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  • in reply to: Probabaly should of done this first… #916164

    Welcome to the forum! 😀 I hope you have a great time in Japan!


    in reply to: Probabaly should of done this first… #916163

    Welcome to the forum. Like others have mentioned, you truly are a strong person to overcome the challenges life has dealt you. Stay strong and overcome.

    What an awesome group of “kiddos” you have. I wish so badly I could have a cat, but I live in an pet intolerant apartment complex. But I still have a couple sunset fire platy fish. Don’t tell the office manager! 😉

    Congrats on your future trip to Japan. I’ve heard it’s quite a beautiful country with rich history and art. I bet it will be an awesome experience.

    Also, congrats on the new Windstones. 🙂

    Thanks, sometimes I wonder how I am able to stay strong. I know that Rodney is a big piece of my strength, he lets nothing phase him. I’ve also learned that there is always someone who has it worse, which can be hard to believe but it is true! Good motto, “Stay strong and overcome.”

    The complex rules state only one cat, but I got special permission to keep Jiraiya. If I had not taken him in when I did, he would of died Sadly, due to contracting feline herpes as a kitten, Jiraiya will go blind as he ages. Animals adapt and I know that Jaden will also lend a paw of need be. He has been so motherly towards Jiraiya since day one. I won;t tell the office manager your secret…;)

    Thanks, many have told me that October is a great time to go too. Apparently, they have a lot of festivals then.

    in reply to: Probabaly should of done this first… #916162

    Welcome to the community! Sometimes it’s difficult to become involved because of all the already established relationships so kudos on jumping in with an intro. Lol, I still haven’t made one (I really have no idea what to say about myself) so you have a leg up on me. ;D

    I hope you have a lot of fun in Japan! Visiting there and Australia is on my bucket list so I have to say I’m totally envious. Seriously, I hope you get the absolute most out of your trip and everything goes awesomely!

    To finish, have fun on the forums. We’re glad you’re here. 🙂

    Thanks for the welcome. I wasn’t sure what to say about myself either?! I wanted to keep my intro a short and sweet as possible. I have a bad habit of rambling on…:P

    Japan is on my bucket list too, though I wouldn’t mind visiting Australia either. My friend and I have so many things we plan to do while we are there. Parting with some of my collectables to fund this trip wasn’t easy but it WILL be worth it in the end…;)

    Thanks, I’ve been having a blast looking at the Colts everyone has received.

    in reply to: Probabaly should of done this first… #916091

    Hello PhoenixFox,

    It’s nice to meet you. I haven’t been on the forums long either, really. I can hardly imagine how you deal with the troubles that have befallen you, but you seem like a strong and capable person. Congratulations on your new Windstones!

    Best of luck with your trip to Japan, and taking care of your animals. I like the names on the first two. The third means ‘fellow traveller’ I believe?


    Welcome to the community, it is nice to meet you too. You are not the first person to mention that how strong I seem. Truth be told, there are times I just want to curl up in a corner and forget everything. In the end I don’t for not only do my animals need be, but so does Rodney. Thanks…:)

    I can’t wait for the Japan trip, I really need a break. I forgot to mention that I didn’t name Sputnik either, he was given to me by a friend. When I look-up the name online I get info about Russian satellites, LOL!! 😀

    in reply to: Probabaly should of done this first… #916089

    Welcome to the form I know you will love it here.

    Thanks, I already do…:)

    in reply to: ebay import charges #916085

    I’m a US seller, but I have no intentions of forcing international buyers to use this service if they purchase from me. As it is, stupid eBay charges a fee on the shipping I charge. I’ve always charged exact shipping and refunded any difference to my buyers. The fact “greed”Bay takes some from the shipping I charge infuriates me to no end. I know one reason the charge was put in place was due to some sellers who charged more for shipping the necessary…:

    in reply to: Happy Birthday List. #916063

    I’m September 1st, I was born on Labor Day. My fiance, Rodney’s b-day is May 8th and he was born on Mother’s Day…:D

    My Zodiac is Virgo (Earth) and Rodney’s is Taurus (Earth). As for Chinese Zodiac, I’m a Metal Monkey (not to thrilled) and Rodney is a Water Rabbit. Though, I have a book that says some cultures use the Cat instead of the Rabbit.

    Griselda is ready to travel if someone wants her!

    I sent an e-mail to sign-up, so I’d be happy to take her. Though, my big trip isn’t until October. We might be going on a small Atlantic City trip beforehand…:)

    Just got your email, you guys are all set, I sent your info over to ciarnet so she can send her on her way!

    Awesome, can’t wait for her to arrive. Not sure how she feels about lizards?

    Griselda is ready to travel if someone wants her!

    I sent an e-mail to sign-up, so I’d be happy to take her. Though, my big trip isn’t until October. We might be going on a small Atlantic City trip beforehand…:)

    I sent an e-mail, figured maybe a Fuzzy would like to accompany me to Japan in October…;)

    I got color … not sure I like it in this form though. My little guy definitely is vibrant – a classic Rainbow Zebra. 🙂 He has lavender eyes and purple gems.

    A very lovely piece, congrats…:D

    I just looked in the store. There are only 10 left and then the batch is sold out. 🙁 I guess hoping they would last until September was a bit of a pipe dream.

    There are only 8 left now, hope you are able to get one…

    Scratch that, someone must of had one in there cart. There are 9 left…;)

    in reply to: What are your squeaks? Tell Melody here!! #915945

    ‘Pool Party Cats’ would be nice too. 😉

    I think we still have some “Pool Party cats” prints.

    Do you?! I want one…:D

    This little one came yesterday, just didn’t have a chance to post pictures. I really like her, and that little red bird is just right my alley. She has light blue gems and eyes. I’m torn on this one, because I do love the way she looks, but there are a few select others that I liked maybe a bit more from the livestreams. What to do, that is the question.

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    Congrats on such a lovely piece. As for trading for one you like more, I see nothing wrong with putting your feelers out. Just mention that you are not 100% certain you want to part with her and I am sure people will understand. I too am a little torn about trading mine. I love the red eyes and Melody did a wonderful job on each piece. Still, I rather have one with a Dragon/Dragons on it or a piece that is truly me. The one I got just has to much of a Christmas feel and while I like Chirstmas, I am more of a Halloween gal. My fiance even offered to trade me his, but I feel that “White Lightning” suits Rodney to much…;)

    in reply to: 07/14/2014 Fantasy Grab Bag Unicorn Colt Picture Thread! #915804

    I got a black colt with lots of orange, crystal jewels and wonderful orange eyes…but then he has…dinosaurs on him? I think they are dinosaurs, they have no wings, so not dragons.

    And one dinosaur is mean and chasing the other one and he’s probably going to get eaten, and it’s sad. I have a sad dinosaur unicorn colt and would very much like to trade.






    This guy is on my wishlist, not my top fav but I may be interested in trading. Depends on which one I get and if no one is trading my top 2 favs. Hopefully I will get my Colt today…;)

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