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  • in reply to: PUT YOUR "WISH LIST" IN HERE #596643

    Ive received many emails asking that since Im taking a leave of absence of unknown amount of time from here (due to a couple personal comments/assumptions made that hurt me deeply by those that should have known better. And importantly, NO, this has absolutely NOTHING to do with any moderators whatsoever, which is something to understand), I absolutely plan to keep up with my responsibilities in keeping the hard copy of this Wish List up to date.

    I will check for new info here once a week to keep myself current. If you need me for anything, please do NOT use PMs because Im not checking them and havent for a while. It’s part of my time away. Anyone can get my email because it is a tab at the bottom of any of my posts. So, please feel free to use it, even if it has nothing to do with your Wish List. Sorry if youve PMed me and I havent answered. Try email please!

    Best to all,

    in reply to: Has anyone heard from Phoenix Tears? (PT) #676395

    I have to admit, I was in the midst of getting back into the swing of things here. But a knife was put right into my heart and twisted by how someone might view me as a person and should know me better. This has nothing to do w/ staffers or admins.

    Im sensitive. I was hurt prior to the comment but now Im even more broken. Call me over dramatic- whatever. I dont want to make a big deal of “oh, pity me Im leaving,” etc. Im not leaving but though I was ready to come back. other than having a lot on my emotional plate at the moment, Ive decided not to hang out here for a while. Trust me, you wont notice. You got use to me not being around cause of the horse shows. Im just not as comfortable here at the moment.

    Anyway, for those of you that ARE my actual friends here, you have my email, phone or address. Im more than happy to keep in touch with you that way. I’ll be around here reading, not posting. Basically lurking just to see whats for sale and what not but Im not dealing with PMs or posting for now.

    Enough said but as always, love to my friends here, believe in the true goodness of people and love Windstone forever.

    in reply to: FOR SALE- SEE LIST- ADDED TO *AGAIN*!!! Updated! #676543

    I hope all works out for you but if you cant get your camera to play nice with puter to pust pix here, how are you going to get pix up on ebay? I know lots wont buy or bid if they cant see exactly what theyre bidding on.

    Food for thought.

    in reply to: Dragon Hatchery!! #677413

    lamortefille wrote:

    PhoenixTears wrote:

    pegasi1978 wrote:

    PhoenixTears wrote:


    *Hugs* Right now there are no eggs to collect at all and breeding seems to be down as well. The cave has been shrouded in fog for over a week and the site’s creator is mum about everything including an explanation. Heck, even the forum moderators there don’t seem to know what the heck is going on with the fog.

    Well tell those damn dragons to stop farting and starting mating! Barry White- where are you?!?!

    Barry White! Hahaha!
    Was waiting for someone to get that!


    GIMME DRAGONISTA EGGS NOW NOW NOW!!! ANYONE? SOMEONE? HELP ME! IM DROWNING IN ENVY AND JEALOUSY. And apparently insanity after rereading my post but I dont care. Plus Im still clicking on all your dragons anyway just cuz.

    in reply to: OMG Can It Be……..Return of Caturday?! #645869

    I havent been able to catch up with this thread in a few months so these may be posted as I got them in a FW email from my Aunt. But, why not review them again if thats the case. Always fun and I need it now for it’s 530 am and Im not sleeping. Here we go:


    You keep losing things

    You awoke with a stiff neck

    You feel trapped

    You always find yourself in the wrong place at the wrong time (my fave I think)

    Uninvited guests show up at dinner time

    Trouble getting out of bed

    Pulled a muscle while exercising

    Your new hat looked better on you in the store (purrfect expression and <3 this one too- “the galaxy is on Orion’s belt” MIB reference)

    We can all relate to that diet that isnt working (well, not ALL of you)

    Lunch simply didnt agree with you

    Woke up with a hangover and you werent even drinking last night? WTH?!

    Yes, you too are coming down with the flu

    Got caught in the rain at lunchtime cause some dog stole your kitty-brella

    Your freakin’ boss chewed you out (would make more sense if the cat was chewing the dog cause as we know, cats rule over dogs 🙂 Dont get me wrong, I LOVE dogs and have had many)

    Youre home alone, hear a noise in the basement and realize the call is coming from inside the house!

    in reply to: So Whats Next? #684286

    Phoenix wrote:

    Along with the Blackfire Kirins 😉

    YES!!!! please 😀

    in reply to: Black Griffin Chicks Missing Blue? #684544

    Even winged croucher just very, very little blue and more purple. However, the sitter- if looking from the back (non-display side), the left wing has no blue, only purple but the right wing has an even amount of purple and blue. Looking at sitter from front, they are even and plentiful.

    in reply to: Lowering gas prices- anyone get this? #684732

    I got it from my dad as an email FW and based on the ppl he sent it to and the groups of ppl he got it from, I have to respect it’s validity. If you read carefully, this is a very possible thing to do. And no, this isnt the “Dont buy gas on this one day” campaign. It’s something totally different and it makes sense to me for potential. I even emailed some of you on it to include in the 10 ppl I was supposed to send to (though I sent to many more than 10 because I believe in it). Heres the info, do with it as you will:


    This was sent by a retired Coca Cola executive. It came from one of his engineer buddies who retired from Halliburton. If you are tired of the gas prices going up AND they will continue to rise this summer, take time to read this please.

    Phillip Hollsworth offered this good idea.
    This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the ‘don’t buy gas on a certain day’ campaign that was going around last April or May!

    It’s worth your consideration. Join the resistance!!

    I hear we are going to hit close to $ 4.00 a gallon by next summer and it might go higher! Want gasoline prices to come down?

    We need to take some intelligent, united action. The oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn’t continue to ‘hurt’ ourselves by refusing to buy gas.

    It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them.

    BUT, whoever thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can really work. Please read on and join with us!

    By now you’re probably thinking gasoline priced at about $2.00 is super cheap. Me too! It is currently $3.64 for regular unleaded in my town.

    Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think that the cost of a gallon of gas is CHEAP at $1.50 – $1.75, we need to take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the marketplace… not sellers.

    With the price of gasoline going up more each day, we consumers need to take action.

    The only way we are going to see the price of gas come down is if we hit someone in the pocketbook by not purchasing their gas! And, we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves.

    How? Since we all rely on our cars, we can’t just stop buying gas.

    But we CAN have an impact on gas prices if we all act together to force a price war.

    Here’s the idea: For the rest of this year, DON’T purchase ANY gasoline from the two biggest companies (which now are one), EXXON and MOBIL.

    If they are not selling any gas, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit.

    But to have an impact, we need to reach literally millions of Exxon and Mobil gas buyers. It’s really simple to do! Now, don’t wimp out on me at this point…keep reading and I’ll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!

    I am sending this note to 30 people. If each of us send it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300) … and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000)… and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth group of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers.

    If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends each, then 30 million people will have been contacted!

    If it goes one level further, you guessed it….. THREE HUNDRED MILLION PEOPLE!

    Again, all you have to do is send this to 10 people. That’s all!

    (If you don’t understand how we can reach 300 million and all you have to do is send this to 10 people… We’re not all mathematicians. But I am. So trust me on this one).

    How long would all that take? If each of us sends this e-mail out to ten more people within 1 day of receipt, all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be contacted within the next 8 days!!!

    I’ll bet you didn’t think you and I had that much potential, did you!

    Acting together we can make a difference.

    If this makes sense to you, please pass this message on. I suggest that we not buy from EXXON/MOBIL UNTIL THEY LOWER THEIR PRICES TO THE $2.00 RANGE AND KEEP THEM DOWN. THIS CAN REALLY WORK.

    Keep it going!

    in reply to: Dragon Hatchery!! #677405

    pegasi1978 wrote:

    PhoenixTears wrote:


    *Hugs* Right now there are no eggs to collect at all and breeding seems to be down as well. The cave has been shrouded in fog for over a week and the site’s creator is mum about everything including an explanation. Heck, even the forum moderators there don’t seem to know what the heck is going on with the fog.

    Well tell those damn dragons to stop farting and starting mating! Barry White- where are you?!?!

    in reply to: I delivered puppies! FINAL PUPPY PIX pg. 8 #650121

    Ginger does have a permanent home- with her mom and sister Elsie, at my friend Sharon’s who’s dog Bella birthed these pups. Sharon now refuses to resell Ginger even though she could get the best price for her. But she believes it’s been enough moving around. So, instead of just keeping Elsie, she is also keeping Ginger which in the long run, is the best thing being the way things had worked out.

    Glad you enjoyed the pix!

    in reply to: I delivered puppies! FINAL PUPPY PIX pg. 8 #650112

    Final Update on the Puppies

    I know it’s been a long time since last I updated and shared photos. And your sure to go “Awe, OMG they grew so much into such cute bundles!” True.

    Bare fact as most are on the photo itself. Elsie, the largest pup, is in fact the one that officially remained with Sharon and her mama, Bella who get on like gangbusters playing, galloping, exploring and tackling with great play.

    BB (she is now called Barbie which none of us was pleased with) was the first to go to her home and they had a puppy shower (all the trimmings like you would for a human kid). She took to the female new owner right away which admittedly did hurt my friend Sharon cause she thought she’d only ever be the one that BB had that special connection with. We all know that if youre sweet to pups, you have a friend for life. She was a bit nervous at night with no other animals around but the husband bought her a cool yet expensive bed (think how Paris Hilton shops) to put in the room with them so BB could hear the breathing and feel better. She is now enjoying a complete lap of luxury and will have a truly wonderful life.

    Now, Ginger’s story is disappointing. She was pick of the litter which meant the most money. And the personality to boot. Tony (the woman) has had severe depression and something physical I cant put my finger on that causes her to lose all her hair, etc. Her mind is in a bad state and she SO wanted a puppy to sit with all day and curl up with and not be judged. She kept calling, “when can Ginger come home, etc, etc.” SO we could see she was thrilled to be getting her.

    The week Ginger went to Tony and her hubby’s, her hubby had because very ill (not related to the dog) and Tony was also having one of her episodes and instead of being happy Ginger was there, felt over whelmed as husband and wife both wound up in hospital. Tony asked Sharon if from now on (forever), if Sharon could take Ginger one week EVERY month. Thats right- every month for a week, not just a week or 2 during the year for vacations. This would not socialize Ginger properly because she would come home to where she was born, be able to love on and play with her sister Elsie and her mama Bella but then get taken away going home alone to Tony’s and likely act and feel sad. Tony would look at this as her fault and sink deeper into her depression.

    So, for the best interest of Ginger mostly, when Sharon finally gets a hold of Tony (who hasnt even bothered to call Sharon to see how her pup is doing 😯 ), she is going to say she will fully refund her but must take the puppy back given the situation. Tony would do good with an animal for her depression etc., but perhaps a cat which is more sufficient and not as demanding.

    Onto the photos. Couple photos to bring you back to how small they were when they were born. Few photos of the sire that mated with Bella (his name is Rosco), and then current photos at the 2 month mark (they look just a very tiny bit larger at this 3 month mark such as more hair). So here are the final pix (I think- or at least for several months) of the pups I delivered on Christmas night.

    Rosco (dad) and Bella (mom)


    Rosco when he heard the news of birth on Christmas

    Remember when they were an hour old?

    And just a little older than that?

    Now, BB 2 months old and still looking the same at 3

    Now this is Ginger at 2 months and looks same right now

    BB and Ginger at 2 months old, looking same at 3 months

    All 3 of the girls at 2 months all looking the same at 3 months and yes, Elsie in the middle there still dominates greatly in size. She is poised to be bred when she is ready and Sharon has a small local sire picked out for now.

    Hope you enjoyed the pups phases of growth. When I notice that they change from what you see here, I’ll dig up this thread and share some more photos for those interested. Thanks for staying with us!

    in reply to: Dragon Hatchery!! #677403

    I cant do this though Anthony even took time out of his schedule to sit at the entrance and refresh every few minutes (sweetie <3 ). No eggs!

    I cant figure this out but if anyone can grab me an egg or several (which will probably never hatch cause Im not posting enough and this is the only place I DO post or blog, it’ll die anyway), can someone just grab me an egg(s) and transfer it to me? Or set me up an account if passwords are involved, make one up for me (same with screen nyms). Purple eggs are my first choice, black it cool, pink dont stink, green is keen, blues = good news, grey is OK. Orange and yellow only if there are no other colors.

    WAHHHHH! I just want a friggin egg! Maybe it’s PTSD since I cannot actually have children, I get sensitive when theres a chance to nurture something. But if I do get one, help me let it live cause if it dies, I’ll lose my mind. No really. I may have been busy but am going through something right now that I dont want to talk about & need to work through myself but for some reason, my emotions are really fragile and making me COVET 1-3 of these eggs. My heads not on straight right now. Ive been clicking on all yous guys eggs even if I havent been posting much. Just easy to skim, see an egg, click, move on and do it again for another egg.


    in reply to: My babe, my horse— T is gone #681163

    Oh sweetie, I havent been around having been holed up in a huge AAA show jumping circuit but I feel so sorry for you and your family’s loss. What is of great strength and benefit and one big band aid on your heart is that you made his final months as comfortable as ever they could be. He is where he is supposed to be right now and will watch out for you and yours. Spiritually, in time, maybe youll cross paths again.

    Youll never forget but time will ease pain. There will be days you have years from now you break down crying when thinking of him hard enough- just let it happen. You saved him- soon it may be his turn to save you.

    Consider candle lit and much love and hugs towards your way. xoxoxoxoxox

    in reply to: Dragon Hatchery!! #677399

    Im dense and feeling impatient. I still cant get this to work. I never see any dragons regardless of time of day and Id just like one damn little baby for pete sake. Im going to sulk now…

    in reply to: Still looking for these Wanted Curlies #665881

    ARGH! All these white CURLS are popping up while I havent been around and it’s the LAST curl (save for future colors not out yet) that I need to complete my Curlie collection! Thorn in my side!

    If you have a WHITE CURL for sale, PLEASE, PLEASE consider me and PM me with what youd like for him! Likewise, if any of my friends here see a white curl for sale here or else where (in excellent condition; tag and box I dont care about), I’d likley go $125 for him but would prefer less, of course.

    help meeeeeeeeee!

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