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  • in reply to: GB Colt Directory – gauging interest! #916731

    I’ll be sending you pics of 3 GB Colts from the latest batch. The only issue with my e-mail account is, I can only send so many pics at a time. COX only allows me to send 5 pics per e-mail, which is silly. I figured it best to send a separate e-mail for each Colt. I want to take better pics of “Hollybug” too.

    in reply to: July 2014 GB Fennec Fox picture thread! #916678

    Mine also says delivered to Corvallis. 🙂 This happened once before with an expensive ebay piece, and I panicked then, but delivery was on schedule.

    For the fox, I would have liked to know whether First Class parcels are as fast as Priority Mail so I would know when to look for the package! This is the first time I have chosen shipping via First Class mail from Corvallis.

    Both Rodney and I went with Priority. Seeing how you are in the state above me, I’ll let you know when ours arrive…;)

    in reply to: Shipping of Fennec Fox orders began on July 28th #916674

    My regular mail carrier has made her share of mistakes, but I don’t think any less of her. She is a very nice person and often goes above and beyond. Mistakes happen…;)

    Found it! Here is the missing class pic:

    Awesome, thanks for finding it. I see the one my friend got me…:D

    in reply to: July 2014 GB Fennec Fox picture thread! #916662

    According to tracking, both mine and Rodney’s GB Foxes were delivered in OR yesterday. Obviously, someone hit the wrong button, but now I have no clue when they will get here…

    My foxes shipped yesterday and I got this too: Your item was delivered at 4:10 pm on July 28, 2014 in CORVALLIS, OR. They should still be here tomorrow or Thursday. Looks like someone scanned them as “delivered” instead of “accepted”, LOL. This has happened to me before, they’re still on their way but now I don’t know which day to stare at my mailbox! 😀

    Mine say delivered…to Corvallis Oregon?! So does that mean they got shipped back or are they still on their way?!

    They should be on their way, someone just hit a wrong button…;)

    in reply to: July 2014 GB Fennec Fox picture thread! #916650

    According to tracking, both mine and Rodney’s GB Foxes were delivered in OR yesterday. Obviously, someone hit the wrong button, but now I have no clue when they will get here…

    My foxes shipped yesterday and I got this too: Your item was delivered at 4:10 pm on July 28, 2014 in CORVALLIS, OR. They should still be here tomorrow or Thursday. Looks like someone scanned them as “delivered” instead of “accepted”, LOL. This has happened to me before, they’re still on their way but now I don’t know which day to stare at my mailbox! 😀

    That is exactly what the tracking says for both of ours. I figured either tomorrow or Thursday they will be here, though the moment I ordered I stated staring at my mailbox, LOL!! I get a little over paranoid for I have had problems with packages in the past, both ones I have sent and received…

    in reply to: July 2014 GB Fennec Fox picture thread! #916648

    According to tracking, both mine and Rodney’s GB Foxes were delivered in OR yesterday. Obviously, someone hit the wrong button, but now I have no clue when they will get here…

    in reply to: Quest 15 winners! #916625

    Congrats!! I had a lot of fun with this Quest, learned a lot…:D

    in reply to: July 2014 GB Fennec Fox picture thread! #916624

    Our GB Pebbles Foxes have shipped and Rodney just had me order a case for his. We both can’t wait to get them…:D

    What kind of case do you guys order for them? I am intrigued!

    For Rodney’s GB COlt, I got him this case:

    It worked perfectly, though there is a little space left up top. For his GB Fox, I got him this case:

    Hopefully, it will work. Rodney doesn’t dust to often and due to his brain injury he has balance issues. Sp, we both agreed to getting any Windstone piece he buys a protective case…;)

    in reply to: July 2014 GB Fennec Fox picture thread! #916608

    Our GB Pebbles Foxes have shipped and Rodney just had me order a case for his. We both can’t wait to get them…:D

    Since it is a lovely day here, I took some outdoor pics of “Peacock”:

     photo Peacock-Rebel-6_zps1eaa49f5.png

     photo Peacock-Rebel-3_zpsa35c8c72.png

     photo Peacock-Rebel-2_zps552ec746.png

     photo Peacock-Rebel_zpsf7439477.png

    I hate how photobucket seems to “muddy” my pics. I’ll take some outdoor pics of “Hollybug” soon…;)

    in reply to: July 2014 GB Fennec Fox picture thread! #916595

    Neither mine or Rodney’s GB Pebble Foxes have shipped yet, but the day is still young. If they go out today, then we should have them come Wednesday. Rodney will probably be keeping his, I’m on the fence about mine until it gets here. This is my first pebble, Rodney’s as well…;)

    It is quite possible some were saved for ebay as some in the past that were “unusual” or didn’t quite fit with the rest of the batch were ebayed in the past.

    Don’t feel too bad, I haven’t gotten one bite on my unicorn at all either. I’m holding out that maybe Sikek will get one I like and maybe perchance we can trade since I’m pretty sure mine was on her favorites list ^_^

    Those that are not in the class photo are ones that people have received and posted pics of. I probably should of been more clear about that. Hard to type and have Rodney yack at me all at the same time, LOL!! 😀

    I’m surprised, yours is very lovely and there seemed to be some interest within this thread. At least I am not alone and I guess I shouldn’t be so hasty, but I have started getting attached to mine…;)

    I think I missed a group of twelve in the class photos… I thought there were 10 groups of twelve, plus the silver horned ones…I only found 9 groups when I downloaded the pics, so some may be lost in the ether.

    Mystery solved at least, I know of at least 3 that were not in the class pic that have surfaced here…;)

    The mail carrier brought me a package from a friend of mine today. I knew she got me something Windstone related in an attempt to cheer me up after such a rough year, but I wasn’t sure what. Mystery solved:

     photo Peacock_zps5d124969.jpg

    My friend couldn’t help but get my a Fuzzy, LOL!! I’ve become obsessed…:D

     photo Peacock-2_zpsa8e4013e.jpg

     photo Peacock-3_zps4b426337.jpg

     photo Peacock-4_zps9328d0b6.jpg

     photo Peacock-5_zpsbffbbe32.jpg

     photo Peacock-6_zps6fbd5002.jpg

     photo Peacock-7_zps39c0b687.jpg

    Here he is next to “Hollybug”:

     photo PeacockampHollybug_zps4b5cee34.jpg

    His markings kind of remind me of Peacock feathers. I was given permission to trade him for one I like more, thing is I really like this guy. Thus, I am going to only be willing to trade him for my top favs:

     photo Colt-Nightmare_zps8dc101fe.jpg

     photo Colt-Gold_zps54e7e81d.jpg

    I’d also be willing to consider these guys:

     photo PeacockTrade_zps573d4d1d.jpg

    Oh, “Peacock” is another piece that seems to be missing from the class photo.

    Picked up my Uni from the post office today and while I’m not usually partial to the green, blue and purple, he’s actually quite pretty! Very rich, very bold and jewel like. His leaf design I’m in love with and both my husband and I grinned and found his little ladybug and berry accents quite adorable! He’s got light green eyes and purple gems!

    Did my best with the photos. It’s a very overcast day here and rainy, so no natural light shots. I’ll try to grab some when the sun comes out next. For now though, here he is (and not entirely done justice!):

     photo photo5-2.jpg photo photo4-3.jpg photo photo3-3.jpg photo photo2-4.jpg photo photo1-4.jpg photo photo5-1-2.jpg

    I may be open to trades for him, but otherwise he will have a forever home here with me and can join his almost-twin Poad. 😉

    Very lovely, congrats…:D

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