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  • in reply to: Jade scratcher…? #515162

      Greater Basilisk wrote:

      She does gorgeous artwork! I love the pegasi, but of course those are sold out for the next months. 🙁

      You can sometimes find them on ebay. I’m missing the hunter brown ornament and that’s the one I have a print of!

      I got to meet her at DragonCon about 10 years ago and bought two prints right away (CH:Hunter Brown and Fairy Ring). I’ve since added Fire Dance, her book and both her calendars (2006 & 2007) to my collection. If I could afford more of her artwork (and the framing of it later) I would have so many more.

      in reply to: Jade scratcher…? #515158

        emerald212 wrote:

        I have them sitting in front of a Nene Thomas print of a woman with little dragons flying around her. It looks really nice together. I’ll have to take a picture to share with you all.

        Which Nene Thomas print? She is one of my favorite fantasy artists!

        in reply to: Custom tabby griffin for Drag0nfeathers #515756

          So beautiful! Reminds me of my SIL’s orange tabby.

          in reply to: PYO Chinese Dragon #515260

            I’d prefer a bird winged pegasus to a bat winged one, but that’s just me. And a PYO kitsune would be cool as well.

            in reply to: ARGH! trying to find peacocks… #511631

              enchantments wrote:

              Arlla pasted on the Peacock lap so I have 1 left. It looks alot better in person, with lots of greens and purples!

              If only I had the money or the space. That looks so pretty!

              in reply to: WIP- Commission for Arlla #514459

                Nice! Are you airbrushing it or doing it by hand? Can’t wait to see more of it.

                in reply to: Finished PYO wolves #512438

                  Well I finally got all my paint supplies to do the blue jay/wolf (fox) together, now I just have to test them out on something else first. I just finished pulling something out of a plaster mold. Just have to let that dry for 24 hours before I can test painting on it.

                  I lucked up and guessed the amount of plaster I needed just right (2 cups plaster + 1 cup cold water). The last time the mold got used was probably 20+ years ago by my father and I didn’t see him mix the plaster at the time. The plaster I have doesn’t seem as white as the plaster my father used, but that could be because it’s still a little wet (I hope).

                  I’m working on a color mock-up of my PYO in photoshop, but it’s hard to do and make look good when all you have is a mouse to color and erase with.

                  in reply to: Who likes the Spectral eyes? #514408

                    I’ve never seen a spectral in person as I haven’t been to a store that carries Windstones in a long time. From the photos though I would have to say no, but that could change if I ever saw one in person. So I’m not going to vote until I see one ‘live’.

                    in reply to: I guess the new guy is a bot #513784

                      And there’s another one selling ambien this time


                      in reply to: Black opal dragon and koi-rin #514246

                        Oh wow! I love that dragon. I have several friends who would probably love to have that.

                        in reply to: Holidays #513541

                          We had a family tradition of opening one gift on Christmas eve that my husband and I will probably continue with our two year old son. The rest of the presents were opened on Christmas Day. I’ll also carry on my MIL tradition of giving a package of new socks and underwear.

                          “We got UNDERWEAR?” my husband and his brother would say. 😆

                          This year my husband is home for Christmas (he came home from year long deplyment Iraq the day after last year) and we are planning on taking leave to visit both our families so we aren’t putting up the Christmas tree, which is probably a good thing with a 2 year old about who loves to climb anything.

                          Some of the ornaments are breakable, non-replaceable since they are decorated eggs my grandmother made when she was still alive. I’d be sad to see those break now even though I know we lost lots of them over the years.

                          in reply to: Holidays #513540

                            CherylKaufman wrote:

                            mimitrek wrote:

                            OMG — you actually still have a…record player? 😯

                            Garage sales! And yes, they still work 😀

                            My dad still has his record player and lots of records. Only thing that needs replacing from time to time is the drive belt – looks like a giant rubber band and has a bad problem with drying/stretching out and breaking.

                            in reply to: What't the difference? #514035

                              Aw man! I wish I had known sooner that Apple Barrel paints were acrylics (the bottles I have don’t say it). They are a lot cheaper per bottle than the liquitex and don’t require thinning at all, plus I don’t have to drive to the arts and crafts store an hour away to get more. Now I have to decide on returning the liquitex or give it a try.

                              Testors does have an acrylics line as well, you just have to look at the packaging carefully. I considered the Testors at first, but they didn’t have the color I wanted in a bottle by itself so I didn’t go with those.

                              in reply to: What't the difference? #514033

                                Thanks to both of you for replying. I’ve never worked with acrylic paints before (only craft paints like the Apple Barrel brand and watching my father use Testors on model cars) so when the tutorial mentioned a mixing medium I was confused.

                                I still haven’t decided which one to get when I go back, but I think I understand them a little better now. I’ll definately be doing some contemplating/debating before I pick one to use on my PYO wolf that’s for sure.

                                in reply to: What't the difference? #514030

                                  I recently made a trip to AC Moore (an arts and crafts store) to get supplies for painting my PYO wolf. I managed to find Liquitex paints Basic Matt( and brushes to use as well.

                                  But I got confused when it came to the mediums. They had three different types Slo Dri Blending Medium, Gloss Medium and Vanrish, and Matte Medium.

                                  What’s the difference between these and which one do/should I use as a mixing medium? I’d like to know so I can return soon and use a 50% off coupon they gave me for whichever I need because they run about $7/bottle.

                                  I’m planning on testing things out on something other than my PYO wolf – probably use an old plaster mold I have of a unicorn on a cloud with a rainbow and make it for practice using the materials.

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