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  • in reply to: Collector's Club Survey #744242

    wow, been so busy at work I haven’t been around here

    Cast my vote for the “more than one” option, I don’t have any castles, and I have thought about getting the Paper Tiger – same as everyone, the cost gets to be the sticking point. Unfortunately, you have to pay the necessary living expenses first.

    in reply to: OMG what is wrong with people in this country !!?? #743103

    Rusti wrote:

    I can’t stand people on a general basis, but the Christmas shopping season just makes my distaste for the human race even worse.

    heh, I’ve worked retail longer than some of our associates have been alive, I pretty much have NO holiday spirit anymore. Bah Humbug doesn’t even begin to cover it. 😡

    My favorite holiday ? mmm, how about Columbus Day, it’s such a non-holiday… no rude customers, no big sales, no hassles….

    (sorry all, grouchy after working Thanksgiving and Black Friday )

    in reply to: OMG what is wrong with people in this country !!?? #743094

    There was also a shooting at a Toys R Us in CA, was just watching the news. People are sick…

    I work retail, fortunately I work in the office now so I don’t have to deal face-to-face with customers much anymore. I don’t think I could handle them any more, I just can’t believe how obnoxious, rude, arrogant, thoughtless…. sorry, I’ll stop. I know most people are nice, but what kind of _______________ could WALK ALL OVER another person just to be able to buy that stupid toy or TV for a sale price ??


    in reply to: Benefit Total!!! Pg. 8 #740710

    donation sent, may be able to do more but just got the bill from my vacation 😯 more than I thought it would be…

    in reply to: ZOMFG #740965

    I didn’t notice if the location was given, but it really depends on the area. Here in AZ, I think I heard or read that they figure all wild hives are Africanized. I had a swarm in my backyard a couple of years ago, and they just kept hanging in my orange tree – this basketball-sized lump of bees 😯 Usually they move along in 48 hours, but this was more than 4 days (of nice weather) so it seemed like they were going to make my yard a permanent home. I called around, and was told that beekeepers around here won’t take the chance on moving a hive, they wouldn’t even come out. My only option was to get rid of them, or take the chance they’d move on. Not too likely at that point. I hated to do it because of the bee population decrease, but the Africans are just too dangerous. 😥

    I was just reading a bit trying to find out for sure how prevalent they are. A bit of trivia, in some areas, if you have a wild hive on your property, and fail to have it removed, if someone is harmed or killed by the bees you can be held legally responsible.

    I do feel “poor bees”, too.

    in reply to: Happy Birthday Scorpiolady21! Nov 11th #739469


    in reply to: Happy Birthday early copper83! Nov 11th #739447

    Happy Birthday !

    in reply to: Happy Belated Birthday mikki! Nov 9th #739417

    thanks everyone 🙂

    Yup, a pretty good day – went for a drive in the National Forest enjoying the local fall color, and saw some Mearn’s quail which we’d never seen before, it’s always been Gambel’s. Had lunch at a nearby small town, then drove home to the city and bought myself a new mountain bike. Now to see if I remember how to ride, it’s been a few years 😯

    in reply to: Our town's first snow storm of winter 2008/09. #738394

    wow ! Glad I don’t have to put up with that sort of stuff. It is beautiful though. hmm, it would be nice to be a little cooler. It was 90 here today, 32 C for you up North.

    in reply to: HAPPY HALLOWEEN #738368

    Things have changed so much in just a few years. When my brother bought his house, people used to load up mini-vans of kids and come over to his neighborhood. They would park all up and down the streets, it was hard to get through! The past couple of years, he says there have been just a few, I think he said he heard the neighborhood dogs bark a couple times last night, that’s it. Our town has a lot of “events” at the local Minor league ballfield, malls, and so on, I guess people just don’t feel safe with the house to house any more. A friend of mine from work said they had 6, another said he had one teen around 8:30 🙄

    in reply to: Blackwatch Sept. raffle #737076

    congratulations of being drawn for him, he’s amazing.

    in reply to: It's Caturday….again! 🙂 #701221

    😆 😆
    luv these

    in reply to: another feather ID request #737095

    ok, safe to admit I have them 😆 I’ve seen hawks, falcons, and owls in the area, so I was a little concerned they might be raptor feathers of some kind.

    thanks all

    in reply to: a few vacation photos #737105

    thanks for the comments, everyone.

    Sedona is in Northern Arizona, southwest of Flagstaff a ways. It’s a very scenic area, so draws in lot of tourists and artists. Because of this, the area has really been growing with lots of art galleries, hotels, resorts, touristy shops, etc.

    In case anyone is wondering why I didn’t get better photos of the pictographs, they were around 100 feet away, so that photo was zoomed and then cropped to show just the images. This is what it looks like in a “normal” photograph – not the same rock, but about the same distance away. You used to be able to walk closer to the rocks, but part of the cliff collapsed so they closed the trail. Probably less vandalism that way,too.

    in reply to: another feather ID request #737090

    that does look right, thanks BDW. I guess it’s ok to have them, then, if you can buy them from places here in the States. 8)

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