Forum Replies Created
Hey Everyone
Ok NIEBOZ did not sell on ebay and i am just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on how i could fix him or make him look better so that he sells.Marzena
I really like the feathers, i think it’s different and unusual. I’m just trying to figure out if you had added more color on the bottom, if it would look nice? But i still like it. I know i may be new to this forum but I do like the colors on the feathers.
When i think of a griffin in my own mind, it’s feathers are not all the same. I really like it.Marzena
Wow, those are great ideas thank you, i will for sure try that with my next piece. I think i might have to learn to be a bit more patient when painting and let the paint dry up first on one area before i continue there. 😀
Thanks for the suggestions, if NIEBOZ does not sell on e bay this time around than i will try to repaint him and see how he turnes out the second time around.
Thanks, i really appreciate your imput.Marzena
Hey everyone, finally NIEBOZ is up in the Gallery and I took some pics of him on a lighter background. Let me know what you think, if you have any suggestions on how i can make him look better please let me know!!! 😀
Ok i think i have created an album but i cannot get the images up on it, i don’t know how to upload them. The only place where i can view them is in the edit tab, I’ll take any help i can get to get these images up on here.
Thanks to all, I was able to do something. I was able to upload the pics into files that i can edit on here.
Can someone please try to go to the search tab on this site and type in NIEBOZ please and see if any of the photos come up.
Thanks, 😀Marzena
Thanks, i will try to get some pics on here asap
Hey There
I just wanted to find out how i can go about setting up a gallery in here, I took some of the other members advice and had taken some pictures of NIEBOZ with a white background but i’m not too sure on how to post them on here.
Can someone please guide me through it.Thanks.
Thanks Adarasky, i totally understand what you are saying, and i do want the total truth from everyone about how they feel about my piece but it can be done in a nice manner and that is all i ask. 😀
Well i think i’ve already kinda done that, i’ve called evveryone out on it and i can see now the individuals who have explained why they did it or simply apologized and welcomed me here.
Thats all i need.Marzena
Thanks everyone, I will look forward to your critiques, as well as to you comments, I honestly still don’t know how i feel about certain members on here due to the comments that were written in the other post about my KiRin, but i will for sure continue to paint and like i said before all suggestions are welcome, as long as they come in a friendly manner.
Thanks again to all the replied.Marzena
I have listed the Ki Rin at a higher price the second time around becasue I found that everone else was listing them at $40 to start. I did not realize that the first time around.
I am more than happy to take in any critisism, I am very open to that idea, since i am just starting out, I feel the more advice i can get the better. I think i was just thrown off by the last post and truthfully it did upset me.Marzena
Thank you the replys i still find most of the comments very mean, This was my first time painting the kiRin or anythng for that matter and yes I do understand that some of the members did critique my work but they could have done it in a nicer manner.
As for the shipping I personally cannot do anthing about the cost, I chrge for packaging and shipping, that is stated in all my auction. If anyone is concerned about the shipping cost they have every right to e mail me asking what the cost will be, after i reply to them they can decide if it is too much for them or not.
Also thank you for welcoming me.Marzena
WOW, i am amaized how mean people are on here, this item did not sell because i do not accept personal cheques, so i relisted it.
I personally like the paint job that i did on it but i did not find the comment on the post * I thought this thing sold already* very nice. I would never say anything about someone elses work that would be that mean.Marzena