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  • in reply to: Has anyone ever requested this mythic creature? #589783

    I suppose it does depend on which culture youre looking at. The way I learned about it growing up was that it was always a mythical male bird (only one living at a time) that lived for 500 yrs, burned and was reborn from its own ashes- as a male yet again. Female never entered into it. But thats the beauty with mythology… you can be the modern creator. With regards to a Windstone Phoenix, Id take it regardless of gender.

    My cat in my siggie is named Phoenix and was a stray and came to my door howling one Christmas eve. I have saved tons of strays but never taken one in from the outside for keeps (adopted from shelters yes, but not from outside). That was about the change that night. At that time, his eyes were this fabulous glowing orange color (theyve yellowed since… but there’s no escaping Photoshop!)

    Second I saw him, his name popped into my head somehow (yea, Im a spiritual person). Though his breed is considered “blue” for the sake of the story, lets say he’s grey. Follow me…

    The brilliant orange or even yellow eyes = the orange and yellow (red) feathers of the Phoenix and the fire the cross over in. Ashes from which theyre reborn = grey, same as his body color. Hence, the story behind his name. Granted, he doesnt look as fluid and elegant as a phoenix would in the photo below but there you have the story behind his name 😛

    in reply to: WHAT I HAVE FOR SALE: updated 10/21/07 #585953

    PhoenixTears wrote:




    WIZARD CAT CANDLELAMP (with electric cord rather than votive & the cauldron has a place to put an incense cone)


    The Small Bat Winged Black Flap Cat has been spoken for and is no longer available. Im pleased he is going to such a wonderful home. Im equally pleased that, though I hadnt put up these pieces officially, that this person had the deep interest, love and enthusiasm to PM me anyway (which never, ever hurts) with an offer. Im glad you did darlin and I hope you love him as much as I have!

    For the rest of the pieces, if any of them tickle you guys, PM me anyway because as soon as I get boxes and materials for them and load their photos onto Photobucket, a new thread will be made with the remaining Windstones I have and they will then officially be up for sale. Cant hurt to show interest now and get my attention. Communication is always good and helps me out a lot.

    Thanks again and dont forget that I still have some pieces from the front page for sale (please, please, please dont make me take them to eBay!; they wont appreciate them like you guys):

    and the
    CRITIC GARGOYLE BOOKEND (fits left or right)

    Picture links coming soon

    in reply to: What color legs??? #590000

    What a little beauty! She’ll catch a good price on eBay. Good luck- I love her (and Ive always loved the cutie in your avatar and how you did your Kirin in your siggie. Been a rider all my life and had been meaning to tell you I loved your horse. Adorable)! 😛 Might I add, your screen nym is equally cool! 8) 😉

    in reply to: How can I paint around the horn????????? #590234

    I thought I read somewhere that the horn actually comes unattached from the PYO unicorn when it arrives from Windstone and you have to put it on yourself. Maybe it was just for that person or I misread or misunderstood.

    I know Ive read this same question as well as asked it myself (in PMs). Masking Fluid was the response given to me 100% of the time and I was assured it would be easily removed… same with the eyes and anything else I wanted to protect from paint. I’ll find out as my first PYO (unicorn) arrives Wednesday… course, I dont have the paints yet but thats a whole other ball of wax 😉

    in reply to: Melody is away #589729

    Duh, and I just posted a new question to her. I didnt see this first! Oops, my bad! 😳 Well, it’ll still be here for when she returns. Glad she is having time off 😛

    in reply to: Has anyone ever requested this mythic creature? #589760

    Hi Melody,
    Hope youre having a nice weekend.. Busy, busy, Im sure! If not, good on ya!

    Ive tried to do a search for this, but more often than not, it brings up user nyms (my own included!), rather than the subject matter for which Im searching.

    Has anyone ever asked you, or have you ever considered creating a Phoenix as a Windstone piece? Im just envisioning some really cool (or hot as the case would be) oranges, reds and yellows that could be burned in there for the plumage. Expression in the eyes could go either way- if it’s sitting with wings just barely spread (or held in), I can see a gentle face, but if in full flight or a dive but still with full wing span, I can see more intense (though not mean- I dont see them as wicked birds; strong, protective and will fight to the death if need be but not agro for no reason) emotion coming from the eyes. Then some great talons in different positons (feet) and even perched on large partial high branches maybe- I dont know.

    Just spitballing. Ever thought of anything like that? If others have already come to you with this request or idea here, sorry for the redundancy. I was unable to recover it with the search function. Have a nice day and rest of the weekend!

    in reply to: limited production edition black pegasus (male) #587871

    Hint: The line was uttered by a young, skinny Kevin Bacon while bent over in a pair of tight whities during a frat hazing ritual- though he was hardly the star. It was a cult hit and definitely a favorite with ppl now in their 40s (though Im in my mid to late 30s… 36 going on 37). There was a funny scene in it with a horse and an obnoxious drill sergeant who got dumped because his white steed was purposely hit on the rump by a flying golf ball. Later, the horse had a heart attack due to the sounds of blanks going off from a gun (it was a funny scene; nothing gorey) during another frat brother/pledge prank (dare).

    Another notorious line: “Is that a pledge pin, on your uniform?!”

    Youll get it. And I hope Im not going to get a slap on the wrist for getting off topic here (see how gun shy I am from other boards. They have really done a number on me psychologically that I am so paranoid to even tangent out just a little in good fun.

    in reply to: limited production edition black pegasus (male) #587869

    eaglefeather831 wrote:

    I am hoping that Melody will read this and think “Hmm….maybe I should paint a few more!”

    “Thank you sir (ma’am) may I have another”… now you HAVE to know that movie! And- the title of the movie fits perfectly based on the models for the sculpts here (well, most of them).

    So, yes, I’ll go along with that and say, “thank you Miss Melody, may we have some others” squeaky squawk 😛 😉

    in reply to: limited production edition black pegasus (male) #587867

    eaglefeather831 wrote:

    haha! Well, I don’t mean to be impatient…I guess I just really wanted to tell her that I am WWAAIITTIINNGG…..

    You keep putting movie visuals in my head by the way you speak- er, or type! Now I have a visual of that nasty little man (what was his name- he employed Andre the Giant and Indigo and kidnapped the Princess before being bested by Cary Elwes… “inconceivable!”) in The Princess Bride. He said a line in that movie to someone (I use to know that movie so well but my short term memory has long been lost). He said, “I’m Waaaaaaiiiiittttiiinnnnggggg!!!!!!” 😆 😆 😆 😈 😛

    But Im on your side. Chomping at the bit myself for that male peg to come back in stock myself 😀 Goodness knows were both on thte waiting list!

    in reply to: Anyone know of a GRAND UNICORN? #583891

    emerald212 wrote:

    Okay. Got it. Preemptive strikes… does that mean you are getting us figured out too well? 🙂

    😆 No… actually it’s a sad character flaw Ive developed from being attacked on from other chat boards because ppl can be so cruel & negative (often for no reason) and misunderstand everything and pull it out of proportion. That is what causes me to have a mind that tries (with a great deal of stress, and done unconsciously now, out of habit) to have an answer as though we were playing a game of chess… have answers 2-3 questions ahead. That kind of thing. Doesnt have anything to do with anyone here. Just scarred from other boards.

    in reply to: Bat-winged Flap Cat~Sold~Thanks #589513

    My black bat flap cat has somw white on the chest like yours. I have one person interested in him right now, but if she changes her mind, he’ll go up for sure here.

    in reply to: white,male,dragon sold pics page 2 #588700

    Yow! What a hotty! Or should I say, he’s cool! I hope he sells handsomely. I have a strong prediction he will. Congrats on the great find, authentication and reveal. Let the feeding frenzy begin! (something tells me only ppl on this site will be able to appreciate or understand this rarity, rather than those on eBay so hopefully someone here will be able to afford him).

    in reply to: Anyone know of a GRAND UNICORN? #583889

    No Emerald, I know that and youre on the top of my list. But I was making clear that my well is dry even with the offer of it being a gift, I would like to do something for myself for a change. And I figured if I said I was having money troubles (as everyone knows from my story and my selling as well), theyd say you do layaway, hence my premptive strike, so to speak, in saying what I did.

    I just need to wait for the right time and I cant make my next chess move withoutu selling off the rest of my own Windstones… and I have yet to open another thread for Set Two (because I havent mailed out all, or even sold all from thread one). Thats all.

    in reply to: limited production edition black pegasus (male) #587865

    eaglefeather831 wrote:

    I do hope that more male pegasus’ are painted soon because I have gotten to the point where I check the Windstone store twice a day to see if there are any back in stock. I hope it’s soon! 🙄 😆

    I just pictured a scene from Legally Blonde where Elle is on a break while in court waiting in line for a drink at the water fountain talking on her cell and Enrique (the cabana boy theyre about to cross examine and try to discredit) cuts in front of her and she starts tapping her foot loudly and obviously to which he responds, “dont a-stomp your last a-season Prada shoes at me honey.”

    Are you stomping your Prada’s at Melody for the Male Peg to come back in stock Eagle? 😆 j/k Just a funny visual I had.

    in reply to: Woot!! I'm so proud so have to gloat! #588663

    With regards to putting something up on eBay, Id think carefully about when the auction will END. Since we cant please everyone around the world, Id go with pleasing my own country first (that being N. America and CAN) and focus on those time zones. Id get the auction to end at an appropriate time where it’s perhaps between 9 & 11pm on the EAST coast, making it about what, 6 or so on the WEST coast and anytime in between in the central states. That way youre not ending at an outrageous time like 4 AM where ppl would normally be sleeping and cant be on top of the auction. Youd hopefully want bidders alert at auctions end for any last minute hair grabbing, arm pinching “no, you cant have it, how dare you out bid me in the last few seconds you brat!” kind of situation… genral eBay behavior that, as a seller, works in your favor 😆

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