Forum Replies Created
Watergazer wrote:
Is each poad going to be painted differently then? Each being OOAK? Or are you going to select different color runs and mass produce them?
I going to do batches of different colors. Not ooaks now, at least.
ruffian wrote:are they next to be done? Dont want a timeline or anything, just curious if they are due out anytime soon.
No, the next will be pearl crouching chicks, wolf colored(in stores), and I am hoping to get out brown hens and chicks after that. Then black ones.
But come to think of it, blacks would be much easier to do than browns, because I already have the paint for them! I’m gonna have to mix paint to try to match the brown color.hmmm… I’ll see how that goes..frozendragon wrote:so…
What color is this butter nut one that we are hearing about….
I asked in the topic with the pizza….but thought it might get lost in there…Butternut is the “classic” poad color like those in my siggy below,but without the metallic blue.
Quote:keep in mind….this is a Windstone week or two….
Melody wrote:Quote:Right. That means I have no idea when.
ruffian wrote:Well I asked this before, but it kind of got lost in cow poop and confusion, 😆 .
So I was wondering if there is any chance for the new curlie to be made in peacock, to match the mother and male curls?Yes. I guess I will paint the curlie-pies in all the colors eventually ( do I use the word “eventually” a lot??)I have a sample painted of Peacock and Black Gold waiting for a chance to be painted.
Greater Basilisk wrote:Only ten ALSKs? 🙁
Yes. Ten that we will auction on Ebay. This is like what we do with the first ten of a new production color. That way we can auction them,(since we don’t have enough of them to sell direct) and still leave open the possibility that this (or a color similar to it)may be a limited production, or production color someday for the SK.
March 20, 2007 at 5:59 pm in reply to: Hey Melody! Will there be Fledglings in Emerald Peacock? #553632emerald212 wrote:Someone asked on another thread, but you haven’t answered and so it keeps getting bumped. I figured I be more obvious. 🙂
Also, will they be direct sales or regular production, if you do? Yes,and yes, they will be regular production.
I have trouble finding questions when they get buried. Just keep asking, ’till I respond!purpledoggy wrote:Will the OW be brought out in any new colors for regular production? Now that I have my scratcher I want to get an OW but of course I can’t find one (that I can afford). I’m not a fan of the ruby production color and I’m trying to decide what dragon I should save my money for. I guess I’m just looking for a hint if I should spend my time looking harder for a retired OW or just wait and save my money.
Oh, you are right, we need to do that one in a new color.. You want gold?
tfsculptures wrote:soooooooooo, considering the mass hysteria for the curls ( both old and new) that has been sustaining itself for quite a while and every place i call hasn’t had a curl for ages, are you considering bringing back the mama and papa curls in one or both of the new colors? if so i’ll stop the search for the oldies and patiently wait. regardless of my *needs*, they’ve been so popular on ebay, and they are an affordable size for buyers in shops to easily start their collection with or add to it…so what do ya think? although, what color egg would the mother have if she was painted in gold? a black egg? silver? hmmm. they’d look great in both colors!! (oh and violet flame too! ) squeeeeeeeee! thank you!
Yes, we will make those again(or at least the one with the globe) in some new color, sometime.
Dragon Master wrote:SPark wrote:No, because you’d still have the first white one ever made, DM, so no matter how cheap later ones get, yours would be worth more. Even without the number on it, I’m pretty sure it would still be worth more.
(And I’ll add that making everyone who dreams and hopes and prays for one of these unable to get one because they’re too expensive, just so that yours doesn’t get devalued, well…that’s not “fair” either. Life usually isn’t “fair.”)
sorry I just re read what I wrote I was not just talking about MINE being de valued I was talking about EVERY one sold so far being de valued since now they are selling for less thru an on line store. I guess it would all depend on how much the direct ones sold for. I was just thinking also would store ones even be possible? You said there is no drying space so what if you sell out and have a HUGE amount of back orders on them and can’t keep up with the demand??That is another reason to sell SK’s direct. So that we only sell what we got on hand. With regular production, we are expected to have in stock and immedialtely ship anything at any time. That wouldn’t work with these too well!tfsculptures wrote:awwwwww i love your thing about used to have a life.. i feel that way too, justifiably!!!!! wow, that should be my new slogan… as my b.f is out drinking with the guys partying it up on st. paddys day – i’m here in mismatched jammies, eating sardines, while chatting on here….. oh yeah babe! lol! we’re rockin! ahh, i like being by myself. people can get irritating sometimes!
mmm… sardines on rye with onions. Good thing to eat when alone.
drag0nfeathers wrote:I really like Violet Flame too. Autumn Leaf as well. I’m sure they will become production colors down the road SOMEDAY when Ruby, Black & Gold, Emerald Peacock, & Gold are retired 😆 You gotta plan ahead.
I’m still lying in wait for the Large PYO Dragon. That’s probably the only “keeper” I’ll ever own, LOL!Personally, I would love to retire “ruby”
and replace it with flame or violet flame.SPark wrote:Four questions about my FAVORITE color.
Quote:1. Was the violet flame SK a one of a kind, or could there be others?
That violet flame SK on ebay was a ooak.I may paint something similar in the future, such as a “blue violet flame” but never one exactly like that one.
Quote:2. Will violet flame ever be a regular production color?
Never say never, but I don’t think it will become a normal production color, it is a little over-the-top, color-wize.
Quote:3. If it’s not ever a regular production color, will you ever do a limited production run of something in that color?
A definite “maybe”.
Quote:4. Will you ever do violet flame fledgelings?
Squeaky firecats get the grease.
Quote:If I knew that there would be, eventually, a violet flame secret keeper that I could buy direct as a limited production sort of item, I would be SO very happy. That would be my dream. But even barring that, being able to get violet flame on something, anything, at a fixed price would be great. I really don’t like that just now the only option is hoping and praying that I happen to have extra money when one happens to sell on ebay and it happens to sell within my price range just then. (Not blaming you for that, of course, you run the business how you have to, I’m just saying that in an ideal world, I’d be able to save up for a year and just buy a VF SK. Although actually, come to think of it, in an ideal world you would recognize my worthyness and just give me a VF SK. *grin*)
I know. I’ll try to make SK’s more affordable..somehow.
See? You are jealouse of Homer Simpson too.
Skylover wrote:I could be wrong, but I think that the very first hybrid emerald peacock old warrior sold for $4500.00.
I think it was too, but the high price isn’t listed on our ebay auction gallery. I think I remember it being a bluish one.You’d think I would remember something like that!