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Happy B-day! Hope it’s a good one!
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! what happened to us last week?
Jeez! They didn’t even offer to give you two a ride home!? You couldn’t afford the insurance and registration so it makes TOTAL sense that you can afford two massive tickets and impound fees! Ugh! Talk about barbaric and backwards! Making two sick people walk all the way home after taking their transportation away from them when they only went out to go to the doctor! Hearing about that kind of stuff makes me so mad! It defies the idea of common decency and common sense.
You have my utmost sympathies! And I hardly think that this is whining. That’s a genuinely upsetting awful day!
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! to the forum! Being a dragon lover is what led me here too!
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! Jed! He’s a lovely piece.
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! and welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy yourself here. Good luck on your slowly growing collection! I know how that goes. I usually can’t afford anything more than a PYO so I usually can’t get anything that really catches my eye. -sighs- And space is always an issue.
Just turned 33 this year, so my sympathies.
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble!! 🙂
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble!‘Appy B-day! And many ‘appy Unbirthdays too!
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble!! If you use paint pots to store paint, you can get them to last a little longer if you store them in the fridge. lol I don’t know if that’s a given, so I just thought I’d mention it. The only problem is remembering to take them out of the fridge to clean them after you’re done with the project. 😉
Also, the difference between the miniatures and Windstones is that you don’t have to primer the Windstone. Unless you want to reduce how absorbent it is. Miniatures HAVE to be primered because paint won’t stick well to the metal otherwise. The miniature guide is also a great reference for the PYO horn on the PYO Unicorn!
As for keeping the paints wet on the palette…. Not brave enough to try that myself though the first link I shared has a method the guy uses for that. He puts white felt into a container, wets it and places palette paper on top. I’m not sure how to explain it better than he does. Plus he has pictures of his setup. It’s pretty much his wet blending method.
What I do is this (and mind, this is just me). I mix up the base color I want in a paint pot, then move some of that to the palette to create a wash to use. When I’ve got what I want, I seal up the paint pot to keep it moist and work with the wash I made. That way I only make as much wash as I need on the palette and I keep my color safe for later use. On a single piece this allows me to take some of the base color I made and alter it in another paint pot to create a hue that is similar to the base color and can deepen things up.
Like right now, I’m painting a Foo Mom with a bit of a tiger theme. So I’m making a wash of yellow ochre mixed with orange (cadmium orange I think). I do a few wash layers. Then I take some of that paint and make a new hue with either a bit of red or sienna (haven’t decided just yet). I’ll do a few layers of wash over the base color with that because I don’t want a flat looking solid color.
Ah…sorry for rambling on! I hope I haven’t babbled too much and that this helps even a little. All of my pieces are experiments and so far this is just the point I’m at right now.
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! you get the color changing paints from DickBlick? I’ve also seen mentions on threads of ‘Auto’ paints (shifting and sparkle types), are these actually from car dealerships or car body shops? Is there a specific brand to use – I didn’t think auto paint were acrylics or could be used on PYO’s?
I’ve used Spaz Stix paint on some of my pieces. They are automotive style paints but specifically used on model cars. They sell several different color change paints on their website (and have sample pics so you know what it’ll look like on a surface). Both in bottles already mixed for use in an air spray gun and in aerosol cans. I use the bottles and brush it on…though it will really gunk up/damage your brush this way. I have a brush set aside to use with this type of paint so I don’t damage multiple brushes. But hey…I don’t have an air spray gun so watcha gonna do? 😉
Here’s the website if you’re interested. as for if it’s okay to use on a Windstone…well, so far so good. I can’t promise anything though. I’ve always had a base coat between that paint and the Windstone.
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! B-day! Hope it’s fun!
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! wouldn’t bother with different color spray paints. Just a white primer. That would lower the cost. But you’d still run the problem of wrecking havoc on your brushes when you painted with them. If you wanted to take the time, you could buy some super cheap brushes. But in the end it really comes down to if you think they are worth it.
Lol. Though if you wanted to play a game you could start a round robin paint job. Have a sign up sheet and each person paints a stage on a piece before sending it to the next person. Though everyone would have to agree to eat the shipping & handling costs (and post pictures after they finish their stage of painting). And I don’t know what would be done with the finished piece. But that’s just an amused idea from my head. It’s not a serious suggestion unless it catches your fancy.
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! have always used water to thin my paints and I have never had a problem. I have heard that you can, but I put on so many layers perhaps it just hasn’t ever affected my piece? I don’t know, but the few times I have used a meduim I have had a much harder time with it. Some of my pieces I have painted are probably 7-8 years old by now and they are all still fine. *shrug*
-laughs- I have only used water to thin my paints and I’ve also never had any problems (that I know of). Though I have suspicions (from the photos posted on the Forest Swap) that the Mother Foo I painted for pegasus4240 suffered a few small paint rubs on her way to her new home. But she didn’t say anything so it was either my imagination or she was just too nice to mention it (I’m sorry if that happened pegasus4240!). I suspect lack of enough protective clear coat was to blame if it did happen. It was my first time using washes too. T_T
It’s just that some painters are a bit divided on the issue. So I figured I’d post the link that had other painter’s formulas as well as the link where the painter only uses water. Let the painter decide what to do after looking at both methods. 🙂
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! tutorial is for painting miniatures, but I found many of the techniques quite good for painting Windstones too.
However, it seems he only uses water to thin his paints (something often not recommended by other painters).
For that reason, here is a link to another page where some miniature painters give their formulas for thinning down their acrylic paints.
I think both are excellent resources.
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! are interesting pieces. I think my favorite is the guy in the upper right corner (the one with the stump). But I do not like their paint jobs! So pale and faded looking! I’d be far too tempted to repaint them.
Well, if you don’t care about them you could use them for painting practice. Are they glazed or anything? If not they might absorb paint fairly well. Though I re-painted an incense burner from Walmart and oh my gosh…. It took FOREVER because it was so rough and absurdly textured! It would take a lot of coaxing to ever make me paint something like that again.
You can check out my work on dA & Redbubble! to the winners! 😀
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