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  • in reply to: Decent Price on a Peacock Scratcher #528412

      you could always be totally evil and laugh in her face, but only if you wanted to be rude. Or you could tell her you know better, and will never bid with shipping at that price. Sometimes they come down, sometimes they don’t.

      in reply to: emerald orientals on ebay #526531

        Aww. Well, I suppose there will eventually be others.

        in reply to: Okami Okami Okami #523589

          Sei-an City, yeah! Hey, did you ever catch the theif in that town? Or find whatever the heck the dude sobbing on the beach was looking for?

          I can’t, for the life of me, figure those two side-quests out.

          in reply to: emerald orientals on ebay #526529

            dragonmedley wrote:

            And here I thought I had a chance 🙁

            Heh, I won the oriental emerald I was bidding on, dragonmedley, have at the other one. ;P

            in reply to: Hey Watergazer, are these your auctions?? #528492

              The thing about copying work/photos is that sooner or later, you get caught. Maybe not right away, but eventually, and when that happens, your rep takes a pretty mighty ding, if you’re the copyer.

              People start to question which works were really yours, or if any of them were yours at all, even if some of them are.

              Getting caught copying brings a whole host of problems most folks really don’t want in the form of karmic backlash, more or less. And copyrights and watermarks can be removed, if your crafty with Photoshop.

              Take your photos, ask that they don’t be redistributed, and leave it at that, and if they pop up somewhere else, you can put your foot down. 🙂

              in reply to: Hey Watergazer, are these your auctions?? #528490

                I’m sort of with Water in that she’s not necessarily a bad person for this, just…mis-informed. When I was first starting out, I didn’t know the etiquette and protocol either.

                I do, however, see this as an incredibly bad decision/move on the auctioner’s part, and hope she responds well to water’s email. I especially think she needs to take Water’s paint jobs off her website!! O.o!!

                I think Water is probably better than most of us at gently correcting. If she needs nasty, though, I reckon she’s got plenty of recruits here. 🙂

                in reply to: Okami Okami Okami #523587

                  An Okami topic!! And I missed it when I first started, how did I do that???

                  BTW, the Okami art book will be out in English in July and you can get it from http:/// I think it’s $35 or so. I think there’s even a soundtrack you can get from there for about $50, a five CD set.

                  Where, exactly, are you guys catching koi? I need to go fishing there. I’ve already beat the game, and I’m going back through it for the fun of it, picking up tasks and things I ignored the first time for the sake of getting through the story.

                  Has anybody else beaten it yet?

                  in reply to: Hey Watergazer, are these your auctions?? #528475

                    Eh, I don’t really think any less of her, to be honest, I just feel that if you’re doing her a favor, she should at least give credit properly, and if she can’t do that, she needs to find her own photos.

                    Not to mention that it *is* misleading, however unintentional it is, to have finished paintjobs posted that are not her own. it’s not something I would ever dream of doing, because, as a general rule, the human population is incapable of reading comprehension, and they need to be babysat. They might bid, thinking they’re after an paint job just like your style, and get something completely different. She could end up with some major negative feedback for that.

                    So, in a way, by using the right images (the unpainted ones) she’ll be protecting herself too.

                    in reply to: emerald orientals on ebay #526528

                      Isn’t ebay evil?

                      in reply to: Hey Watergazer, are these your auctions?? #528473

                        If you want a mean PR rep, I can get crabby. 😉

                        I wish you the best of luck, though, but in my humble opinion, asking her to take them down completely, since she’s apparently unable to make it clear that they are your PYOs and that you are not affiliated with her in any way, shape or form, is the best option for you especially.

                        Sometimes I do wonder if I’m just too mean for my own good sometimes, but especially if you’re running a business of your own, you do need to protect yourself.

                        Good luck!

                        in reply to: Crochet? #528568

                          I guess it can be considered a form of art, you can do alot with it!

                          Does anybody else crochet, around here? I sort of feel like an old lady, sometimes, but it’s great to keep your hands busy while you’re watching TV. I guess it’s sort of like smoking, since it prevents you from eating!

                          Here’s an afghan I’ve been working on, off and on, for a couple months.

                          in reply to: Hey Watergazer, are these your auctions?? #528471

                            I guess I think too much like my father. Always the business-minded one. I’ve been burned enough times now to not start a commission without a non-refundable 50% deposit (which I usually don’t take until I’m ready to put pencil to paper, but I digress).

                            I remember quite clearly him pointing a finger at my nose after some people we raced minisprints with backing out on a commission without telling me first. Good thing I called them before I started painting!

                            So, yes, lesson learned, and my businessman father would give me a lecture for allowing something like this. 😉

                            in reply to: Hey Watergazer, are these your auctions?? #528469

                              You’re several times more generous than I, Water. I probably would have asked her to not only provide my name, but my email/website as well, or to not use my images at all.

                              What if she gives out a crappy paint job and the winner of the auction thinks she’s you, somehow?

                              *always the pessimist*

                              in reply to: emerald orientals on ebay #526526

                                I was teasing her, I’ve lurked enough to know her rep. 😉 It looks like there’s another one listed in the Windstone search, so if she outsnipes me, I can always try for that one. but I hope she doesn’t! My collection is quite tiny, since I just started gathering things up when I can find them not-too-expensive.

                                Although, my student loan refund *coughcough* will be covering that peacock oriental someone pushed up to my max bid and left. 😛

                                in reply to: emerald orientals on ebay #526524

                                  Heh, all right Nirvana, I see you over on ebay after the same dragon I am. ;P

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