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  • in reply to: Blue Morpho Dragons #914476

      I managed to snag one of the mama coileds myself and am very happy about it. I was actually debating whether or not to go back to sleep at the time (it was 6 am) when I decided to check my phone for any emails just in case… and there was the notif they’d be coming out in an hour! I missed the lap the first time around and those were the two I wanted in addition to my bm fledgie, so I decided I’d hate myself if I missed this one too. So now I just have to wait for the lap to come back and I’ll have all the blue morphos I want. I’m pretty spent out atm, though, so I’m going to have to hope that I have a couple months to rebuild my excess monies.

      in reply to: Upcoming change to quests #914465

        My IP address should be pretty unique at least. I’d eat my own shoe if there was someone else accessing Windstone’s forums from my corner of Japan. xD

        But I’m glad that Windstone is choosing to continue to host these events despite a few bad apples’ attempts to cheat the system. Losing is disappointing, yes, but it’s a surviveable kind of disappointment, and it’s only because of Windstone’s generosity that we get to have a chance in the first place, so it’s better to be grateful and take losing with grace than to cheapen everyone else’s chances of winning too. (imho)

        in reply to: January — 2014 eBay Auction Picture Thread #914435

          I was wondering if there was ever going to be a baby Hawaii kirin. I would love one that like if I could afford it! Or if by chance anyone has a special baby kirin they would sell, please let me know! I just want one colourful one!

          You and me both.

          in reply to: Upcoming change to quests #914434

            This seems pretty reasonable to me.

            I just want to make sure that you all are aware that I have two addresses, one that’s my permanent address in America (that I would typically want anything sent to, as it is cheaper and I don’t have to worry about some horrible international tragedy) and one in Japan where I currently work. I also have two different paypal accounts, one in Japan and one in America, linked to different emails. This is not an attempt on my part to trick anyone; unfortunately because my US credit and debit cards were already tied to my American paypal account, I could not use those cards for a Japanese paypal account, and I get paid to a Japanese bank and it is a million times easier to move my Japanese money onto my Japanese debit card than to have to go to the post office and send a money order home. (I spent over an hour doing it today to renew my passport; so miserable.)

            Obviously, I do not want to be able to enter twice: I only have one account here on the boards, and all of my various accounts should have my actual name attached to them. However, if you need any extra information just to be certain everything is tied to me for safety’s sake, please don’t hesitate to ask. I just want to make sure that in case any of this might seem suspicious that you guys know up-front and not potentially after I’ve entered any contests.


              OK – update on the Blue Morpho Lap. She is headed back to the factory for some R&R. The box was bashed around on her way to me (torn upper edge like it was dropped on something) and jolting like that can cause horns to come loose. I don’t see any other damage, but I’m not an expert. The Windstone folks will check her over, glue in the loose horn, and make sure she is all ready to go out for more adventures.

              Susie has been very helpful, as always! When I first unpacked the dragon I was not thinking that I could/should send her back to the factory or let them know that there was a problem. (The lap is the first damaged piece I ever have received from them). Now I know!

              I did take some photos before reboxing the dragon. These are in light shade:

              Oh good golly miss molly. She is just so stunning. Ahhh I pray that I have the money and don’t miss the next batch when it’s released. I really, REALLY want one now!! (Glad to hear she’s gonna get fixed though. This is a good thing.)


                My “Blue Morpho” lap is here – I don’t like her and she does not like me (she is glaring at me as I type this). **sigh** Obviously she is not a well behaved dragon either. She snuck out of the factory with one horn not glued in.

                I’ll give it a few days, but I suspect this dragon will be headed to a happier home. Probably my fault for breaking my “No Lap Dragon” rule … but she looked so nice in her photos. 🙁

                I would be interested in her, even with the horn not glued in, if you haven’t received any offers for her already. But I guess that will all depend on whether or not you end up working something out with Susie to get her fixed.


                  Thanks for the compliments, everyone!

                  And I really enjoy the WIP pics too, it’s really need to see how a successful artist goes about creating. (imho)

                  Thanks, but definitely would not define myself as successful. I paint as a hobby, if others like it, great! But otherwise, as long as I like it and/or I learned something in the process, then it was worth my time =D

                  Wow, totally didn’t notice my typo up in there. ‘Need’ should have been ‘neat.’ Guess that’s what I get for writing before having my morning tea! Anyway, I meant ‘successful’ more in the vein of skillful. Even if you just happen to sell some and not all, and as a side thing and not your main source of income, though, I would define that as a kind of success. 🙂


                    Wow. That unicorn is stunning. In fact, every PYO you’ve shown on here has been pretty amazing. And I really enjoy the WIP pics too, it’s really need to see how a successful artist goes about creating. (imho)


                      Aw. Disappointing for you, but maybe good news for someone else. Give it a little more time though and see if she grows.

                      in reply to: January — 2014 eBay Auction Picture Thread #914304

                        Ooh, you meant the Umbral Opal unicorn! xD I can’t keep my unicorns straight. Gosh, but he did go for a little on the low side. On the other hand, you really never know how high another person might have put their max bid, so you could just end up raising it a bunch without succeeding in nabbing it, and that would be pretty frustrating. Plus, there is that nice grab bag of unicorns coming up. At least with that you’d be guaranteed a unicorn, with the possibility of trading if you don’t like it. I saw that you posted a thread; I’ll be watching to see what Melody has to say.

                        in reply to: January — 2014 eBay Auction Picture Thread #914298

                          I am not sure whether it is a bad or good think that I don’t have an Ebay account! XD I would be going crazy on both these two!

                          I like both of the Kingfisher Male Griffons. The biggest thing about #1 I prefer is his face, I think he has a bit more character there (to me, anyway), but prefer #2’s overall color, there seems to be a bit more depth in the blues and golds.

                          @Mercury Star
                          Maybe bad for you, good for your wallet. I would definitely have a lot more money now if I hadn’t discovered Windstone’s Ebay auctions. Pretty sure if I win/buy much more I’m going to get a lecture from someone about ‘how much am I spending.’ Even though I’m keeping to a strict budget. Even though I’m an adult. 8|

                          But, wow, that emerald tiger sure is really neat.

                          Strangely, I enjoy the overall blackness of the second one’s face more, though I do wish he had a bit more defining black markings in his wings as well as some more of the gold spots–especially the little eyebrow looking bits. I think that would make him perfect. But the blues, greens, and teals that he’s got are lovely, and I adore his cheeks and I like the darker copper colors on his chest and legs too. But both are very, very lovely. Such lovely stuff lately. -sigh-

                          Also I kind of feel your pain about not pushing yourself more on bidding for something. Hopefully there will be more lovely little golden zebras in the future; it’s a gorgeous scheme, and the lavender eyes were a very nice touch.


                            I already had one waiting in my cart – I was at the computer at work and thought “Hey why don’t I check out the Windstone website” – before I even got my notice.

                            Happy 🙂 Happy 🙂 Happy 🙂

                            I think these guys look even better in this color than the Laps (which I missed :() and the Laps were gorgeous. Hope my gold scratcher doesn’t get jealous.

                            I have to admit, if I wasn’t dead-set on wanting a lap because that particular sculpt just really appeals to me better overall, I might have considered getting this one instead. …I might still, if there is a second run later on in the year, if I have the cash to spare. (So many ‘ifs’!!)

                            They’re not sold out just yet, but I think that like the lap dragon, they may have made only 10. Currently there’s none in stock, which means at least one’s still floating in somebody’s basket, but I’d be shocked if they weren’t all gone by tomorrow. Let’s hope for a second run.

                            in reply to: January — 2014 eBay Auction Picture Thread #914285

                              And here is a Pebble Red Fox!

                              “COPPER” PEBBLE RED FOX TEST PAINT #1 BY MELODY


                              This little fella must be a world record!

                              Not even close….

                              Wow! Really? You mean there was another tiny sculpt that went for more?

                              I wasn’t referring to the total sale price, but the high bid for such a little one.

                              I was thinking that too! For a tiny piece with a non-intricate paint job, it’s definitely got to be a record for a pebble! The very first pebble cat that was ever sold was sold on eBay in 2010, it went for about a third of the price of that fox (I believe the first kitty was a Siamese and there was also an awesome tabby)! I hope these auctions are inspiring the production of these little guys!! I’ve been checking eBay every night lately hoping to nab one of these little balls of cuteness!!

                              Holy crap I would have done a spit-take if I’d been drinking anything when I went to the ebay listing to check to see what price it finally sold at. That’s–incredible!! Kind of insane, for such a teeny tiny thing with an un-intricate paint job, but wonderful for windstone as that had to be some insane profit ratio net. The thought that another pebble has sold for even *more* is mind-boggling. I would love to have a little pebble fox myself (and to get one for my friend) but I knew as soon as it went up I wasn’t going to be able to compete for it, and now I’m glad I wasn’t cuz… 600…. xD; wowzers. Congrats to whoever won that bidding war though!! Seems like it was intense.


                                I literally just got the email announcement in my inbox! Almost 30 minutes late. XD But better than the last time. He’s really lovely; I’m predicting this sculpt will run out in no time.

                                in reply to: Show Your Collection! Ver. 9 #914273

                                  I maaay have to look them up once I’ve had a few months to build up some cash for a commission, because it does look super fantastic. Thanks for the name drop!

                                Viewing 15 posts - 301 through 315 (of 388 total)