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Talked to my dad and it may be humidity. The weather decided to pour about an hour later and will rain for the rest of the day. It’s only about 65 degrees out, and didn’t feel humid. If so, it’s just a matter of playing the waiting game for the clear coat to clear. If not, then I’ll have to get out the gloves and my dad’s paint stripper *sigh*.
Thanks for checking Rockerbot on the clearcoat. He’s been painted for a while without a problem (a week or better). Just finally got around to doing touch up work this weekend on him so I could do the clearcoat today. Transparent Candy Apple Red is such a yummy color. I used a base of metallic silver under the Red (since it’s a transparent color). The rest of the kirin is white/iridescent white with some gold highlights. If I have to start over, at least I know some new tricks with this guy. It will have been good practice and a fun experiment.
Just finishing up on a PYO Kirin. I used regular acrylics for most of it, but I did some of the scales in an enamel (transparent Candy Apple Red). I just went to spray on a clear coat of Krylon. The scales appeared to dull quite noticeably. The coating is supposed to have a slight gloss to it. It does not seem to be very humid out and is in the high 60’s/low 70’s.
Will this settle out in a day or two? Should I try a more glossy krylon? Did I ruin the coat of the candy apple red? Do I have to start all over again (please no)?
This is a tough one.
You are married and not a child anymore and not living under their roof, so first thing I’d like to say is, no, your father is wrong. You do not have to do what your mother says. You are an adult and have the right to say no. If she wants an airbrush to learn on, she should get a cheap one to practice with (or more expensive one if she is really serious about learning). Gut feeling says I wouldn’t trust giving it to her. Haven’t met her, don’t know her, but something doesn’t feel right about it. All sorts of radar going off. Not to be the suspicious type, but I would keep it out of sight when she visits (ok, I am the suspicious type).
I agree with BiPolar Bear on getting some third party to meet to try and hammer stuff out. The only thing is, unless she is willing to talk, it either won’t happen or won’t do any good. Ignoring her probably won’t make her go away. She’ll just keep nagging you and, if nagging doesn’t work, she will just move to something else or get other people in on it. This is causing you emotional and mental distress, which is something you should not have to deal with on top of what is going on in your life right now. My mom isn’t as bad, but she is very clingy and a bit controlling and would cry if I didn’t call and talk to her EVERY DAY when I got to college (among other things). It took some major arguments while I was at college (we still blow up on occassion, though far less frequently), but it was needed (I’m pretty independent and was feeling quite smothered). This has to be your decision though.
Good luck in whatever you chose. *HUGS* We are here for you.
Kujacker wrote:A Lurker is also a Zerg in the game StarCraft 😀
Hello and welcome! Melody will be making more of the Violet Flame Fledgling, so if you can wait a week or two, there will be more added to the store again. She also talked about maybe doing one more batch of old green fledglings (since they literally lasted about 3 minutes, if that, when she released them, originally on ebay). I know I’m patiently waiting for both too 😀
Soooo, what time on Friday? I’m off to work from 3-1am EST (with commute). Is this a phone thing, pc thing, chat thing? I know I can’t do chat at work *sniff*.
Ohhh, I’m sorry *hugs* Take care of yourself and do what you have to do for yourself. I did the MIA thing from life for about 4 months after a really horrible living situation ended at the end of college (it was 7-8 months of hell – psychologically and emotionally abusive and affecting my health), but it was needed to stabilize my life and to begin the initial healing. We’ll be here if/when you come back! Take care, good luck, and safe journeys!
OMG!!!! Congrats Koishii! That’s the camera that I want! Good price too. 😀
Melody wrote:skigod377 wrote:Arlla wrote:Melody wrote:skigod377 wrote:My rabbit is not taking well to the litter training.
My female rabbit uses her litterbox perfectly! Is yours an unfixed male? Those guys like to mark territory with their little poo balls. They can’t afford spray paint like other unfixed males I know..
Heh – my two males are fantastic about using their litter box, but one of them does have a tendancy to spray… D:< I never knew rabbits sprayed until this one demonstrated the talent.Yikes! I didnt know rabbits sprayed 😯 I knew cats did, though I had never seen it happen, but rabbits? They seem too cute for that.Ha. I had a male (rabbit) who would jump up and spin around in the air so he could spray like a sprinkler. Needless to say, he was an OUTDOOR rabit.
Hahaha! My next door neighbor’s rabbit did that! She used to raise rabbits of different types (lops, rex, etc.). My rabbits we had to separate with two layers of plexiglass because my brother and I both had males (and mine was bigger). The scratches were nasty.
That’s kewl! I know my aunt has traced my father’s side of the family back to a town in Bavaria, not far from Munich. I think she had it back to the 1500 – 1600s. Hoping to confirm some more at some point (since I think I’m the only one who knows any German… just need to brush up on it again first :wink:).
I managed to find a picture of my family’s crest as well (since the current spelling is missing a letter – there was a Hatfield/McCoy type of dispute some generations ago, and part of the family dropped a letter to disassociate themselves from the other… I’m in that line). With talking to my German professor about the crest, it would seem that they were possibly toll keepers of a body of water. I haven’t confirmed it, but would make sense from the crest. I need to research it a little more to figure out a few other things in the crest as well. Pretty much anyone with my last name (normal or current spelling) that I have run into are somehow related or probably distantly related.
My mom’s side is very mixed, with Polish, German, English, Dutch and a trace of one or two other things.
Quote:We have a couple of bottles of old green paint left. That reminds me, I was going to paint a few more old green fledgies for those who missed out on them.
OMG that would be awesome. They were around for like 1 minute and then disappeared 😥
A curlie in green would be kewl too… Not necessarily both done in the next week would be good too 😉
Seeing it next week after some of the initial OMG from the kids has worn off so I can actually get in. Seeing Transformers this week instead (since a lot of people will be running to see OotP).
Good luck!
Ooooh, nice work Ruffian! Very striking!