been stuck with whopping medical bills too on 2 occasions. Once when I was still in high school (took 8 months to figure out why I was so sick and another 3 months to get well… mostly thanks to a doctor who didn’t take insurance directly – homeopathy/traditional medicine, but it did the trick). My parents footed that bill (since I was still in school), but it took considerable time to pay it all off. The second time was right after college when I ended up in the ER seriously ill with the flu right around Christmas. I couldn’t work for almost a month afterwards because I was in such bad shape (having a suppressed immune system just compounded the bad strain of flu that went around that year). I didn’t have insurance and had to work out a payment plan. It took me well over a year on payments to take care of it, but you do what you have to do. It’s also frustrating having bouts of my chronic fatigue where I have the inspiration to do stuff, but not the umph! Things will work themselves out eventually. Keep us updated and best of luck.

                      P.S., I’m still sending you a kirin. 🙂 If I get something in return now, or 2 years , or never, no worries. I said I would do one and now I have the idea and the kirin when I have the time, so I’m doing it. No buts 😀

                      in reply to: Interesting #544900

                        Sorry to hear about that DM. My brother had a drunk driver pull out in front of him while he was on his bike. One of my other brother’s was driving behind him and luckily saw it happen, and it happened right in front of a doctor’s house luckily. He just has a messed up knee, but it could have been worse. This has been a nasty weekend for vehicle accidents.

                        I would love a porsche right about now! My camry is getting a new rear-end (stupid 18 year old too busy fiddling with her hair and make-up and following too closely didn’t see that I was stopping). Her dad’s car and she only had it for 28 days (2007 Chevy Cobalt). The rental they gave me is supposed to be comparable to my camry (2006). They gave me a Kia 😥 At least I wasn’t badly hurt her insurance company felt compelled to give me a check for my inconvenience (aka don’t sue our client) even though I just have a sprained/pulled muscle or two in my back that doesn’t hurt much at all. I’ve had torn neck muscles before from a car accident in college. NOT FUN! They are paying for my car repairs and the rental too, which is nice. It’s her second totalled car in a year. Can we say ‘revocation of license’? 😈

                        I just need to go to my chiropractor to make sure everything is aligned 100% before I start back at the gym weight training.

                        in reply to: Going out of town for a convention #545711

                          Melody did clarify in a previous post about the chicks that there will be more than one batch of the pearl white griff chicks sitting up, so if you don’t get one on the first shot, there will be at least one more go at them 🙂

                          in reply to: Some goodies #544293

                            Rusti wrote:

                            I *shouldn’t* be spending anymore. the orientals I’m keeping are already a pretty penny. though hopefully I can get some of it back by ebaying one of my peacock oriental babes.

                            I will *have* to leave her there if no one wants her.

                            Oooh, Romeodanny was looking for a young peacock oriental.

                            in reply to: Some goodies #544292

                              I would love the mother rainbow, but I have to see what I have left to play with after I take care of some bills and payments with this paycheck.

                              in reply to: Project Restoration…Mother Pegasus and now Scratcher! PICS #543642

                                Holy crud! That’s an amazing job! 😯 Way to go Whippet! 😀

                                in reply to: Just out of pure bored, random curiosity….. #544520

                                  I’d go for the black male unicorn first, then Phil and Olimpia. Maybe one of the Black special old warriors and gold lap dragon. 😆

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