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  • in reply to: Dragon Travel new pictures in my album!!! #643795

      Ok so he went with me to my ceramics class…..he saw a huge dragon!!! lol Pics up tomorrow! 🙂

      Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

      in reply to: Dragon Travel new pictures in my album!!! #643794

        OK all I received the little dragon today! HE LOOKS GREAT! 🙂 Today all he did was look at the house and admire my new kitchen counters! lol I will paint my part on Wednesday. After that I will get some pics of him and then he will be off on his whirl wind adventure! lol 😛

        Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

        in reply to: Dragon Travel new pictures in my album!!! #643791

          Kyrin, I sent you my address. I hope you got it. I am looking forward to painting this little guy! LOTS O PICTURES!!! lol 😆

          Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

          in reply to: Scorpiolady21 #691245

            Thank you all so much! I was worried that when I got back you guys would think I had abandoned you! NEVER!!!!! I love this place. I still need to cruse the site to see what else has been going on. lol and to look at that little traveling dragon. lol

            Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

            in reply to: Scorpiolady21 #691231

              Hey all, I know it has been a while since I was last seen on here. I just wanted you all to know that I am doing better. I had my first kimo treatment and it was HORRIBLE!!! But hey if that is what it will take to make me better then so be it! So before I had any of this crap done I had them harvest some eggs…turns out that some of them are usable…so the really cool thing is that if I ever want to have kids I could possibly do it! So there you have it. I have treatments every month and I am dealing with the pain well. As far as my life goes…my damn kitchen countertops are in….took them long enough(only 2 months) lol My children are doing great as I went to see them and the specialist in the same fell swoop. I told my ex husband and he said that when the kids are older we can tell them all about it. OK I think that is all for now. I just wanted all of you to know that no I am not DEAD…I am very much ALIVE and kicking! lol

              SO HOW IS EVERYONE!!!!!???????????

              Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

              in reply to: DRAGON NURSERY #673496

                OK so I just wanted to let all of you know that I am going to get a second opinion on my cancer. I am going to Tennessee to see a specialist. The appointment on the 13th went horrible. The doctor told me that it was too late to treat anything and that I would need a historectomy. I know I spelled that wrong but oh well. I am also going out there to visit with my kids ( I have not seen them since October of last year) So I know that this is not a thread about me but I know we all visit it often so there you have it! LOL Here’s to a second opinion! 🙂

                Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                in reply to: PYO Keeper Dragon is now available! (Jan 11, 2008) #655394

                  When can we hope for more keeper PYO dragons? I would like to start a traveling one…..

                  Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                  in reply to: S.F. Bay area sale #677030

                    TOTALLY not about this but since it’s hot. There are alot of new Windstone auctions on Ebay. An antique place has listed some good items for 9.99 starting bid including an Emerald Emperor. I forget what else they listed but go look! 😀

                    Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                    in reply to: Dragon Travel new pictures in my album!!! #643782

                      LMAO!! That would be a problem! If you mixed more than 3 colors your in for trouble! But I think you will do just fine! I think that we should do this with a Keeper…darn it 😡 I have to wait till there are more in stock! MELODY???????? *whines* when will there be more keepers in stock??? lol 😆

                      Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                      in reply to: DRAGON NURSERY #673369

                        HELP!!! Please click my babies! They will die in less than .9 days if they dont grow up!

                        I bred my two adult dragons and got this! 🙂

                        Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                        in reply to: Dragon Travel new pictures in my album!!! #643779

                          Well I think that what ever the outcome this little guy will be a darling matching wings or not! lol Just have fun with it! 🙂 🙄

                          Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                          in reply to: DRAGON NURSERY #673338

                            My pink girl has started growing wings! I can’t wait to see what her next stage is! Please visit my page and click my babies!


                            Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                            in reply to: Dragon Travel new pictures in my album!!! #643776

                              OK just bumping this thread. Where is this little guy now? With Kyrin? Just wanted to know. 🙂

                              Click us help us grow! Don’t forget our brothers below! 🙂

                              Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                              in reply to: DRAGON NURSERY #673294

                                scorpiolady21 wrote:

                                AWWWW!! she is so cute! Thank you guys so much!

                                clicky clicky lol

                                Thanks guys!

                                Thank you so much! The green one hatched!

                                Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                                in reply to: DRAGON NURSERY #673270

                                  AWWWW!! she is so cute! Thank you guys so much!

                                  clicky clicky lol

                                  Thanks guys!

                                  Looking for White Dragons! Grail includes the White Secret Keeper!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 16 through 30 (of 124 total)