Forum Replies Created
CherokeeDR wrote:
Thanks and sorry for any misunderstanding. I’m not going to get into a whine fest in detail, but I have had one of those weeks where it’s one thing on top of another on top of another and it’s just like give me a break from all of this crap, first the car (for the umpteenth time), then unexpected medical bills, dental bills higher then quoted… I won’t go on 🙄 😀
Awwww! HUGS! Go kick your dentist in the teeth and see how he feels with his bills 😀 j/k
October 25, 2009 at 7:25 pm in reply to: How do I love thee Windstones, let me count the ways… #787347Serenity wrote:Nirvanacat13 wrote:Serenity wrote:On the PYO’s… do you put them at cost to buy them or at cost to sale them???
You should quote them at what you paid for them and can prove what they are “worth” such as an eBay/paypal reciept.
I was talking about the ones that you would paint… either for yourself or to be sold on the forum or ebay… my bad! I should have thought out the wording better! Oops! :spank:
So I guess you would just take them at cost that you bought them for then huh?
Well…..the rule of accounting is that you only list something at what you paid for it. And it’s only worth the amount that it is SOLD for, not going to sell for, but SOLD for. BUT if you can put a value on your man hours, or prove a general pricing “trend” then you can give a good estimated value and list it as such. For instance, if you can say your time is worth $20 and hour and say you did 8 hours of work on it, then you could try and list it as ~$30 for the PYO + $160 of man hours….If it were for insurance purposes, you’d probably be better off showing a trend in average pricing for PYOs sold on evilBay. Which would probably be about $100. So if you’re LISTING stuff down for insurance purposes go for a price between the two that you’re happy with, so like $150. This is all speculative numbers of course but you get the idea.
Art is such a hard thing to insure unless you can get it appraised, and unfortunately with PYOs they probably can’t be appraised. With regular Windstone pieces it’s a little easier because you can PROVE, usualy with your reciept, what you paid for them, or you can prove an average, like on rvnheart (or however you spell it >.<) and it's easier to get money from the insurance company.
Hope that clarifies! =P
Oh and on a side note, insurance companies goal is to pay the least amount of money out of their pockets, so it you don’t have everything FULLY doccumented they probably won’t fully cover your losses. Not saying all companies are like this, but it’s seemed to be a general trend with everything I’ve heard about.
October 25, 2009 at 6:59 pm in reply to: How do I love thee Windstones, let me count the ways… #787345Serenity wrote:On the PYO’s… do you put them at cost to buy them or at cost to sale them???
You should quote them at what you paid for them and can prove what they are “worth” such as an eBay/paypal reciept.
I’d enter for the prize of some Windstone memorabelia from cafe press! Or decals if they get those going! Doesn’t even have to be worth that much, maybe one of the tile boxes or something….
Heck I’d enter just to see how bad my photography is next to Nams and BDW’s! LMAO <3
October 25, 2009 at 6:38 am in reply to: PYO Hot Potato Diagrams Pg. 3 & 4 Final List Pg. 5! #784583Ok, it’s final! They’re going out on Monday headache or not! I did some other stuff to help them on their way, wanted to make the process as clsoe to perfect as I could! I hope everyone involved has fun! Thank you all again for joining in this journey! I can’t wait to see how they progress, please post lots of progress pics!!
Oh ya that can be fixed to look just like it never happened! I was expecting like a head blown to bits or something! 😀
CherokeeDR wrote:Hologramme wrote:Sorry, but no I don’t. I think a serious seller is supposed to show what he sell. I’m not used to do blind purchases. But it’s your thread, you do what you want.
I think when you have pictures on a thread you can see if you are interested by or not, but if you have not, you will ask and maybe you will not be interested, but you, you will be obliged to send a e-mail for each person, so you will lost a lot of time. For example, I bought a Male Peacok few days ago and before choose which one I bought, I watched many others Peacock because each one is different. Just my personal opinion. :hi:I disagree, and I’m not looking for or going to engage in an argument. 🙄 If someone is serious I will e-mail them a picture. People are too nosy and they don’t need a picture if they’re not interested in buying. I’m not selling any one of a kinds people know in general what they look like. If they want to see pictures to confirm condition before purchasing, I’m happy to oblige. If not interested, don’t waste other people’s time. 🙄
I think the tedious part, even for me, is getting pictures uploaded to a site, like photobucket or others (which can take FOREVER even with a fast connection because of stupid crap on their end), THEN posting it here and making sure it goes through correctly, having to repost or fix stuff. (It took me a total of 5 hours to get my thread up, start to finish with everything up) I can see where sending individual e-mails could be easier when you can just directly attach the picture to a message from your hard drive and not through a third party source. Just a little thing to think about. Also too Cherokee, if you want to e-mail the pictures to me I can post them up here for you, that way you’re only sending one e-mail and they’ll be here too! =P I’m at: schalacat13 at yahoo dot com. Just let me know.
Also, people in general tend to shop visualy and like to look at pretty things. I can see both sides and both are valid arguments, just depends on how you want to conduct business.
And I’m not ignoring your PM, but I have to talk things over with Louis as some of the stuff up is his =P, I will get back to you! And actualy if you would be willing to send me pics of the pieces I asked about I’d appreciate it!
So I’ve been sitting here contemplating this thread since it went up…..And here is all I want for Christmas….
Peace in the Universe (especialy here on Earth) and good will towards all living things (especialy the Earth).
Oh, and a dragon pony 😳
siberakh1 wrote:what island is he saying he is from?
He’s not, that’s why I’m pissed. He said if we found it and asked him about it he’d say “yes that’s it” or “nope not it” He’s being really stupid about it and that’s what irks me the most…..>.< 😡
Ya there’s info out there just google “immigration and marriage” You’ll get a whole slew of sites, and it looks like some of them deal with “marriage to avoid immigration laws” as well. Good luck with your friend. The whole thing sounds really shady to me.As an unlikely as it may be to happen, you should probably put him up for another lung transplant, especialy if it hasn’t spread….I would demand all the documentation on where this lung came from and if neccessary get DNA testing done to prove that it actualy came from who they say it did (was a pretty young kid if I remember right? In his early 20s? That lung should not have had cancer.) 😡 👿 They’re acting really shady. I talked to my mom about it and she suggested the second transplant. She also sends her sympathies and hopes that everything works out somehow! GIGANTIC HUGS!! WE’RE ALL HERE FOR YOU GUYS!!!
Melody wrote:kitsunelady wrote:Mebbe try Zazzle? I’ve bought a mug with a definition of something from Urban Dictionary from them. They’re great! =D You can make all kinds of stuff on there.
ooooor for just stickers… ?? Said on this one website that diecut stickers last longer than ones that are just pictures printed onto a solid background, hmm…
Huh! Wow! How many people want one? The more people who want one, the cheaper they are! If we could to get a hundred or more forum members who wanted one, they’d only be a couple bucks apiece then!
I also really want to do embroidered Poadâ„¢ and dragon patches… anybody know anything about those?Miss Melody if you did patches I’d buy a couple hundred for my mom….she always wears the knees out of her scrubs and complains that no one is making patches anymore 😡 I’ma go look for some info for you!!
And I’d buy either diecut or regular car stickers, at least two of each that we get, one for my car, one for Louis’s truck.
Just some stuff I pulled up by doing a google search for “embroidered patches custom” that’s if you want to go the commercial route, but there are places out there! Happy hunting! I seriously think my mom would buy a bunch….she’s wearing through the patches in her patches >.< Says it’s USA Manufactured! (at least in the little blurb on google) ~Dragonmaw 😀
That is probably THE best use of that dragon head that I’ve ever seen!! Really nice work on the robe and the bindings on the staff! You’re going to have a really fun Holloween!
Adraenyse wrote:Jennifer wrote:if I don’t take a break and start doing some of my own ideas for a while I’m going to start hating art. And that’s not a good thing.
I hear you. I go through the same thing. I get to the point where I starting telling family that if they bring me anymore messed up cars or computers or anything that I will go insane, I want to work on my own projects. But at the same time, if I don’t do it for them, then they screw it up and I have more to fix. Just a couple days ago one of my younger brothers wired up an outlet for a welder. I went out to see why it wouldn’t work. Turns out it was wired incorrectly (duh) but it also had the wrong wire size. Had they got it going it would have eventually burnt up and burnt down the garage.
So I got the right parts and fixed it up.. but yeah.. always doing things for everyone else, never for myself.
Somedays I wish I was STUPID. STUPID STUPID STUPID .. then I wouldn’t stress out thinking I can solve the world’s problems. I’m constantly trying to make things work BETTER. Had you noticed? Nooo… probably not 😛 😛 😀
We love you Snap! I have noticed the forum seems to run faster/smoother recently. I know you do a lot of stuff behind the sceens that we may never see, but we appreciate you!
And you too Jen! We all LOVE your work, and if I had the extra money I’d so do an open commission from you, I’d be like “Lots of greens, everything else is up to you! =P” I’d love to see what you’d come up with! hehe
Anyway don’t ever feel down and out, either of you! And good luck making progress in whichever field you’re in!