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  • in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? #932105

    Sorry to be a pest, but I was wondering if you still plan to do a Cougar GB? I’ve noticed that you have put several Cougar GB test paints up on eBay, every piece I have seen so far is gorgeous. Especially Test Paint #1! I can’t really afford to be buying any new Windstone pieces right now, I’m saving money for a return trip to Japan next year. Though, I am setting aside money just for a Cougar GB piece and I was hoping you had not given up on the idea.

    in reply to: Brindle GB Pebble Wolves Thread May 2015 #930142

    Rodney and I got our Brindle Wolves in the mail yesterday. Mine is the one pictured in the first 3 photos:

     photo My Brindle - 3_zpssb7jwsmh.png

     photo My Brindle - 2_zpselq8zzmt.png

     photo My Brindle - 4_zpsexdtw4g4.png

    I actually had wanted a tan/brown tiger striped Brindle Wolf, but I LOVE the one I got! His eyes are gorgeous and the paint job on his head is stunning!!

     photo Fuzzies_zpsffn0hndc.png

    Quick Fuzzy intermission, LOL!! The Fuzzy on the left is mine, funny that the eyes of Rodney’s Fuzzy matches my Brindle Wolf.

     photo Rodney Brindle - 2_zpsl6ve7d6n.png

     photo Rodney Brindle_zpsnrqtdldb.png

     photo Rodney Brindle - 3_zpsradjg6pt.png

    Not sure what Rodney plans to do with his Brindle Wolf? He is contemplating selling one of his GB Wolves. The other one he has is from the previous batch and is a bluish grey color with golden eyes.

    *sigh* Wasn’t online when they were listed and I missed out. Grats to those who managed to snag one…:3

    Rodney and I both got one, thank you so much to those who took the time to message me…;)

    *sigh* Wasn’t online when they were listed and I missed out. Grats to those who managed to snag one…:3

    in reply to: Fantasy Standing Kirin Thread (April 2015) #928425

    I missed the boat for these guys sadly, but I honestly don’t have the funds for one anyway. There is one in the batch that really caught my eye though:

     photo gb fantasy s kirins pink spots small_zpsphbvdpih.jpg

    Grats to all those who were lucky enough to snag one…;)

    in reply to: 4-2015 GB Standing Koi Ki-Rin Show Off thread #928134

    Rodney and I got our GB Koi Kirin statues yesterday. I’m going to apologize in advance for the rushed photos, but I have a lot on my plate today. Up first is Rodney’s:

     photo Rodney Kirin_zpsvqodvqdn.png

    His has a real nice transition on color, which I hope to capture when I take some better pics.

     photo Rodney Kirin - 2_zpsaodaj2xz.png

    All in all, I think he got a beautiful piece. Mine on the other hand isn’t what I would call “beautiful,” more like bad a#@:

     photo My Kirin_zps60jwbseq.png

    I feel he fits in well with my other GB pieces like”Nightmare” my GB Colt, the black & white Pebble Cat I got and my black & white Pebble Fox. I plan to take a group pic in the near future.

     photo My Kirin - 2_zps1f4ksgbz.png

    This guy isn’t solid black, it appears as if he was done with a glittery black:

     photo My Kirin - 3_zpscpsgbiga.png

    I tried my best to capture the glitter in my haste, but like I said…I plan to take some better pics when time permits. Oh and they came with really cute purple butterfly Fuzzies…:)

    I managed to snag one for both Rodney and myself after they feel out of the cart. Had to think about it for a few minutes though, as finances are tight. Int he end, the Ki-rins won…:D

    in reply to: Happy Birthday, MELODY!! #927125


    in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? #925822

    Your post just reminded me of when I was vet tech at the local humane society. There were a few racing greyhound kennels in the area, and we had a good relationship with the staff of a couple- they tried for their dogs as much as they could, and funneled quite a few to us. Sometimes we got litters of pups from one. Once, when we adopted one of the pups out, it was brought back by a VERY irate owner. The pup was brindle, as were its littermates and probably 90% of the greyhounds around here. The owner was angry because they claimed we misrepresented the breed of the pup. They said their vet insisted the pup was a pit and most definitely not a greyhound, because it was brindle and only pits come in brindle. Uh, yeah, with its skinny sighthound head and body, it’s a pit all right, even if it wasn’t from known parentage… you can’t win against stupidity. We just took the pup back to find it a better home. I hear also that if it has a blue eye/eyes, it must be an aussie or aussie mix. When it looks and acts just like a dalmatian cross or a husky.
    Sorry for the long story and off topic!

    What you wrote is one of the many reasons why the human race makes my head hurt. Though, this is the first time I have heard of a vet being so stupid that they insist a brindle Greyhound puppy must have Pit Bull mixed in him/her, since “only Pit Bulls come in brindle.” Now I have heard it all…*head desk*

    in reply to: So, what's next on the schedule? #925777

    Greyhounds come in Brindle too, when I was younger we took in 4 different rescue Brindle Greyhounds. Not all at the same time though. I’d have to dig through my memory box for pics of them, but I did find some pics of Brindle Greyhounds online.

     photo 140340289.sdNLjPkD.McGrathsbrindle151211_copy_zpsnvjingrv.jpg

     photo DSC00536_zpsinm4w3th.jpg

     photo Greyhound_running_brindle_zps8mfhvmrl.jpg

     photo Hound_zpsq8ctta0u.jpeg

    in reply to: GB Wolves 2/5/15 – Show Off Thread! #925728

    After giving it much thought, I put my GB Wolf up for trade, he isn’t growing on me like I had hoped. Rodney may also be interesting in trading his GB Wolf too, he seems to really like the ones painted like a husky. For those who don’t recall, he got one of the bluish grey ones.

    in reply to: GB Wolves 2/5/15 – Show Off Thread! #925684

    As promised, pics of the GB Wolf I got:

     photo Upclose_zps5xwz3imd.jpg

    The black on his face, makes his golden metallic eyes really pop out!

     photo Wolf_zpsqqpugizr.jpg

     photo Wolf - 2_zpstnayebld.jpg

     photo Wolf - 3_zpsaamcbg78.jpg

     photo IMG_3231_zpsoabijnhg.jpg

    His colors remind me of a Bay Horse and I’m honestly still on the fence about keeping him.

     photo Fuzzy_zpslkyyrpf1.jpg

    Love my Fuzzy Valentine, LOL!! 😀

    in reply to: GB Wolves 2/5/15 – Show Off Thread! #925633

    Well, SO’s is still listed as delayed, but I received a Surprise Wolf and Fox from my mom! She’s a cream, dark chocolate brown, and light reddish brown husky. Her face looks like the foam on a coffee drink! The wolf is gorgeous and has really pretty marks on her face, but she’s not what I’m looking for. She is up for trade, and I would Ideally like a Dark Grey, a Black, a German Shepard, or a Merle. Please get in touch if she speaks to you!

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    I love yours, very gorgeous! If only I had gotten the dark grey instead of Rodney, LOL!!

    in reply to: GB Wolves 2/5/15 – Show Off Thread! #925632

    Got my GB Wolf today, hope to take pics tomorrow. Here he is in the class photo:

     photo My Wolf_zpsbribfb7y.png

    Out of the whole batch, he appears to be the only one with a deep dark brown coloring. It really enhances his golden eyes. I’m not sure if I like him though? I was hoping for one with blue eyes, husky or merle markings.

    in reply to: GB Wolves 2/5/15 – Show Off Thread! #925602

    Rodney’s GB Wolf came yesterday:

     photo Wolf - 2_zpsu8fqgwcs.jpg

    He has lovely metallic gold eyes…:)

     photo Wolf - 1_zpsz1p6bxcf.jpg

    His coat color reminds me somewhat of a Russian Blue Cat with hints of grey and black.

     photo Wolf - 4_zpsrfhbn9wd.jpg

     photo Wolf - 3_zps48inau4h.jpg

    According to tracking, my Wolf will be here tomorrow…:D

    Looks like I’m not the only one who’s quite taken with this little guy! Congrats to Rodney!

    There was one other similar one whose post I can’t find right now, but it’s lovely too!

    I really adore the dark greys <3

    His Wolf does seem to be a popular one, I’ve been admiring him on Rodney’s bookshelf while we watch TV.

    Mine never showed up yesterday and tracking didn’t update either. Just checked tracking and he should be here today, all good things come to those who wait I suppose…;)

    Did you get a Wolf, if so I hope you get one you like!

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